Best Movie Star

Chapter 417: kick him out

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Warner Studios, in another studio not very far from Studio 11 where "Three Hundred Spartans" is located, moved in a new crew last month, but the crew is currently very small. The project seems to have just been pushed forward and has not yet entered the real planning stage. The time to start shooting must be much later in the evening.


The new week kicked off. Matthew came to the small training studio where the crew of "Three Hundred Spartans" was located. Just after changing his clothes and entering the training ground, he heard someone talking about seeing the big star Will. - Smith came to Warner Studios.


Of course, Matthew knew that walking 100 meters from this studio, he could see the studio where the crew of "I Am Legend" was located.


Will Smith came over early in the morning to audition for the lead actor in "I Am Legend".


He walked over to the weapon rack, and just after taking his usual Spartan dagger, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender walked over.


These two guys are still wearing special "I Died at Hot Springs" T-shirts, but James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are much stronger than before, after two months of professionalism After the training, the muscle contours on the two people are quite obvious.


"Matthew." Michael Fassbender also took a prop dagger, lowered his voice, and asked with concern, "Did Will Smith come to grab a role from you?"


James McAvoy raised his eyebrows and said, "I've seen all over Warner Studios these days, the facilities are old, there are no surveillance cameras, we have ready-made weapons here, do you want me to find a headgear, go out…"


"Don't mess around!" Matthew quickly interrupted James McAvoy and emphasized, "This is Will Smith! Not the unimportant trainer back then!"


He knew that James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were similar to him, daring and ruthless, otherwise he would not have led and planned those things in the first place.


Matthew added, "Don't worry, it's just that the crew is putting pressure on Helen and I to lower our stakes."


Negotiating with similar means, let alone Hollywood, is commonplace in the business world, as James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender quickly figured out.


That being said, Matthew called Bella Anderson over before training and asked her to pay attention to the situation on the "I Am Legend" crew.


After two months of basic fitness, all the actors who played Spartan warriors also started basic swordsmanship and movement training.


The shooting of such an epic war movie with a lot of action scenes is recognized in the actor circle as much more difficult than the literary film. Even if there are stunt performers as stand-ins, but many action scenes, the actors also need to go into battle in person, so before shooting a lot of Pre-training and rehearsals are required.


Even a talented guy like Matthew thinks that this is more time-consuming and labor-intensive than shooting a literary film and locking himself in a room to study the character.


"Wait, Matthew." The movement instructor called to stop Matthew's training, and walked over and said, "This movement is not right."


He took the prop spear in Matthew's hand, gave a demonstration of the action, and said at the same time, "You throw spears against enemies at medium and short distances. Don't throw them at high altitudes like throwing javelins, but shoot flat."


Matthew nodded, "I see."


Training will definitely add a lot of modern elements and more entertaining action, after all, this is a movie.


After an hour of training, the action guide gathered all the Spartans, including Matthew, to practice the Spartan array. Although the actors were not as exaggerated as three hundred warriors, there were only more than thirty people, and more Spartans. The Bada warriors were added after the shooting with computer technology, but it is definitely not an easy task for more than 30 people in the same array to be as uniform as possible like an army, rather than roaming.


This requires a lot of training.


At ten o'clock in the morning, the training temporarily came to an end, and it was time to rest. Just as Matthew walked to the rest area, Bella Anderson came over.


"Will Smith left Warner Studios fifteen minutes ago," Bella Anderson whispered to Matthew. "I Am Legend's director, Francis Lawrence, has been sending him to the studio door."


Matthew nodded, "I see."


Bella Anderson added, "I heard from a maintenance worker at the studio that when Francis Lawrence and Will Smith passed by him, they said they would support Will Smith for the male lead, etc. if."


"Well." Matthew was silent for a while, and then urged, "Bella, you continue to pay attention to the situation on the "I Am Legend" crew."


"I understand." Bella Anderson nodded slightly.


"Akiva Goldsman and the crew chose to have Will Smith audition today." Matthew shook his head, "This is to force me to make more concessions."


