Best Movie Star

Chapter 567: too far

Entering the backstage, the director of the party immediately greeted him and gave him a new string of words. He said that the string of words had changed. Matthew looked at it carefully. Probably because of time considerations, the new string of words became very concise. The string of words given to him during the rehearsal was very long, and it was estimated that it was temporarily changed. Tonight's awards ceremony lasted too long, more than three hours, not to mention that the audience in front of the TV will be bored, if it doesn't end soon, said There may be actresses in tight dresses urinating in the Kodak Theater on the spot.

After memorizing the words, Matthew, led by the director, came to the backstage exit, just in time to see George Lucas, Francis Coppola and Steven Spielberg on stage to present the Best Director Award.

His eyes fell on George Lucas, the famous director, producer and billionaire who is neither a member of the Directors Guild nor a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and his attitude towards the Oscars is dispensable. , the academy has never ignored him, but it can't stop him from becoming a real top Hollywood figure.

When it comes to his status and strength in the circle, George Lucas, who has never won an Oscar, is definitely above Martin Scorsese, Francis Coppola and Steven Spielberg.

The three stood on the stage. Even if the awards have not yet been announced, there is no suspense for tonight's best director. Three of the four directors came to the stage to present the awards together. Isn't it obvious who the winners are?

The result is no suspense. After struggling for the Oscar for many years, Martin Scorsese was finally recognized by the Academy and won the Oscar for Best Director with "The Departed".

The audience burst into applause. Although this is not Martin Scorsese's best movie, it is one of the best movies, and he deserves the best director.

Matthew doesn't like Martin Scorsese's gangster films, just like he likes the Hong Kong version of "The Departed" far better than the American version of "The Departed", Martin Scorsese's American-style gangster films are not to his taste, But seeing Martin Scorsese win the award, he applauds and congratulates Martin from the bottom of his heart, because it is obvious that Martin Scorsese deserves it.

On the stage, the weight of the presenters exploded. Martin Scorsese was very excited. His eyes were wet under his thick eyebrows, and he finally got what he wanted. …”

Martin Scorsese thanked Liu Weiqiang and the Hong Kong version of the crew, and also stated that he had never watched the Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs".

If you look at it from Matthew's point of view, "The Departed" is like forcing men to wear high heels, which is absolutely awkward, but he also knows that he has a prejudice against American gangster films. Maybe the American version is really good, as many people say. In this way, Martin Scorsese, from a wise and gloomy story of an endless hell, came out of a story with a completely American temperament.

Martin Scorsese made his debut in 1956, was nominated for the Oscar for best director many times, and returned empty-handed many times. Fans worship him as the uncrowned king.

This best director golden man is not so much awarded to "The Departed", but rather a recognition of his personal style established over the years.

The Oscars are always keen to make amends, and it rarely gives a director due credit for his most brilliant work when he is at his best.

Martin Scorsese's golden days are long over, and this award came too late, long before Robert De Niro could wield a fist and a gun, this statuette should have come.

But when they saw the picture of Martin Scorsese holding the statuette, everyone knew he deserved this moment.

Although he has gray hair, he finally waited. Martin Scorsese on stage is much happier than Leonardo DiCaprio, the hero of The Departed.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were both nominated for Best Actor and Actress this year, Jack and Meat reunited at the Oscars, and countless Titanic fans are looking forward to seeing the two together. On the top podium of the Oscars, but they ignored an important reality. Jack and the meat can't sink the big ship now, how can the Oscars give awards?

When Jack and Shredded Rou can sink the big ship alone, the prize will come naturally.

Thinking of the sour scene in the horror, Matthew once again confirmed that it would be better for him to stay away from the Oscar performance award. Being so good-looking is a big capital to realize his original intention, but he can't just because of a gilded male statue. destroyed.

In the future, the baby will only complain about Uncle Li, who is in his waning years, because they have never seen the little plum at that time.

Just when he was thinking about it, the four directors on the stage walked to the exit on the other side of the stage together. The director reminded him softly, Matthew quickly cheered up, and heard the host Ellen DeGeneres award the best award. When the sound of the good film came, strode onto the stage.

