Best Movie Star

Chapter 211: invite

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On the side of Alpulco near the sea, a small pier has been obviously remodeled, with a typical medieval style. Not far from the pier, a three-masted sailboat is moored there. Looking from the pier side, you can see the top Busy figure.

On the sailboat, Matthew had just finished his makeup and was standing on the side of the boat, familiar with the pirate machete used by Johnny Depp.

After a while, there is an action scene featuring him.

It's an action scene split into dozens of short shots, with Will Turner and Captain Jack Sparrow **** battleships from the British for their own purposes.

Since there are only two of them and the British have a squad, a conflict will break out between the two sides.

At the end of the conflict, Will Turner and Jack Sparrow grabbed the Interceptor, but now the filming is on the Lady Washington, which acts as the Interceptor. The crew slightly changed the layout on the deck to allow the set. It looks different from the Interceptor.

This is the sea, and the crew doesn't have a second real wooden sailboat to use, so the jumping scene will have to wait until they return to Los Angeles before filming.

After trying Depp's pirate machete, after a few slashes, Matthew felt that it was too light, half lighter than his prop sword, and it didn't use any force at all.

Johnny Depp finished his makeup and got on the boat at this time. The crew was almost ready. Director Gore Verbinski came over to explain a few words, and specially told Matthew to pay attention to the importance of his actions.

In the studio smithy, there was an action scene where Will Turner knocked out Jack Sparrow in a sword fight, and then Jack Sparrow used a gun, but he and Johnny Depp When the stunt double sparring, the shot was not well controlled, and it was a little heavier, which almost caused the stunt performer to be injured.

Matthew didn't do it on purpose, he just didn't master the power well, and he has been a little more careful since then.

After all, this is the Hollywood crew, not the highly professionally trained trainers in the gym.

When the crew was ready, Matthew and Johnny Depp came to the helm and filming began.

The camera hanging in the air slowly retreated. Johnny Depp, wearing a dirty pirate hat, twisting the catwalk, holding a musket, carefully came out from behind the rudder, and Matthew took his pirate machete. Followed from the other side.

As in the last shoot, his look is the exact opposite of the squeamish Johnny Depp.

Matthew's shirt has two buttons on his upper body, and his strong chest muscles are faintly visible during the action. In addition, the shirt was specially wet in order to connect with the previous scene, and his outstanding figure is fully revealed.

Jack Sparrow's selling point is very prominent, and his selling point is equally outstanding, and the crew has also worked **** Will Turner's look.

In most of the shoots in which Matthew and Johnny Depp appear, director Gore Verbinski will arrange cameras to capture close-ups of the two in addition to the main camera.

On the platform under the rudder, a small team of British soldiers was loading cargo. Johnny Depp stepped on the catwalk of ecstasy and slipped down the stairs. Matthew overturned the guardrail of the rudder platform and jumped directly.

The scene here was changed later. The earliest script was a piece of literary drama, but after the change, it became a situation similar to the action scene of the blacksmith shop, and the action scene was used to shape Will Turner's character.

When faced with Elizabeth Swan, Will Turner disguised himself as a well-mannered gentleman, but most of the time, especially when it was time to do something, he was like a blacksmith's furnace, a fire full of fire. 's macho.

Elizabeth Swan was captured by pirates, and Will Turner was the one who was most anxious to rescue her. It was impossible to go on as unhurriedly as Jack Sparrow.

"Do not move!"

Johnny Depp's single-shot musket was aimed at a small group of British soldiers.

The platform was only four feet high. Matthew and Johnny Depp cooperated tacitly and just jumped from it and landed in the middle of the two British soldiers. on the soldier's head.

The two soldiers fell together.

The British soldiers were carrying the goods, and they had no weapons in their hands. When they saw this, they rushed up. Matthew waved his machete and slapped it on the front door of the soldier. Then he flew and kicked the key of the person behind...

These action scenes were rehearsed in advance, but they didn't last long. Soon director Gore Verbinski called to stop shooting and handed over the work of filming to action director George Ruger. Robert Anderson also entered the set to coordinate the horses. Hugh and Johnny Depp action scene.

However, Johnny Depp happily replaced the stuntman, and the subsequent shooting became fragmented, and the scenes of Will Turner and Jack Sparrow were completely disassembled and shot.

The fighting styles of the two are completely different, with Matthew being the straight-forward and mighty, and Johnny Depp's stunt doubles and tricks continuing to form a stark contrast.

