Best Actor

Vol 2 Chapter 156: why not be nice

In the spacious venue, surrounded by green curtains, several people were standing in the middle and discussing something happily.

"What are you going to do, Bob?" asked the bald man.

"I don't know, there are so many things waiting for me to do... For example, I'm thinking of a naked girl sitting on a leather chair..." He said "You know what? ” look, several people immediately laughed.

"If I had an Aston Martin carriage, I don't think there's any girl who wouldn't want to sit on that leather chair and do something." He then raised his eyebrows proudly.

"I'm going to buy a NADT770, 70 watt Burr Brown CNC, digitally coded amplifier, it's an oversized stereo system, the speakers are loud enough to tell a woman's clothes blowing clean !" The little one said immediately.

The bald man whistled.

"Can't you have some creative ideas?" the black man next to him cried, "I'm going to Andaluca in southern Spain, where I buy a house, a big house, and then Buy a library full of original books and a room dedicated to shoes."

Another burst of laughter.

"What are you going to do, Steve?" The little man looked at the man in the hat with a mustache.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet." The latter shrugged absentmindedly.

"You haven't thought about it yet? Dude, it was too windy, I heard it wrong?"

"Well...I like what you're saying..." The man in the hat said this, followed by a long pause, his eyes rolled around, as if thinking about something, then With an indescribable smile: "I'll buy one each of what you want."

The other three were stunned, then burst into laughter, and the man in the hat also laughed, but the smile was fake.

"Good!" The director called out at this time, and clapped his hands in congratulations, and the four people in the venue were suddenly relieved.

"If you're not satisfied, I can't help it." Sean, wearing a hat and a mustache, spread his hands.

"Actually, I thought it was good twice before, but you insisted on doing it perfectly." Gray exposed it mercilessly, and immediately exchanged for Walber, who was watching the play next to him. A few mischievous boos from Grid.

Then Statham and the others also looked at Sean and asked in a half-joking tone, "I said why I always fail, it's because of you."

"But you can't deny that the effect of this shot is much better than before." Sean immediately said loudly to Gray.

"That's right," Gray readily admitted, "this time it's much better, especially the long pause that brings out the character's cunning and lack of creativity. ."

"Thank you." Although he rolled his eyes in his heart, Sean nodded and responded to his affirmation.

The trait of lack of creativity... Thinking of this Sean can't help but want to sigh in his heart, this trait is too broad, so broad that he doesn't know how to start. It stands to reason that this characteristic requires the cooperation of various aspects to be expressed, such as the progress of the plot, such as the director's guidance and promotion of the camera, and the importance of the actor's performance should actually be placed after this.

It’s just that Gary forgot about it, and Sean also forgot about it, so this shot was shot over and over again until Sean came up with an idea. That's right, that long pause, and using that pause to express the character's current indecision about how to spend the money, and his ghostly thoughts about what to do next.

Simple, but very practical, Sean was worried at first, if expressing these emotions too clearly on his face would make his companions alert? But Gray reassured him.

"You have to understand, Sean, we are making a movie, and it's a commercial movie, you just need to accurately express the character's feelings, as long as there are no contradictions, the audience will naturally have no opinion "Grey said this, and then added: "Even from the perspective of the plot, they just completed a big deal and escaped the pursuit, but they have not been completely safe, and they did not expect to be betrayed, so even if the history Tiff looks abnormal, as long as there is no actual action that endangers them, he will not take it to heart."

In this case, Sean took care of the scene and let the crew enter the next stage.

Afterwards, things were lackluster, and the plot advances to the point where Steve, played by Sean, betrays Charlie, played by Wahlberg, and another group by the river in the snowy Alps. People stole the gold and intend to silence them here. Charlie and his party seized the opportunity to resist, and finally drove the car into the river. Steve took the AK and shot at the water holding the ice until the body of the old thief played by Sutherland floated up.

Of course the crew couldn't go to the Alps to shoot this scene, so a wide green curtain around the surrounding is essential, and the performance is very simple, as long as it can show the cruelty in indifference, and then... There is no more, this scene is over, Sean temporarily left the crew, his role is here for the time being, and it will take at least two or three weeks to return to the crew, that is, next month.

