Best Movie Star

Chapter 230: Great explosion of acting

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The fans on both sides of the red carpet gathered, the flashing lights of the media reporters illuminated half of the sky, and the huge posters hanging from the roof were eye-catching. Among them, the huge shark showed a grin and seemed to be able to swallow the two small fish in front of him at any time. .

The protagonists on the red carpet of today's premiere are not any stars, but a whole bunch of animated protagonists such as Cowboy Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Fili the Ant, Sullivan the Hairy Monster and Mike Big-Eyed.

Everyone knows that Walt Disney’s animated films have declined. Disney Animation has been relying on Pixar Studios for a few years. There is no doubt that Pixar Studios is strong, and now it is definitely a benchmark in the computer animation industry.

A black Mercedes-Benz sedan parked at the entrance of the red carpet, and a dozen photographers immediately surrounded it.

The door opened, and Matthew got out of the car first, then turned around and pulled Keira Knightley out of the car.

"How did the two of them come together." Some reporters wondered, "Is the hype in the media true?"

Reporters are all very well-informed people, how could they not know about these two people who have been hyped by newspapers and some websites recently.

Matthew took Keira Knightley out of the car, and then the two faced the reporter's camera together, and the lights flashed on their faces.

Whether it's Matthew or Keira Knightley, they've already adapted.

The two of them are undoubtedly very photogenic today. Matthew is wearing a black dress. The slim design highlights his figure just right. He always has a decent smile on his face. draped behind his head, the whole person against the background is even more wild.

Keira Knightley's style is mainly to highlight her own British classical temperament. The long silver-white evening dress and Matthew's black form a sharp contrast and complement, and the curled hair also highlights her own temperament.

Seeing Matthew and Keira Knightley get out of the car, the fans on both sides of the red carpet suddenly shouted, and countless people shouted and waved to this side, as if the two of them were big first-line stars.

No way, the world is like this, handsome men and beautiful women always get special treatment.

Compared to other guests who have walked the red carpet, such as the go-getters from Pixar Studios and several voice actors for animated characters, Matthew and Keira Knightley are definitely the face of the red carpet tonight.

The black and white color scheme of the two people gives a strong hint, and fans who have seen the relevant gossip have begun to mutter, "They are really a good match!"

Surrounded by the camera lens, Matthew and Keira Knightley raised their hands almost simultaneously and waved to the red carpet, in response to the fans' shouts just now.

Then, Matthew took Keira Knightley's hand and walked towards the premiere theater at the end of the red carpet.

More than a dozen photojournalists were on both sides, almost frantically taking pictures of the two of them, and the hands that were held together were the focus of almost all camera lenses!

Because this is not an ordinary holding hands, **** intertwined!

This is the standard couple holding hands!

"It turns out Matthew Horner and Keira Knightley are really together!"

With all the hype of late, plus the halo bonus of a mega-production like "Pirates of the Caribbean", Matthew - and Keira Knightley are instantly the center of the night's red carpet.

But no one finds it abrupt. The trailer for "Pirates of the Caribbean" has been released. The two people in the play are a pair, and the two people outside the show are also very suitable.

The two of them walked on the red carpet with an intimate demeanor, smiling sweetly, and chatting in low voices from time to time, which is extremely enviable.

It's a pity that outsiders can't hear the content of the exchange between the two, otherwise they will have to faint.

"I didn't think I was sitting in the car just now..." Matthew first waved to the place where he was calling his fame on the red carpet, and then whispered to Keira Knightley, "It looks very obvious now."

Keira Knightley asked in a low voice, with a decent ladylike look, "What's obvious?"

Matthew stepped on the somewhat soft red carpet and said as he walked, "Your **** have obviously grown bigger, at least two cups bigger." He lowered his voice again, "It used to be less than A, but now there is no B."

Keira Knightley maintained a smile on her face and said bitterly, "Matthew Horner! Believe it or not I'll hit someone!"

"I don't believe it!" Matthew continued the topic, "Kyla, how did such a miraculous thing happen?"

The two have not discussed each other's **** once or twice. In fact, they don't mind this topic, otherwise he won't talk about it often.

Keira Knightley looked down at her skirt, and clenched Matthew's hand tightly, but she only felt as hard and rough as a rock, knowing that with her strength, it was impossible for her to hurt. Matthew.

She smiled and snorted, and said to Matthew, "It's the first time I've seen someone as ignorant as you are."

Matthew looked up, they were very close to the interview area, and said, "I see, you secretly had breast augmentation surgery!"

