Best Actor

Vol 2 Chapter 158: untitled

"To Sean!" With the sound of giggling, several glasses touched each other and made a ding sound.

"Thank you..." Sean said weakly with the cup in his hand, and then hissed and breathed coldly, even though there was only a faint bruise on his face.

Then, a group of people drank the wine in the glass, and then filled it up again.

"Anyway, thanks for Sean's self-sacrifice, otherwise we might not be here for a long time to drink." Wahlberg laughed and raised his glass to Sean again.

"Don't try to get me drunk, Mark, I'm not afraid of you." Sean announced in a fierce tone, but immediately added: "So, tonight I only drink Three cups."

Suddenly, there was a roar, all cheering for his undisguised retreat.

"You have to be a man!" Statham cried.

"I thought I'd behaved like a man today," Sean gritted his teeth and didn't let go, "I don't need to behave again while drinking."

Indeed, after being punched by Charlize, he was stunned by two extras for a long time before he could stand up straight. Although the pain was terrible at the time, he took two breaths besides hissing. After cooling off, there is nothing else to say. Then, without waiting for the field assistant to bring the ice pack, he covered his face and went directly to Gerry, asking in a vague voice how the filming went.

Fortunately, the effect is very good, he does not need to do it again, although even if he wants to come, Gray will not, but it is a good thing to successfully complete this shot. Then, until this time, Sean took the ice pack and put it on, and there was no extra words. He was indeed a man.

"But you can be more manly now," Charlize interjected at this time and followed suit, her eyes were curved, and she seemed very happy, "Why not do it."

Sean glared at her, looking depressed and annoyed, Wahlberg and the others immediately coaxed again, fortunately, there were still people speaking for him.

"Sorry, Sean has to go to the recording studio tomorrow, so he can't drink too much." Sanders, who followed him to the bar, said at this time.

"Recording studio? Do you have a new song to release?" Wahlberg asked curiously.

"Well... well, you know, they made a lot of money from helping me produce and release YouRaiseMeUp, so I've been wishing I could record again." Sean shrugged.

Musically, and singing can only be considered good, still changing the law, I hope he can record another song.

They even had the lyrics ready, and they hired big name songwriters and producers from Europe, like Marcos Martin, to create a song called "bewhatyouwannabe".

Frankly speaking, the lyrics are well written, about dreams and inspiration, but it has some echoes with "YouRaiseMeUp", but Frederick has another opinion.

"No, "YouRaiseMeUp" is closer to a gospel song. In fact, many churches in China regard this song as a gospel song, while "bewhatyouwannabe" is completely pop music. There is no connection to each other's songs at all, and they are doing this just to make another profit at the right time."

Indeed, "bewhatyouwannabe" is still in the top ten of "Billboard"'s top 100 to this day, and it has dropped to tenth place several times, and it is about to fall out. Yes, but in the next week, it immediately returned to the seventh and eighth places, and it seemed that he planned to break the time record for staying in the top ten list.

In this case, the music studio certainly wants to seize the opportunity to make persistent efforts. As for whether Sean's future development will be affected, what does it matter? He wasn't planning to be a singer anyway, so Frederick was right.

Of course, he did not forget to add: "This is what I concluded after consulting many other music producers."

Sean really has no intention of developing in music. The production of "YouRaiseMeUp" is just playing tickets. It will be so sought after now, and it will be the right place and the right place to go to the Oscar ceremony. effect. But even so, it should not be reduced to a profit-making tool for music studios, who knows if it will cause any bad effects.

But then again, this kind of thing is actually unpredictable, and even if he is criticized badly after the release, it will not necessarily ruin his current career. And the lyrics are very good and the rhythm is catchy. Sean still likes it, so it's a bit embarrassing, and no specific answer has been given yet.

However, this does not prevent him from now using this as a shield after Sanders reminded him.

However, Charlize spoke again: "It's a good reason, but as long as it's controlled properly, it's okay to have more than three cups."

Sean stared at her again, completely confused, is she targeting herself or what? But her smile is really nice. So, with such a spoiler, and Wahlberg's constant booing, Sean had to drink a few more glasses.

