Best Actor

Vol 2 Chapter 11: you won't be disappointed

"I'm so fed up with the guys, the Posleyan club guys, I paid a lot of money to go in, even streaking around Cambridge in the winter, and it didn't make any sense. Those words that discriminate against West Coast students I won't mention it, at least no one will say it outright, but since I joined up to now, all I can remember are parties, parties, parties! Heck, I didn't come to Harvard to go to parties! As for professors, ha, theoretical knowledge I can say a lot, but my practical experience is not as good as mine. I always thought I could learn more, but the reality tells me to stop delusional. So, instead of spending precious time somewhere, it is better Start your own business." Neil said grumpily.

Sean didn't speak for a long time, he just wanted to try it out, although he knew from Neil's complaints on the phone before that the college life was not so pleasant, but he didn't expect it to be such a mess. He was upset. Well, that should be a good thing, at least Neil wants to work on his career, just…

"No, Neil, you have to go back." Sean sighed and persuaded, "Playing finance requires not only ability, but also contacts, and universities are places to expand contacts. Just like me As my father said, if you wanted to run a company and not be a techie, in college, connections were more important than expertise. In fact, if I had connections in Hollywood, it wouldn't have been so hard Start with extras."

"You're not convincing at all, Sean, if I remember correctly, you never listened to your father." Neil crossed his arms and pouted.

"Even if those correct opinions were opposed at the time, they would still be accepted later," Sean said and waved his hand, "Go book a plane ticket, Neil, otherwise I will Call Mr. Wolsman."

"Damn, don't do this, Sean!" Neil exclaimed, "Of course I know the importance of connections, in fact I have expanded a lot of connections at Harvard, and I had a relationship with a professor. The relationship is very good. I went to JPMorgan Chase for a few days last summer under his recommendation. I also talked with several department managers and gave some suggestions. The gap between me and them is not far, it is only a matter of time. Missing a chance to prove yourself!"

He said this angrily, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he grabbed Sean's arm: "By the way, Sean, now there is a chance to make money, do you want to try it?"

"A chance to make money...?" Sean was baffled by the rapidly changing expression.

"Yes, a very good opportunity to make money!" Neil said excitedly, "Remember when we bought Microsoft stock? You made thousands, and I made at least 20000."

"Yeah, you were proud to show off in front of me for several days." Sean rolled his eyes immediately.

When he bought Microsoft stock, he pulled three best friends together, but in the end, he, Galen and Sanders just made some money after the stock rose, However, Er did not hold it for a long time, but carried out many short-term operations that Sean did not understand very well, turning the $5,000 borrowed from his father into 20,000. In this sense, the guy is really talented in finance, which is why Sean is against him dropping out of Harvard.

"I won't say that," Neil coughed dryly at this time, "Anyway, I've been paying attention to the ups and downs of IT stocks since then, even when I went to Harvard, And it has made tens of thousands of dollars off and on. And the money-making opportunity I am talking about now refers to IT stocks. According to the analysis of some professionals, IT stocks have now formed a huge and serious bubble, which may be poke at any time. It's just a matter of time. Of course, there are also people who have completely negative opinions, but according to the inside information I got, most people think that this time will be June at the latest."

"Then?" Sanders frowned, asking this question for Sean and Galen, who were also frowning.

"Then is to go long, which is a financial terminology. In short, it is optimistic about the future rise prospects of stocks, foreign exchange or futures, and buy and hold to wait for the rise to profit." Neil simply explained, "Now that IT stocks are rising steadily, we can make a small profit by going long in the short term."

"Oh? How much can I earn?" Sean was slightly moved.

"It's up to you, Sean," Nielton said with a happy look, "If you use five times the leverage for a week, you will have at least a profit of 60% to 80% of the principal. The longer the time, the higher the leverage, the more investment, the more profit, and of course, the risk will increase relatively.”

"Although I don't understand finance, I also know that some things are not so absolute. You said before that to be long is to be optimistic about the future rise of certain stocks or futures, but if we buy After that, what happened to stocks or futures?" Galen added at this time.

"So it's risky," Neil didn't deny, "Do you know George Soros? The manager of a quantum hedge fund and a famous investor, he crossed the Bank of England, There was also the Asian financial crisis three years ago. Such a powerful guy predicted at the beginning of last year that the IT stock bubble would be burst, and then sold a lot of shorts, resulting in heavy losses, so there is no risk if you want to do finance. It is impossible at the time. I have minimized the risk as much as possible, and if I do short-term and low leverage, even if there is any unfavorable situation, as long as it is not a collapse of IT stock, the loss will not be too big.”