"That means, if you want to meet and chat with the Ms. Theron you want to meet, you'll have to wait a long time?" Galen asked with a smile.

"Of course not. If I want to see her, I only need to go to the studio now. There are no rules that allow actors who do not have a role to visit the class." Sean said and jumped up, holding his basketball hand. Pushed out, the basketball tumbled, making a nice arc in the air, and landed...behind the backboard.

"Damn, I haven't practiced for a long time, I don't know how to shoot anymore." He sighed complainingly.

In the plan to renovate the villa, Sean had a basketball court built while retaining the tennis court—a large enough area anyway. Among the various sports popular on American campuses, basketball is his favorite, otherwise he would not have been a backup guard on the basketball team.

It's just that he never played basketball again after leaving school. Naturally, his skills are a lot rusty, so that the throwing parabola looks good, but it is far away from the goal.

"Then why don't you go?" Sanders picked up the ball and walked to the other side, patted it a few times but didn't intend to. 3-for-3 is so much better, the game is basically won, so there's no rush at all.

"I don't want to give them the impression that, well, I have something to do with Theron." Sean gestured, and then he added: "Although they don't believe it. "

"I don't believe it either, especially after hearing about your 'achievements'." Another person's voice came over, she sat lazily on a chair outside the arena, wearing Casual wear, holding a can of beer with two fingers, looking at Sean with a half-smile, and raised his hands to make a quotation mark when he said the word "achievement".

"But those people in the crew don't know this, Lena." Sean rolled his eyes and said to his troubles.

Yes, it's troublesome, and it's still a big trouble, even though Liana had said before when she came and left soon, and then came to him on vacation, Sean always thought she was just a I am just joking. After all, he now lives in Los Angeles. There are neither people she is familiar with nor an environment she is familiar with. It is definitely not a good place for vacation.

However, what she didn't expect was that she actually came. The depressed Sean could only arrange for her to live in. Hearing a few sneers and taking the serious consequences of refusing to live in his sister, there was no The question should be the former.

"Whether people know this or not, in Hollywood, you've become a **** who likes to seduce girls." Lianna shrugged.

"You really use that word to describe your brother?" Sean looked at her angrily.

"Let me think," Leanna tilted her head, "in a woman's shoes, yes!"

Sean rolled his eyes again, ignored his sister's words, and concentrated on practicing shooting. You don't need to care about what they say, anyway, just stick to your own ideas, it's just... When everyone agrees on one thing, it's not easy to not be affected.

In any case, Sean waited until the beginning of June, after receiving the notice from the crew, before returning to the studio, and finally met the person he wanted to meet.

"Are you that wonder boy?" That's what the other party asked in the first sentence, isn't it straightforward?

She is about 5 feet 8 inches tall, only a little shorter than Sean, very well-proportioned, and the proportions are just right, those long legs are not much worse than the model. The facial features are very delicate, the blond hair is tied into a ponytail, giving people a refreshing and lively feeling, coupled with the subtle sexiness, it is indeed fascinating.

At this moment, her beautiful light-colored eyes looked at him with a little curiosity, a little, and a little bit more than that.

"Well, I thought my name was Lucky Boy." Sean touched his nose awkwardly.

"Okay, since you think so, so be it." Sean spread out his hand and raised the Internet, looking helpless.

This is a trick he used to deal with girls in the past. Follow their words and try not to express opposition.

But it doesn't seem to be useful today, and the other party's tone began to disagree: "I thought you would refute it."

"Why should I refute?" Sean noticed something, and immediately changed his way of speaking, "The refutation makes me seem very fussy, like to take the initiative and not considerate of others, always wanting to stand What's the use other than the right one? Why can't I be more generous, Ms. Theron?"

The other party was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly burst out laughing. The smile was very delicate, sunny, and... charming, which made Sean stunned.

"Well, what do you want to see me for?" Charlize Theron asked again.

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