"Hey, you actually hid here, it's not like a man's style." After being slapped heavily on the shoulder, a sweet voice entered his ears.

&n bsp; A lot, and they all agreed; again, I don't think it's a good idea to drink more before the marks on the face are completely gone."

Speaking of this, he felt a little weak, and then he raised his eyebrows and asked: "You came here so deliberately to chat with me, are you interested in me, Charlie?"

I didn't expect the other party to readily admit: "Yes, there is a point."

She sat down on the high stool next to the bar, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly: "I have heard some rumors about you, Sean."

"What is it?" Sean was suddenly interested.

"Good eyesight, good luck and... always hooking up." Charlize's mouth twitched.

"Haha..." Sean laughed dryly, with obvious self-deprecation and depression, and then looked at her with some expectation, "So, what do you think now."

"A fairly dedicated actor," Charlize thought for a while, "Of course, I'm not sure if this was done on purpose for me."

"In your heart, my image is so bad?" Sean couldn't help asking, "Just because I want to see you?"

"Then how do you think I should react?" The girl chuckled and shrugged, "It's hard not to think of such words."

"Excuse me, Charlie, the man who doesn't want to have **** with you has either a physical problem or a sexual orientation problem." Sean said unceremoniously.

"Ha, so, you really thought about having **** with me?" Charlize blinked, his expression of interest deepened.

"I'm biologically fine and my sexuality is normal." Sean shrugged.

The beautiful girl didn't speak anymore, just looked at him with an inexplicable smile.

"You're honest, Sean," she said first, then changed the subject, "so, you're either a decent person or an asshole."

Sean raised his eyebrows: "If that's the case, then I'm afraid I belong to the latter."

"Why?" Charlize asked immediately, but Sean just smiled and didn't answer.

Charlize didn't ask any more questions. He raised his legs and raised the glass to take a sip, swiped around, and then his eyes fell on Sean's face.

"How is it now?" She pointed to the spot where there were still marks on his face.

"It's no longer painful, of course, I take back that sentence," Sean sighed, "Your fists are still very powerful."

"So you shouldn't have made that suggestion in the first place." Charlize laughed, sly and proud.

"No, even if I knew the current result at the time, I would still propose it." Sean shook his head, "Since you are an actor, you must sacrifice a little."

"Why do you want to be an actor, Charlie?" Sean asked suddenly.

"Me?" Charlize came back to his senses and thought for a while, "It was by accident."

Sean made a "can you talk" gesture.

"It's actually very simple," the girl said immediately, "I went to the bank to exchange the check, and they didn't do it, so I had a big fight, and then an agent asked me... "

"Wait, you're saying that because you couldn't cash the check at the bank, and then you made a big fuss, and was discovered by a broker?" Sean's eyes widened. , his mouth was slightly open, and the corners of his mouth twitched again, as if he was amused and wanted to laugh, but he did not laugh out loud.

"Is there a problem?" Charlize was puzzled.

"Um... Of course not, but can I ask why there is a conflict with the bank?" Sean waved his hands again and again.

"At that time, my financial problems were always serious, my life was very poor, and occasionally I had to rely on my mother for relief," Charlize said calmly, and seemed to have put all of these in the back of his mind, " My mother sent me a check that day, but because the bank I went to didn't recognize the check, it seemed that they had no business with each other, and they wouldn't exchange it, and I was in a hurry to use the money, so I quarreled with them, They almost called the police."

"That's really is..." Sean muttered, the corners of his mouth continued to twitch slightly, and the funny, wanting to laugh became stronger.

Charlize didn't care, seemed to be immersed in memories, and continued: "Then, when I was leaving the bank, a broker stopped me, and he asked me if I was happy. I don’t like acting, I don’t quite understand it, so I asked back, I have 20 videotapes at home, and I’ve watched each of them a dozen to dozens of times. Does this count as a liking? Then, I played the role in a horror movie. As a small role, it can be regarded as officially entering the circle of Hollywood..."

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