Bai Yang was dumbfounded when he heard this, and murmured in a low voice:"If the demon clan sends out such fierce puppets who are not afraid of death, then how can we fight this battle? How can the living people defeat the living dead?"

Black Feather The voice replied calmly:"You can rest assured about this. This living puppet cannot be made by just anyone. Not to mention that ordinary people can't endure the pain of soul refining, even some monks with a little foundation , even if they can survive the process of extracting three souls and five souls, the remaining two souls, Corpse Dog and Bird Yin, will be unable to escape because they are unable to support themselves on a single tree. And how can high-level monks be captured alive so easily? Therefore, most of these living puppet bodies come from members of the Demon Clan who made big mistakes. The number cannot be too many. As far as I know, the number of living puppets the Demon Clan had earlier was only about a thousand."

Bai Yang heard this. , the brows slightly relaxed, if there are only a thousand people, then it is really nothing to be afraid of.

Black Feather continued:"Even if these living puppets were not weak in their original cultivation, only two of the seven souls remain, and it is difficult to display their original magical powers. However, after their souls are extracted, their bodies will be specially refined. , become invulnerable, invulnerable to water and fire, and are fearless and unwilling to die. Therefore, most of these living puppets are sent to perform some protracted or near-death missions. Once they are entangled, it is also a headache."

Black Feather Talking Front Turning around, he raised his eyebrows and asked,"So, I am also very curious as to why these creatures stopped pursuing Xiao Zi after he jumped on Qiong Qi's back. It stands to reason that once these soldiers launch an attack, there is no reason to stop midway. Could it be that one of us has the magical power to restrain the puppets? But this doesn’t make sense. These puppets can’t even generate fear."

Wei Zi’s purple eyes turned to the group of puppet warriors and Qiongqi. , said with a smile;"What kind of magical power is it? I'm afraid it's because the big white cat is missing a soul and was mistaken for the same kind by them."

Black Feather was slightly startled, but then became more happy and suggested :"Then let Qiongqi take us to fly over these puppets, then we don't have to tangle with these people." Although he is not afraid of these soldiers, he knows that these puppets are difficult to deal with, unless the body is broken or the two souls are broken. out of the body, otherwise these soldiers would fight again and again, often giving their opponents a never-ending sense of powerlessness. If not for this, the Demon Sect would not have deployed the equipment of the Black Armored Army on these living dead.

Li Li's divine thoughts slowly came out,"I'm afraid they have received an order not to let anyone jump over the defense line, whether that person is a puppet, a robot, or a monk. However, it doesn't hurt to give it a try."

Everyone immediately lay down on Qiongqi's back. Qiongqi's snow-white wings spread out and flew several meters into the air, instantly flying above the head of the black-armored soldier. Soon, everyone passed the first row of black-armored soldiers, and the soldiers below did not react at all, then the second row, the third row...

Soon, they arrived at the sixth row, which was the last row. Directly above the row of soldiers, just as Wei Zi was secretly rejoicing, all the soldiers started to move. The soldiers in the first five rows quickly turned around, and together with the soldiers in the sixth row, nearly a hundred sleeve arrows were directed towards Qiongqi. Come.

Although Qiongqi's body-protecting light shield blocked all the sleeve arrows, it did not dare to neglect amidst the ripples, and its body suddenly rose several meters higher, creating a distance from the soldiers below. Those living puppets seemed to know that the Xiu Arrows had a limited range, so they did not engage in unnecessary pursuit, but just stood guard by the mountain wall. As far as Wei Zi knew, that was the only entrance to the secret realm.

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