At this moment, the lights are shining and everyone is watching, no one can deny the influence of Oscar.

Seeing Matthew on the stage walking in front of the microphone, Alexandra Daddario bit her lip lightly, Matthew's appearance is really good, his smile is full of kindness and enthusiasm, and he is proud with a wild temperament Looking at everything in the world, there is a firmness hidden under the sculptural appearance.

His handsome appearance and charming expression will always be the most dazzling landscape.

Alexandra Daddario feels he has everything a great man needs, looks, size, fame, money, status and character...

None of these are top choices.

And her best friend Amanda is a good friend of Matthew. She knows more about Matthew from Amanda. Matthew is different from many actors and stars. He does not have outstanding acting talent. His success depends on himself. Continuous learning and hard work, overcoming his own weaknesses, supplementing useful experience, and the spirit of enduring hardships in his early years helped him a lot. He finally reached his current success and glory step by step with his perseverance and courage.

She has only met two such outstanding men so far, one is her father and the other is Matthew.

She knew that Matthew was brilliant and attractive to her, but she knew better that he was a dude who changed women as much as clothes.

Amanda once told her that if you want a marriage or a long-term stable relationship, stay away from Matthew; if it's a passionate, passionate relationship in your life...

Listening to Matthew's serious talk on the stage, Alexandra Daddario suddenly thought that Matthew is only 27 years old this year, and he is not yet 21 years old. What does this age think about long-term stability? ? That is too far away, now is the most beautiful and most enjoyable season in life!

"Tonight's Best Picture nominees are..."

On the stage, Matthew turned around, looked at the big screen behind him, and said one by one with the movie clips playing on it, "Babel, Steve Golin and Joe Crick; The Departed, cloth. Ladd Gray and Gianni Nunari; The Queen, Andy Harris and Francois Langen; Letters from Iwo Jima, Clint Eastwood and Paul Haggis …”

He quickly opened the envelope, took out the card, and glanced down. He didn't make a fool of himself, and said the answer directly, "The best film is The Departed!"

After finishing speaking, Matthew applauded lightly, and according to the words in the string, he said, "Please invite the crew of The Departed!"

Under the leadership of the two producers, the crew of The Departed, including Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon, took to the stage mightily, and even went to the backstage. Martin Scorsese also turned back.

Matthew took the Oscar statuette from Miss Manners, hugged the two producers one by one, and then handed the statuette to Brad Gray, and stepped aside to let the microphone out.

Exactly, he stood with Leonardo, Leo. ' Matthew whispered.

Leonardo DiCaprio lowered his voice and said, "Matthew, aren't you hitting me? I'm the loser tonight."

"How could it be? The film you invested in and starred in won the best editing, best adapted screenplay, best director and best picture, the biggest winner tonight." Matthew continued to whisper to him, "How can you be a loser? "

"You understand." Leonardo DiCaprio was somewhat disappointed.

Matthew thought about it deliberately, nodded and said, "I see." He leaned closer to Xiao Li's ear and continued, "Leo, don't play with Oscar, what's the point of rushing for the award? Why don't we join forces to make a fight? A big production, playing a big one, it will definitely be amazing."

Leonardo DiCaprio replied in a low voice, "Don't you want me to be a biker with you? I'm not interested in that."

Matthew was joking at first, but after he said it, he thought it was a good idea, and his tone was a lot more serious, "We can find someone to write a book similar to the duel between two heroes."

How could Leonardo DiCaprio be so foolish, he said, "Come to me when you have a suitable book, and I'll see what happens."

"That's good." Seeing that his acceptance speech was almost finished, Matthew sped up his speech. "We've made a deal. I'll turn around and let people pay attention to whether there is a suitable script."

Maybe find a screenwriter team to produce one?

With this idea in mind, Matthew walked off the stage with the "Departed" crew, walked from the backstage to the exit of the main hall of the Kodak Theater, joined Alexandra Daddario, and went to the "Oscar Night" hosted by "Vanity Fair". "The party made an appearance, once again talking about I Am Legend in the media's attention, and then sent Alexandra Daddario home.

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