Big Manga

Chapter 428: Rising Attention

In the evening, the editors of the official news website of Ninghai TV Station were still working on the draft.

"Magic Girl Madoka Magica" is being broadcast on the big screen in the department office. It is the focus of today's report. After watching the first ten minutes, the editors began to write by hand. This episode of animation does not look much like the first two episodes. The difference is that it is enough to write the news according to the pattern of the last two chapters.

The most important thing about news is speed. They will upload the report to the website as soon as "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" airs, so as to gain attention first.

However, when the third episode was coming to an end, the plot suddenly turned around. When the headless body fell to the ground, the whole department screamed "Yahahah".

"Fuck, her head was eaten!!"

"Nimma, it was so sudden, it scared me!!"

The editors were terrified. The plot just now was very peaceful, and the battle was clearly won. How could the senior sister be eaten by the monster without any warning, which made people break out in a cold sweat.

What's going on? Why is the senior sister eaten by monsters, isn't she an important role? Aren't you going to take Madoka and the two to become magical girls? Seniors are dead, Madoka and the others dare to become magical girls! ?

"Xiao Li, are crying, is it so scary?"

A new young female editor burst into tears, and other editors quickly comforted her: "It's okay, it's just an animation, it's not that scary!"

"I...I... these are not scary tears, this is sad..." The female editor took out a tissue to wipe her eyes, and said, "Don't you think the rhythm of this plot is very wrong? How can a normal magical girl animation appear? This kind of development, and I always feel that this kind of development seems familiar, it seems that Mr. He Xi is about to start again... Do you think our TV station has chosen the wrong target?"

As she said this, the other editors looked at each other in blank dismay, and then a chill rose in their hearts.

"No way……"

Has the plot of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" really started yet? The plot of the first two episodes is just an introduction?

That night, Ninghai. After watching the third episode of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", many media outlets were shocked. They smelled a bad smell. The plot of this episode was simply eye-popping, and the originally good atmosphere suddenly took a turn for the worse. The producer of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" is either crazy, or he is going to prepare for God to unfold-whether he is crazy?

"It's God unfolding again?"

Some editors were dripping with cold sweat,

Both legs are a little weak. He Xi has appeared many times in the past, making these editor-in-chiefs sensitive to the point of vigilance.

"Why is he going to come out to slap his face again?", "Impossible, no matter what, the advantage of "Flame Boy" is still very high!"

People in the press were terrified, and in the next few days, there was a wonderful atmosphere of reporting in Ninghai. After the third episode of "Magic Girl Madoka" was broadcast, the wind direction on the newspapers and websites did not change, but compared to the first The number of news episodes and second episodes. Reports criticizing the third episode are obviously much less, and many media have recruited minions and seem to want to observe the follow-up development.

Not only the media and newspapers, but also Ninghai TV Station did not comment on the third episode of "Magic Girl Madoka". An expert with a keen sense of smell expressed emotion on Weibo: "Although angels are powerful, why does a small change trigger With such a large-scale vigilance, it seems that He Xi is more powerful."

But the media's vigilance is not unfounded. After the third episode of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" was broadcast, the popularity of this animation began to skyrocket!

On He Xi's Home Forum, the "Magic Girl Madoka" section had more than 10,000 posts overnight, exceeding the total number of posts from Phoenix Company's announcement of production to the end of the second episode. In the animation search rankings, "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" also quickly jumped from a dozen to third place.

Even without the help of the media. The audience is already excited.

"Come on, come on! Haha... Teacher He Xi really did not follow the usual path, this episode is about to unfold!"

"It's amazing. The third episode completely destroyed the world view I created in the first two episodes of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica". Now I don't understand the development of the plot at all!"

On Weibo, the audience expressed their opinions excitedly. From time to time, there will be some analysis and speculation. The plot of the third episode of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" is beyond everyone's expectations. The plot of the first two episodes of this animation is not surprising, but the development of the third episode Breaking this 'no surprise' situation.

The sudden death of the senior sister reminded me of the main plot in "ad", after the death of the heroine in "ad". The development of the following story is simply ups and downs, wave after wave! This time, the death of the senior sister in "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" made people see similar traces.

It is only the third episode of the animation, and there are still enough episodes to unfold.

In Zhongxia Company, Jiang Tianshi was a little nervous.

"This is ridiculous. Even though someone is dead, why is the audience's enthusiasm even higher?" He paced around in disbelief, and said, "It's impossible, senior sister is an important role, and her death should make people feel more excited!" The number of viewers has dropped significantly, why is the situation reversed now?"

"It can't be helped..." Ding Yanghua replied, looking at the report in his hand, the attention of "Magic Girl Madoka" has doubled in two days, it is a miracle.

"He Xi has always been known for her high-quality products. The audience has always had expectations for "Magic Girl Madoka". The first two episodes disappointed them, but the plot of the third episode responded to this expectation—they hoped that He Xi would make this movie. Such an unexpected plot, He Xi destroyed the concepts created by the first two episodes, and the development of the story became mysterious..."

"That's's not surprising that the popularity of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" has increased."

In fact, after watching the third episode, Ding Yanghua was also shocked by He Xi's methods. He originally thought that "Magic Girl Madoka" was a very ordinary animation, but the death of his senior made him completely unable to understand the meaning of this animation. What will be the content, and I am also full of curiosity about the subsequent development.

The audience's thinking should be similar to his, but...

"Second Young Master, don't worry." Ding Yanghua put down the report, his eyes flashed coldly, and comforted him: "The satisfaction of "Fire Boy" is much higher than that of "Magic Girl Madoka". "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" attention, but it will also raise the standard, if there is no more unexpected content in the later animation, why can't you still win!"

Jiang Tianshi was a little relieved, the gap between the two animations was indeed not that easy to make up. "Magical Girl Madoka Magica" is a short animation after all, with a limited number of episodes, it is difficult to have a wonderful plot development. The development of the third episode is just its dying struggle, and it will definitely not threaten "Fire Boy"!

"I'm the one who wins!" Jiang Tianshi thought.

But in the next few days, when the third episode of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" was released - Jiang Tianshi was speechless.

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