Best of Hollywood

Chapter 366 Protest Crowd

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The test screening is a kind of early detection for an upcoming film. Most of the films that hold the test screening will modify or re-edit the content of the film based on the feedback from the audience.

However, for "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", the test screening is more like a publicity warm-up.

The data feedback from the audience at the test screening has already exceeded the expectations of many people in Orion Films.

Inside the conference room of Orion Films, there were Peter Jackson, Gail Anne Hurd, and a group of senior management.

This is the last regular meeting before the release of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".

With an excited look on his face, Jon Fertimer said in a high voice: "The number of broadcast audiences for the Victoria's Secret Fairy Angel show yesterday is expected to exceed 1 billion."

"There are also detailed statistics on the test screenings of the film last month."

While talking, the staff next to him handed over statistical data to everyone.

Peter Jackson couldn't wait to look down, "More than 1,500 test audiences gave an average score of A+, among which 352 readers of the original book gave a score of A or above..."

Although most of the people in the conference room already knew the approximate data of the preview site, they still couldn't help showing a look of surprise at this time, and some couldn't believe it.

Ryan was the only one with a relatively calm expression. The original version of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was a hit at the box office and word of mouth, and was even praised by fans.

Right now is just the beginning.

Michael Kuhn looked at the data in his hand, his eyes almost popped out.

The quality of the film "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is very good, coupled with the overwhelming reputation of the audience at the test screening, although it has not yet been released, it has already revealed a little potential for big sales.

Ryan glanced at everyone, and said: "The theater company will at least provide a screening scale of 3,500 movie theaters, and give an A+ market commercial evaluation."

Speaking of this, Ryan paused for a moment, and continued: "You can continue to invest in the promotional activities of the film."

A﹢market business evaluation,

It is the highest level of commercial evaluation that theater companies can give, and the scale of screenings in 3,500 movie theaters is also the maximum limit that North American theater companies can give.

It all shows that theater companies are very optimistic about the box office prospects of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".

For a film that can start to detonate the box office market in the summer, theater companies will definitely not be stingy with resources.

The only thing to worry about is the intense competition for summer slots.

In fact, the intensity of the beginning of next year's summer file is still higher than that of this year's summer file. In addition to "Pearl Harbor" and "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", there are also films jointly produced by Orion Pictures and DreamWorks Animation Studios. "Shrek," and "The Mummy Returns" from Universal Pictures.

A little earlier, there was also the war blockbuster "Attack to the City" with an investment of 68 million US dollars.

However, Ryan is not worried, as long as "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" is released at the box office, it will explode with amazing reputation.

With the release date of "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" next year, other films will naturally choose to change their schedules to avoid a bloody mess.

At the end of the meeting, Ryan called Nancy Utley into the office to sit down.

"Just got the news that DreamWorks has decided to postpone the release of "Gladiator", probably on the third weekend of May."

Nancy Utley was somewhat surprised, "It seems that Stephen Spielberg made the decision."

"A very wise choice." Ryan couldn't help but secretly sighed, DreamWorks and Steven Spielberg made a very wise decision.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and "Gladiator" were released at the same time, so it would be a disaster for DreamWorks and Universal Pictures.

"In this way, there will be only one major commercial film "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" released in early May." He shrugged, which is good news for Orion Pictures.

Of course, this is only the beginning of May, and there will still be an exciting competitive environment in the middle of May.

It is almost impossible to have no competition during the summer vacation.

But Ryan has never been afraid of competition on the surface.

"In addition, Paramount intends to cooperate with us to shoot "Transformers"." Nancy - Utley said.

"What about the conditions?" Ryan raised his head and asked.

"Paramount said that they can bear half of the film's investment and jointly be responsible for the global distribution of the film with Orion Pictures." Nancy Utley said after a moment of hesitation.

Such a cooperation condition is obviously impossible to impress Orion Films.

"Reject." Ryan chose to refuse without hesitation.

