Best of Hollywood

Chapter 400 Invitation

Seek starting point subscription, monthly ticket, collection, recommendation ticket

Orion Pictures' wholly-owned acquisition of Netflix did not attract much attention in Hollywood.

Hollywood studios won't pay attention to a loss-making Internet company.

Even if Netflix is ​​an online disc rental website, at most it thinks that Orion Pictures wants to improve peripheral copyright distribution channels.

However, in the Internet industry circle, it caused quite a stir.

In the cold winter of the Internet crisis, Orion Pictures bought Netflix at a cost of 45 million US dollars, which made many Internet companies look envious.

"Hello, Mr. Gosling!" Mark Randolph looked at Ryan Gosling in front of him, with a hint of doubt on his face.

The Netflix equity transaction has ended, and he and Reed-Hastings will hand over the management rights of Netflix and leave Netflix from then on.

But what he didn't expect was that Ryan Gosling, the new owner of Netflix in front of him, called to ask him to meet.

With the original character of Mark Randolph, he would definitely refuse without hesitation.

But in the face of the company he built, Mark Randolph simply couldn't refuse.

"Mr. Mark, I'm very glad you're here."

Ryan warmly hugged Mark Randolph, invited him to sit down and said, "Today is just a private meeting, you can take it easy."

Mark Randolph sat down, took the coffee brought by the waiter, and couldn't help asking in doubt: "Mr. Gosling, I don't quite understand, Netflix has been acquired by Orion Pictures, and now you ask me to meet?" What is it for?"

Before Mark Randolph could finish speaking, Ryan waved his hand and said, "My purpose is very simple. Although Orion Pictures has successfully acquired Netflix, it will not change Netflix's mode of operation."

"Even, I am very optimistic about Netflix's online rental disc business, and Blockbuster will usher in its biggest competitor."

"Right now, Netflix only needs development funds and licenses for online rental and sales of movies."

Having said that, Ryan nodded to John-Denise on the side.

John-Denise reached out and took out two documents from the briefcase,

Put it in front of Mark Randolph.

"In the next step, Orion Pictures will inject $80 million in capital to expand and improve Netflix."

Ryan pointed to one of the documents and said, "You can take a look."

Mark Randolph only hesitated for a moment, then picked up the file and started to look through it.

According to the above investment plan, before the end of the month, the first funds will be transferred to the Netflix account, and the remaining funds will be in place before March next year.

Time can not only alleviate the current situation of Netflix, but also have sufficient funds to expand.

"Funding is only one aspect."

Ryan pointed to another document and said: "These are the film copyright materials initially compiled by Orion Films, which will be gradually authorized to Netflix."

"At the same time, Netflix will also spend money to purchase film copyrights from other film companies and production companies."

The number of films is scarce and there are no popular films, which has always been a shortcoming of Netflix.

When Mark Randolph opened another file, he couldn't help seeing familiar movie titles.

"North by Northwest", "The Brothel", "Lolita", "Doctor Zhivago", "The Graduate", "Rocky" and other classic films.

In addition, you can also see the titles of popular movies in recent years such as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Rush Hour", and "Tomb Raider".

What surprised him the most was that there was also the name of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" on it.

If he remembers correctly, the film will be released on the 26th.

Netflix can finally release a blockbuster movie at the same time as Blockbuster and other big rental companies.

This is what Netflix has been looking forward to and wanting to do before.

Only by standing on the same starting line as Blockbuster and other large rental companies can Netflix truly demonstrate the advantages brought by the online rental model.

"The next two years will be an expansion period for Netflix."

"Next, Netflix will enter an explosive period."

Ryan continued: "Orion Pictures has conducted a special data survey. In the next few years, the sales of DVD players will reach a peak, and the disc rental market will also reach a peak."

"So I need someone to run Netflix."

This is not just random data, but a conclusion drawn by a third-party research company.

"Why did you choose me?" Mark Randolph raised his head with a surprised expression.

"It's very simple. You set up Netflix alone. No one knows Netflix better than you." Ryan said truthfully: "From the company's website structure to building warehouses, etc., you built it step by step, even including Netflix’s online rental model.”

"I hope you can continue to work at Netflix and still serve as the president of operations."

After taking a deep look at Mark Randolph, Ryan said a very surprised news, "I will concurrently hold the position of CEO."

As the boss of Orion Pictures, Ryan will definitely focus on Orion Pictures, not Netflix.

In other words, Netflix's daily affairs are managed by Mark Randolph.

Mark Randolph fell silent. Netflix is ​​his brainchild. If he can continue to work at Netflix, it is naturally his expectation.

With the support of Orion Pictures, Netflix is ​​about to enter a period of rapid development.

He could have created an Amazon of the disc rental market himself.

However, Ryan didn't mention Reed-Hastings at all in his words, obviously he couldn't understand.

Orion Pictures has no plans to invite Reed-Hastings to continue to work at Netflix.

In this regard, called Mark - Randolph hesitated.

Ryan wouldn't be so foolish as to keep Reed-Hastings at Netflix, which would just plant a ticking time bomb inside Netflix.

What's more, Reed-Hastings may not agree to stay.

He is a businessman and has just received a large amount of funds, so he can look for new project investment instead of staying and working for others.

"This will be the best choice for you and Netflix." Ryan said very sincerely: "Even, you can recall the original team members."

Since Reed-Hastings took over Netflix and dismantled the original entrepreneurial team, most of them had no choice but to leave.

"I..." Mark Randolph didn't know what to choose for a moment.

I promised to come down!

Still refuse!

Ryan did not continue to invite, some words are enough, and instead said: "Mr. Mark, as the creator of the online disc rental model, I have a question, I hope you can answer it."

Mark Randolph nodded.

"Netflix, since you can rent discs online, will you be able to play videos online in the future?" Ryan asked a very simple question.

With the development of computer equipment and the Internet, online broadcasting is only a matter of time.

"As long as the hardware equipment and network meet the requirements, of course it can be done."

After Mark Randolph finished speaking, he realized that he looked at Ryan incredulously, "Turn the online disc rental mode into the future online playback mode!"

"That's why you bought Netflix." His tone became very excited.

Once Netflix does it online.

Then traditional rental companies like Blockbuster will be completely eliminated, and Netflix will change a market.

"From renting discs in offline physical stores to renting discs on online websites, and then to online film screenings."

Ryan said slowly: "This will be a big trend."

"Mr. Gosling!" Mark Randolph said slowly, "I admit that the prospect you mentioned is very attractive."

"It's just that I need some time to think about it."

"I just want you to remember that Netflix needs your help," Ryan said at the end.

Mark Randolph shook his head, nodded with difficulty, and agreed.

He can refuse the invitation of Orion Pictures and Ryan, but he cannot refuse Netflix.

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