Keira Knightley quietly rolled her eyes and said, "Don't you know there's a thing called a magic bust?"

Matthew suddenly realized, "So it is."

Afterwards, the two walked into the media interview area together and waited for the reporters here to swarm over them and surrounded them.

Gossip and gossip is popular among the public, and the media naturally likes to report it, which is also the main reason why Hollywood often uses this method for publicity.

If it was an ordinary third-rate starlet, it might not have such a good effect, but the halo bonus effect of "Pirates of the Caribbean" $140 million is obvious.

The reporters around Matthew and Keira Knightley were busy taking pictures and asking questions.

"Matthew! Kayla!" a reporter from the front asked loudly, "Are you dating!"

Keira Knightley took the initiative to speak, and said generously, "I agreed to Matthew's pursuit, and he is now my boyfriend."

The reporter didn't give up and moved the microphone to Matthew's side.

The crew had already prepared relevant rhetoric, and Matthew recited it by heart and said in his own way, "I like Kayla very much, and I have been pursuing her. After the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean", Kayla returned to the UK, and I was in Los Angeles. , my head is full of Kayla..."

He said it naturally and sincerely, "I know, I am hopelessly in love with Kayla, and she is my Elizabeth Swan."

Keira Knightley has been watching Matthew fondly, and despite knowing these words are false, it is very useful to hear them.

Women enjoy being courted by men.

Matthew's acting skills are not very good, but it is not particularly bad. He can deal with such occasions with ease, "So, when Kayla returns to Los Angeles this year, I start to pursue her wildly. Fortunately, I succeeded!"

He turned his head and looked at Keira Knightley affectionately, "I think I'm the happiest person in the world right now!"

This affectionate confession was emotional and touching, as if he and Keira Knightley were the most loving couple in the world.

The camera in the hands of the reporter has never stopped, and there are still cameras running behind, which faithfully recorded all these.

This will become a gossip that many people are interested in, and it will enter the conversation of the public after dinner.

Matthew wrapped a hand around Keira Knightley's waist, and the two turned to look at each other with sweet smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, a reporter shouted, "Kiss her! Kiss her!"

The reporters all wanted to get the best news, so they all started booing, "Kiss her! Matthew, kiss Kayla! Hurry up and kiss Kayla!"

Matthew was kind, and lowered his head to kiss Keira Knightley's red lips. Although the two had not practiced beforehand, as actors, kissing scenes were all basic skills. Keira Knightley cooperated and closed her eyes. Seems to be enjoying this affectionate kiss.

At this moment, the acting skills of the two exploded, approaching the Oscar level.

The reporters around saw that Matthew and Keira Knightley cooperated so well, and the cameras were shooting like crazy without money. They were all thinking about the draft. How should I write this draft tomorrow?

Such a high-profile "show of conjugal love" can be said to have completely achieved the predetermined goal.

Matthew and Keira Knightley ended this short kiss and walked towards the theater hand in Of course, both of them are very awake and know that this is not true, everything is being shown to the media and the public That's it.

Matthew clasped Keira Knightley's hand and turned to look at the reporters who were still taking pictures of their backs. In this circle, what they saw might not be true.

I vaguely remember that I once saw it on the Internet that stars who like to "show affection" tend to die faster.

In fact, it's not just fake couples like them who need to "show their affection" for publicity. Those real celebrity couples who have broken up in relationship and even have no contact with each other in private are still showing their affection.

At this moment, Matthew summed up a lesson. If a real celebrity couple wants to last a long time, it is better to keep a low profile.

"What are you thinking?" Keira Knightley noticed that Matthew was distracted.

Matthew smiled and said deliberately, "That kiss is so sweet, will I fall in love with you because of this?"

"No." Keira Knightley pouted. "My lipstick is sweet."

Matthew shook his head and stopped saying these boring words. Before entering the theater, he looked up at the huge poster of "Finding Nemo". The shark's open mouth reminded him of Michael Fassbender.

I used to think that Michael Fassbender laughed like a shark, but it turned out to be this movie.

It's a pity that Pixar Studios didn't find Michael Fassbender to dub this quality-oriented great white shark.

Now there are rumors that Pixar Studios is in conflict with Walt Disney, and Walt Disney Chairman Michael Eisner is planning to acquire Pixar Studios.

Matthew estimates that this may be one of the reasons for Disney's financial constraints. If it wants to acquire Pixar Studios, Disney must prepare early.

Thinking about these things, he walked into the theater.

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