How could he agree to only bear half of the investment ratio and share the profits brought by the global distribution of the film, which is almost equivalent to giving Paramount half of the benefits for nothing.

Unless Paramount can come up with conditions that make him tempted.

"and also……"

Nancy Utley glanced at Ryan and said, "Peter Jackson proposed to increase the production cost of special effects for the remaining two follow-up films."

The budget of the entire trilogy is as high as 300 million U.S. dollars, which is slightly higher than the original version, but not a lot, and the production cost of special effects is not so generous.

"You can agree." Ryan only hesitated for a moment before choosing to agree.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" will be released soon. According to the box office and word-of-mouth of the original version, the special effects production costs of the next two films will inevitably need to increase.

During the discussion with Nancy Utley, there was a loud protest downstairs suddenly,

Ryan couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What's going on!"

Nancy Utley also looked blank, obviously she didn't know what happened.

At this time, Sofia Coppola hurriedly opened the door and walked in, saying in a very fast tone, "It's the protesters following from New Zealand."

"The Lord of the Rings" is recognized as the most difficult epic to adapt. Many readers and fans of the original book expressed strong protests against the upcoming "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", believing that Orion Pictures will destroy "The Lord of the Rings" .

"This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Through the window of the office, Sofia Coppola could clearly see a large number of protesters gathered at the gate of Orion Films, "When I was in the New Zealand studio, many readers and fans of the original book organized to protest, which caused damage to the film crew. Not a small obstacle."

"It's just that I didn't expect it to come to the door of Orion Films now?"

She felt a little strange, New Zealand was far away from Los Angeles, and the air tickets for a group of people alone were not a small amount.

Nancy Utley suddenly worried and asked, "Will it affect the premiere of the film?"

If a large number of protesters gather outside the premiere, it goes without saying that it will inevitably affect the film's premiere, and even the premiere box office.

Ryan got up and walked to the window, and glanced down, his face somewhat ugly.

At this time, there were at least hundreds of protesters downstairs, holding up banners and shouting loudly, expressing their dissatisfaction with "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", and he even faintly saw the Fox TV news broadcast van.

"Call Helen and see if she can contact some fans of the original "Lord of the Rings"." Ryan quickly made a decision.

Since someone wants to see his jokes with Orion Films, he doesn't mind playing it a little bigger.

The best way to deal with protesting crowds is to fight protests with protests.

In this way, the attention of the media can be diverted to the protesters on both sides.

Sofia Coppola's heart moved, and she immediately understood Ryan's plan, "There should be no problem."

At that moment, she took out her mobile phone and called Helen.

Nancy-Utley glanced at the two thoughtfully, and said to herself, "Could it be that you contacted Helen to hire an extra?"

"That's a pretty good idea."

In fact, the moment Ryan saw the Fox TV news broadcast van, it was not difficult to think of Twentieth Century Fox.

The commercial blockbusters that are released every summer almost always encounter all kinds of troubles, and there are often countless interests behind them.

To put it bluntly, it is the support of a large number of Hollywood film companies and crews, or simply a farce created by some media.

Less than an hour later, on both sides of the Orion Films building, hundreds of people came one after another, holding placards and banners, standing opposite the protesting crowd, and shouting loudly.

"Support Director Peter Jackson!"

"Peter Jackson get out!"

"This film will ruin The Lord of the Rings!"

"Supporting the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring..."

It was a very interesting scene. The two parties seemed to have known each other for a long time. Their actions were very tacit, and they shouted vigorously without interfering with each other.

The police officers who came to maintain order were stunned. The expected scene of scolding each other and even the scene of gang fights did not appear.

The protest crowds on both sides were very orderly, like a shouting show.

"A farce." Ryan rubbed his temples speechlessly.

Obviously, neither side is a real protest crowd, even if there are only a very small number of them, most of them are extras from economic companies.

For them, protest is just a job, and physical conflict will not break out for it.

Unless someone is willing to provide enough compensation.

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