Best Movie Star

Chapter 270: invest

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"Li, this is Matthew."

In the reception room of the Angel Agency, Helen Herman introduced a middle-aged black-haired man to Matthew, "Matthew, this is Ann Lee, the Oscar winner."

"Director Li, hello." Matthew stepped forward and took the initiative to shake hands with Ang Lee. Ang Lee shook hands with Matthew and said, "Hello."

The two sides exchanged a few words, and Matthew was quietly observing Ang Lee. He had heard about Ang Lee's name before, and he also watched the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" out of curiosity. At that time, many media praised Ang Lee. Is the best Chinese director.

From the perspective of Oscar alone, Ang Lee really deserves such praise.

After a few chats, Matthew soon discovered that Li An was different from what he had imagined. Although he still had a bit of Oriental elegance, he was basically Westernized, and the difference between what he did and what he said was not the difference between ordinary Westerners. big.

Ang Lee said directly to Helen Herman, "Miss Herman, can I chat with Matthew alone?"

Helen Herman knew what Ang Lee was here for, and was not worried at all that he would convince Matthew. With what she knew about Matthew, unless Ang Lee offered a salary of more than $20 million, Matthew would never take his own. Future and money to take risks.

But can Ang Lee offer a $20 million salary?

"Okay." Helen Herman responded, turned and left the reception room.

Matthew looked at Ang Lee curiously. The appearance of this man gave him a natural intimacy. It is rare for a Chinese director to be so successful in Hollywood.

Of course, Ang Lee is now at the lowest point of his career, and the box office fiasco of "The Hulk" can be said to be terrible.

"Mr. Li." Matthew asked proactively, "You came to me for the last invitation?"

"Yes." Ang Lee spoke as directly as a Westerner. "I am currently planning a novel adaptation of a film with Focus Pictures, and I would like to invite you to be the male lead."

While talking, he opened his briefcase, took out a script and a novel from it, handed them to Matthew, and said, "I hope you can take a look and think about it."

Matthew took it, put the novel on the coffee table, opened the script, and read it.

Li An didn't speak, just waited quietly.

After reading less than thirty pages, even if Matthew's reading ability is average, he can see that it describes the love between men and men, and immediately closes the script.

"Sorry, Director Li." He declined without hesitation, "This is not in line with my play style."

Hearing Matthew's rejection, Li An was not surprised at all, and said, "Matthew, can you listen to me?"

"No need." Matthew really didn't want to appear in this kind of movie. "Director Li, it's my honor to invite me, really. I'm really not suitable for this kind of movie."

Regardless of whether Ang Lee's thoughts are completely Westernized, his Chinese identity will not change, and Matthew respects him very much.

Respect, but it doesn't mean going to star in his movie.

Matthew deliberately put on the Chinese language that he hadn't spoken for a long time, "Director Ang Lee, I've seen your Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it's an excellent film."

Ang Lee looked at Matthew in surprise, but he didn't think that this young star who became popular could speak fluent Chinese.

"I like Chinese culture very much." Matthew showed an oriental humility, "I really like it! If you want to shoot a martial arts movie similar to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", I'll be there for you. "

He politely returned the script and novel collection to Ang Lee, "This kind of literary and artistic film does not match my play style."

Ang Lee's surprise quickly disappeared. After all, there are many oriental culture lovers in North America, and there are not many people who can speak fluent Chinese.

"Okay." He took over the script and the novel, and he could see that Matthew's attitude was very firm. Instead of persuading him, he said, "It's a pity."

Matthew Horner is his first choice, but not the only choice, because of his desire to rub off on "Pirates of the Caribbean".

As for the martial arts film that the other party said, there is no possibility at all. He will not shoot this type again in the near future. How many of these native Hollywood actors understand the spirit and meaning of martial arts?

Li An is not the kind of stubborn person who doesn't know how to be flexible. Seeing that he can't do anything, he immediately stood up and said goodbye. Matthew sent him out of the reception room and sent him to the outside of the Angel Agency before returning.

Although he recently failed the audition for "National Treasure", his career development is still very smooth, there is no need to take another path, and that path is likely to be a dead end for him.

This will not change just because Ang Lee personally invites him to the door.

In the front hall, Helen Herman watched Matthew come back and asked, "Refused?"

"Yeah." Matthew stopped, stood near the front desk where she was, and said, "Although he's a very good director, it doesn't fit my style at all."

