Big Manga

Chapter 641: Resignation

Alice wanted to investigate her father's affairs, but because of this, she was not as focused on the office as before. ~Top~Point~Small!~Say~~

"Big sister, the atmosphere in the office is a bit wrong these days!"

One day, the female makeup artist suddenly said to Alice: "When I optimize the makeup of some male voices, I can see that they seem to have something on their minds."

"What's on your mind?" Alice smiled: "Is it for the voice actor selection of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00"? Don't mind too much!"

"Mobile Suit Gundam 00" has not yet decided on the final roster pairing. Every time during this period of animation production, some voice actors will compete to snatch good characters, and the usual state will appear to be relatively tense. Alice knew this phenomenon well, so she didn't take the female makeup artist's words to heart.

She was busy with other things, and she also thought that there would be no more accidents in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

The dubbing work for the animation has officially started when Meng Huo went to Tokyo. The agency has kept scripts for several episodes. Although these scripts are not the final lines, they have been sent to the voice actors for practice in advance. Record the animation samples after they come out.

The practice went well, and there was no problem with the confidentiality of the script. In fact, even if the lines were leaked, it would not be a problem. The animation production of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" has already started, and the leak of lines will not affect the overall situation. Alice thought there was nothing to be concerned about. But she had forgotten about another possibility, or she hadn't thought of it at all.

On this Friday, the last day before the holiday, the seiyuu firm, and even the entire Phoenix Company, were shaken violently because of "this possibility". This morning, ten male voice actors came to Alice's office together. A letter of resignation was submitted to her. Most of them are veteran voice actors. Now I want to leave Phoenix Company.


Alice didn't understand on the spot, she never thought that a voice actor would resign. Is there any company in China that pays better for voice actors than Phoenix Company? What other animation can make voice actors continue to develop better than He Xi's animation? For a long time, Phoenix Company has been the dream job of all voice actors. How could someone resign?

"Sorry, Minister... We have received invitations from several agencies, and they promised to train us in the way of regular artists. Minister, it is our dream to become a star, and now we have the opportunity. We can't miss it anymore!"

A handsome young man came out and said,

Wang Lang, Alice remembers him, he is the leader of the male voice actors of the Phoenix Company, he has been dubbing their animations since "Pokemon", almost every animation has him, and he is in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" , was originally expected to have to play the main role.

Once he and the male voice actors around him resigned, the consequences would be quite serious.

"Broker company?" Alice's face turned cold, she said why it was so strange. Feelings are poached by others, think of this. Her tone was a little harsh: "Do you believe in the promises those companies made to you? But don't forget how you came to Phoenix!"

To put it bluntly, Phoenix's seiyuu were originally failed artists, and they lacked certain elements to become stars: either talent, or communication skills, or appearance - if it weren't for the emergence of animation, these People still don't know where they are frightened because of their stomachs.

The Phoenix Company can be said to be their benefactor. Now that they have abandoned their benefactor, Alice has to remind them of the fact that 'you are losers'.

Hearing her words, embarrassment and embarrassment appeared on the faces of many male voice actors. Wang Lang blushed and argued: "Minister, we couldn't do it before, but the situation is different now...we are voice actors , Those brokerage companies need us right now, we won't fail again!"

Alice's face became even colder, and she understood everything now.

This matter has to start with the star voice actor of Zhongxia Company. The animation studio and animation production of Zhongxia Company are the best in China, so much so that it has affected the thinking of many economic companies. These brokerage companies have obviously put seiyuu as an important development business, but the most professional voice actor training is Phoenix Company, wanting better voice actors and training techniques - the brokerage company chose to win over.

Male voice actors are more professional in dubbing than celebrities, and these ten people are not small in animation dubbing. They see that their 'voice actor' expertise has become a new business point of the brokerage company, so they are naturally not afraid of suffering in the past. Except for voice actors, those economic companies are more professional than Phoenix Company in other aspects of stars.

The "star dream" of voice actors has been revived again.

"Those bastards are really good at thinking..."

Alice secretly resented that human beings are rarely satisfied with the status quo. By hoisting the "star dream" of these male voice actors, people in the entertainment industry fired a shot at the Phoenix Company and chose to produce it in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00". This timing was clearly calculated carefully.

"I want to say that I disagree, and you are not afraid of liquidated damages, are you?" Alice asked coldly.

Regarding this sentence, the voice actors remained silent, and this silence was already the most affirmative answer. If Alice did not agree to resign, these male voice actors would also leave—the liquidated damages required would obviously be borne by those brokerage companies.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of your leaving?" Alice said again, coldly said: "Mobile Suit Gundam 00 needs more male voice actors than female voice actors, but our company has fewer male voice actors than female voice actors. , if you leave, there is a 90% chance that this animation will be postponed..."

"We spent several weeks promoting "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" with the expectations of the entire company, and because of your getting cold feet, all of this may turn into a bubble-I want to ask you again, leave at this time, Do those brokerage companies really want you? Or do they want to hit our company? Have you considered it!"

The voice actors all blushed, then lowered their heads.

"Very good... Now I will give you the final choice, you can take back these resignation letters." Alice spread the resignation letter on the table, and said: "I take back the resignation letter now and pretend it didn't happen. If you don't take it back, don't imagine that I will agree, go and prepare liquidated damages!"

"But let me remind you first... whoever leaves Phoenix Company now will never come back in the future!"

Alice made her words very clear, but unfortunately, only three people took back the letter of resignation silently in the end.

The remaining seven people chose to leave after paying liquidated damages in the afternoon. (To be continued..)

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