Then, he looked at Sean, his eyes twinkling: "Can you help me, Sean, I just want to find a chance to prove myself."

Speaking, Neil found his handbag, dug out some information and handed it to them: "Look, this is all the information I collected, very detailed, I will go to the west coast Besides coming to see you guys, I'm trying to lobby some clients. I'm going to prove to my father that I'm on my own now, don't let me waste my time at **** Harvard! Trust me, Sean!"

Sean flipped over the things in his hand several times, although he didn't understand it well, it didn't prevent him from frowning and thinking carefully.

"You wait." He said that after a few minutes, then took out the phone and dialed, "Hi Robert, I want to ask you one thing, how much mobility do I have now? Funds are available."

Robert Thomson, Sean's accountant, recommended by Frederick, a very capable person, helped him avoid a lot of taxes, paying taxes in full is a very painful thing .

"Okay, thank you." Sean got the answer quickly, then hung up and looked at Neil, "I have about 2.5 million funds at my disposal now... Heck, I hate that number ."

"Why?" Sanders interjected.

"Because... well, don't worry about that," Sean waved, "Anyway, I'll give you the 2.5 million, Neil, can you double or quadruple it in a week? "

"One to two times?!" Neil twitched the corners of his mouth.

Well, Sean doesn't know much about finance after all, and he doesn't understand the concept of one to two times a week.

But Neil didn't say anything. After thinking about it, he replied: "If it's only a week, then maybe ten times the leverage. And it's better to put it on next Monday, Cisco 's stocks are likely to reach an unprecedented peak at that time, leading to a substantial increase in IT stocks."

"Wait, Sean, you only have a maximum income of more than 2 million now, right?" Galen said worriedly at this time, "This is your entire net worth, it is necessary to all Are you going in?"

"Of course, I trust Neil." Shawn smiled and patted Neil on the shoulder, "Let him try it, anyway, it's only a week, our credit cards are all Is there a certain overdraft limit?"

"Thank you so much, Sean, you won't regret today's decision." Neil almost cheered, "Don't worry, I will be optimistic about your money, you won't Disappointed, Sean!"

"Come on, show us your strength" Sean said encouragingly, obviously he had made up his mind.

Well, this is also impossible, Sean initially wanted to use the dividends of "The Lord of the Rings" to make a fortune, and then implement his own ideas. Anyone who achieves a certain amount of success will want to expand their horizons, let alone Sean, who is a man of two generations and has ambitions.

Especially after coming to Hollywood for a year and a half and seeing all kinds of feasting, this idea became stronger. But the problem that once troubled him is still a problem. Doing everything requires capital. Without capital, no matter how good an idea can be put into action, it may be taken away by others. Sean had only a vague idea when he asked Frederick to fight for a dividend, but as time went on, he was sought after after the hardship of fame, strongly experiencing the interests of Hollywood, plus Drew's production company , the idea becomes more and more clear.

However, at this time, Frederick told him that it was impossible to get so much dividends, which made Sean very disappointed. Originally, I thought that although I would have to wait until the movie was released for a period of time to get it, since the profits were lucrative, this time was still affordable. But the reality was far from the imagination, and what he might get was only a fraction of the plan, so when Neil persuaded him, he was quite serious and confident, so Sean decided to take a gamble.

In his memory, he did have some impressions of the US IT bubble. It seems that after the bubble burst, the development of the Internet began to gradually normalize and enter the right track, but he can't remember the specific time. Since Neil is so sure, and he does have some abilities in this area, I said before that Sean and the others could only make one or two thousand when they bought Microsoft stocks, but he could earn ten or twenty thousand, and he was born in a financial family. There are also a lot of contacts, so let him try it.

In fact, if it wasn't for the calmness in his heart, Sean would very much like to go to the bank for a loan and give it to Neil to operate. He is already famous now, and it is very easy to get a loan.

In hindsight, it's hard for Sean to say whether this was right or wrong because—

"Nasdaq's IT stocks are facing a collapse?!" Sean stared blankly at Galen and Sanders in front of him, and didn't recover for a while.

"Yes, facing a crash, at least that's what the media reported." Galen and Sanders looked at each other, sighed and handed the newspaper in front of Sean.

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