"Excellent? It's just trying to get you and the popularity of "Pirates of the Caribbean"." Helen Herman obviously doesn't agree with this, "Just screwed up "Hulk", if this new work can't be turned over, he will stay in Hollywood Can't go down."

Matthew knows what Helen Herman said is true. Hollywood always puts interests first. No matter whether actors or directors, as long as you can bring benefits, you are an uncle.

In this regard, just like the other side of the Pacific Ocean, there are also regional differences. Native American directors and actors will be somewhat preferential, while outsiders have fewer opportunities, especially practitioners outside the United Kingdom and the United States.

The general environment of the whole circle is like this, not one person can change it, and the reason why there is such a big environment is because of the acceptance of the North American market.

In this industry, it is obvious that the market determines the output. If a person or even a company wants to reverse the aesthetics and needs of the entire North American market, it is tantamount to a dream.

Matthew did not continue this topic with Helen Herman, the reality is here, and there is no point in talking about it.

He instead asked, "How are the negotiations going?"

"Agreement is almost reached." Helen Herman said calmly, "Don't worry, preparations for this project only started in early November, and don't even think about starting filming until February."

Seeing what Helen Herman said, Matthew did not ask any more. Now is different from the past. With specific news, Helen Herman will definitely take the initiative to tell him.

Helen Herman stepped closer, stood next to him, and said, "There is also good news, I just received a financial notice that your last paycheck for the "Dawn of the Living Dead" crew has arrived. ."

Matthew nodded, "That's really good news."

With this money in his account, his base salary of $5 million on the "Dawn of the Living Dead" crew is all in place, leaving a lot of money in addition to Helen Herman's commission and Screen Actors Guild fees.

As for tax issues, there are professionals to deal with, and both consumption and investment are tax deductible, and he plans to invest most of the money.

At the end of November and the beginning of December, Matthew and Amanda called and talked about this matter. Amanda recommended him a reliable stockbroker who also represented some of her personal investments. I specifically went to meet the stockbroker and decided to buy some stocks.

Limited by his previous knowledge, he doesn’t know anything about stocks, and he doesn’t know which companies’ stocks will skyrocket. All he knows is that some crazy people used to sell their kidneys in order to buy a smartphone, which earned Apple the title of kidney machine. .

In the beginning, the kidney machine was synonymous with high-end atmosphere, but later it became more and more popular, not to mention some workers working on the construction site gradually used the kidney machine. According to some workers with special hobbies, even the station The streets are generally equipped with kidney machines.

Even ignorant people know the famous name of the kidney machine, and of course Matthew also knows it.

He doesn't know anything about other things, but Apple's kidney machine used to be so good, and the stock must be very valuable, so there is only one requirement for the stockbroker, and the millions of dollars he put into it, all buy Apple's stock.

Like other stocks that the stockbroker recommended that he didn't know about, Matthew didn't think about it at all.

Of course, this kind of purchase refers to the acquisition in the stock market, not the so-called investment in Apple. Matthew is not that idiot yet. Will Apple accept an investment from a Hollywood star? Steve Jobs should be fine.

After coming here, he once read a piece of news that when Steve Jobs relied on the great success of Pixar Studio, he returned to Apple and took the helm of Apple again. He needed Countless investors have come one after another. But Steve Jobs would rather choose the tough investment of his nemesis Bill Gates than the more relaxed investment of other investors.

The reason is very simple, what Bill Gates can bring to Apple is simply not what ordinary people can provide.

Even if Matthew doesn't understand it, he has been in Hollywood for a few years and can understand that investing in a company is never as simple as just throwing money into it.

Therefore, his stockbroker bought all the scattered shares of Apple that were circulating in the market.

Besides, with Matthew's money, in addition to buying some Apple shares, can he expect to do more?

In fact, Matthew didn't think too much about it. In addition, he had limited understanding of other industries other than Hollywood, and he was very cautious about investing. For example, the supervision of the stockbroker would never relax because of Amanda's introduction. The purpose of buying some Apple stock is also very simple. The dollar has depreciated too fast in the past two years. Even if Apple stock does not rise, with the madness of the kidney machine in the future, it should be no problem to preserve its value.

Just as Matthew and Helen Herman were talking, the glass door of the company was pushed open from the outside, and Alexandra Daddario walked in.

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