The scene on the Lady Washington was filmed for five days. With Geoffrey Rush coming to Alpulco, Matthew was temporarily idle. He did not go back to Los Angeles and turned around in Alpulco. Enjoy a different Latin flair.

However, the crew specifically told him not to enter certain areas. Mexican drug dealers are rampant, and even the police dare to kill them.

Of course, Matthew wouldn't take any risks, but he just walked around the bustling area of ​​Alpuco. In fact, except for the hot Latin girls, there was nothing to see here.

After two short days of doing nothing, he quickly returned to filming, and Jerry Bruckheimer also came to Alpulco, along with his agent Helen Herman.

"Caribbean scenery is very good."

On a yacht chartered by the crew, Helen Herman stood behind Matthew and said, "It's a great place for a vacation."

"What you said makes me so sad." Matthew, dressed in Will Turner's attire, looked at the faintly visible island in the distance, "I thought you came here specifically to visit the class."

Helen Herman stepped forward, held on to the guardrail next to him, and changed the subject, "I heard that you have a good relationship with Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley."

Matthew nodded and admitted, "It's okay. Well... how can I put it, this crew is full of camaraderie." He thought about it and said, "Depp is a weirdo, but not a bad guy. Kayla, one is less than eighteen. A young girl with a good family background and a good personality."

Someone in the crew said that Keira Knightley was extremely inferior, which led to extreme pride and a very awkward personality, but what he saw was just the opposite. Perhaps, like most Hollywood actors, Keira Knightley faced different people. different faces.

For him and Depp, who have the same status in the crew, they are naturally talking and laughing, and they may not have such a good attitude towards those ordinary actors or staff.

It's normal, and it's very normal in Hollywood.

In any case, with Jerry Bruckheimer's title as a gold medal producer, the atmosphere of the crew is really quite good.

The only thing that is not very harmonious is that some paparazzi have followed Alpuco from Los Angeles, and they will often be harassed when they go out.

Helen Herman smoothed a strand of hair that was blown away by the sea breeze, and said, "You continue to unite and love each other, and I will be responsible for what you have to fight for."

Matthew is not polite, "Isn't this the job of an agent?"

The agent is not only the buffer between the actors and the crew, but also the buffer between the actors and the actors.

He actually knew very well that the secret rivalry among the three roles of Will Turner, Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan had never disappeared, but these rivalries were limited to the agent level. He and Johnny - Depp and Keira Knightley never talked about it.

Including Keira Knightley, who is less than eighteen years old, all three are smart people.

Facing the salty sea breeze, Matthew looked into the distance, and the speedboat that picked up the cast and crew had not returned.

The film crew’s location today is a small beach island. The water level near the island is too The yacht can’t get through at all, so we can only use the speedboat matching the yacht to shuttle back and forth. Fortunately, there are no big scenes in the shooting here. There is also no need to ship large equipment.

After waiting for 20 minutes, the ten-meter-long speedboat finally came back. Matthew got on the speedboat, but Helen Herman did not follow.

The speedboat turned around and returned to the island. This island is indeed very small. From a distance, it is only a dozen square kilometers at most, and there is only one old wooden trestle pier.

On the pier, Matthew finds that Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley's scenes are not finished yet, but it is also the last scene.

Matthew did not go to the beach, but followed an assistant director to the vicinity of a group of strange-looking actors at the Zhanqiao Pier, and waited.

The scene on the beach ended, and director Gore Verbinski quickly brought the crew over. Those who finished the scene took the speedboat to leave first, and those who had the scene continued to shoot.

Keira Knightley didn't leave. Before filming started, she quietly walked to Matthew's side and whispered, "Depp brought two bottles of good wine here, and the three of us will leave at the end."

Not far away, Johnny Depp turned his head and winked at Matthew, who gave him a thumbs up in full agreement.

Although the speedboat is not small, there are many people on the trestle now, and the speedboat has to pick up and drop back and forth at least three times.

In fact, when she was in Los Angeles, Keira Knightley was clamoring to go to Depp's Black Mamba bar for a drink, but her mother was in Los Angeles at the time and often went to supervise the crew, so she couldn't find the opportunity.

Matthew had also heard from Johnny Depp before that when he came to the Caribbean this time, he brought a few bottles of fine whiskey with him. When he came to Alpulco, he even spent a lot of money to find someone to get some top-quality Mexican Agave.

Matthew would definitely not refuse such an invitation.

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