Bella Anderson can also see this, "The afternoon is a new round of negotiations between Helen and the crew, and their purpose is obvious."


Before, she was curious about why Will Smith wanted to cooperate with Akiva Goldsman and the crew of "I Am Legend". Now it is not difficult to see that Will Smith intends to win the actor.


"When will Helen come?" Matthew asked.


"It's noon." Bella Anderson took out her phone and glanced at it. "I contacted her half an hour ago, and she said she would come here to find out the specific situation."


Training soon began again. Matthew temporarily put aside the Will Smith audition and concentrated on training. He and several stuntmen were going to rehearse the action scenes during the shooting. Speed, it is easy to hurt people.


At the end of the training at noon, before lunch started, Matthew saw Helen Herman who came over.


"Will Smith auditioned without makeup..."


In a restaurant outside Warner Studios, Helen Herman said to Matthew, who was having lunch, "The audition was conducted by director Francis Lawrence, and the participants were Akiva Goldsman and David Hay. Man, and a photographer, I can't find out what's going on."


She folded her hands on the dining table, "However, after the audition, Francis Lawrence strongly suggested Akiva Goldsman to use Will Smith as the male lead! And..."


Matthew raised his head and looked at the opposite, Helen Herman sighed, "The existence of Francis Lawrence, the director, is a very big trouble for us. I have never worked with him from the Black Eyed Peas Choir. I heard from Avril Lavigne's agent that Francis Lawrence is a real leftist, very sympathetic to blacks, and is currently close to a black actor named Paula Patton. It can even be said that under his white skin, there is a black heart."


Matthew is not too surprised by Helen Herman's words. In the past few years in the circle, he has seen many white people who really support and like black people.


Without the sincere support of these people, Hollywood-style political correctness would not have evolved into what it is now.


Matthew has a bit of a headache. Even if he looks at the United States, Will Smith is the best among black people.


Helen Herman added, "I have been in CAA's mail room, and I have specifically asked about it in the past two days, supporting Will Smith as the director of "I Am Legend", which was reached by Francis Lawrence and CAA. The deal, and CAA's big-name agent, Kevin Howard, made a promise to Francis Lawrence that he would support Paula Patton for the supporting actress in the script."


"What?" Matthew frowned, "I want this role too."


Helen Herman heard Matthew talk about his plans a few days ago, and immediately reminded, "It's still not too late to decide on the male protagonist, and it's not too late to move forward with your plan."


Matthew put down his knife and fork, "A director still has a great influence on the crew. Helen, should we be more cautious so as not to capsize?"


"Yeah." Helen Herman nodded cautiously, "Francis Lawrence is clearly on Will Smith's side, and wants his rumored girlfriend to play a supporting role, even if we successfully sign a contract with the crew, it's not good for you. It's not a good thing."


Matthew scratched his eyebrows, "A director can do too many things." After all, he is not a rookie actor, and he has a lot of experience in filming, "If Francis Lawrence wants to target me on set, it is really too easy. "


Compared with actors without any production rights, the director naturally has an advantage.


With his fingers lightly clasped at the dining table, Matthew frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "Helen, if I want to get this role, I need to be a producer."


In fact, the best way is to directly kick Francis Lawrence out, but in such a project, it is not easy, even very difficult, for an actor to kick the director out.


But if he can rank among the producers, UU reading is enough to beat Francis Lawrence.


Of course, if he can find a suitable opportunity, his first choice is to kick Francis Lawrence out.


Matthew and Helen Herman exchanged their thoughts, and Helen Herman also agreed.


In another restaurant near Warner Studios, Akiva Goldsman and Francis Lawrence are sitting at a table for lunch.


"I think Will Smith is a better fit for this project than Matthew Horner," Francis Lawrence volunteered, "Will Smith has always been very popular with white audiences, and in minority audiences, a natural There's an advantage that Matthew Horner can't match."


Akiva Goldsman did not speak, but was always thinking.


Francis Lawrence added, "In terms of acting skills, Will Smith is much better than Matthew Horner. This is a one-man show. I highly doubt Matthew Horner's acting skills. With a cool acting style, can he afford such a film?")!!

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