"This is really a T5 production starship!"

  "Goddess of Wind-class light starcruiser...... That's a good name. "

  "Oh my God, warp engines! Starships can sail in subspace on their own, this is simply a cross-era technology for interstellar navigation!"

  "However, I feel that this warp engine should be the creation of T6 technology, and it is estimated that T5 starships that pursue speed like the Goddess of Wind-class light starcruisers will be retrofitted. Otherwise, why don't the three T5 flagships have this feature? "

  "Leave this alone, find a way to integrate the technology and mass produce this starship as soon as possible!"

  "Leave it to our No. 3 city, and I promise to build the first production line within a week!"

  "Your mission in City No. 3 is to build a Xuanwu-class industrial ship, so how can you have extra production capacity. If you want me to say, just arrange for us to come to City No. 2, our No. 2 City was specially built for T4 starships before, and we have experience in top-level starship manufacturing!"

  Several chief engineers of various Xuanwu Star Cities began to quarrel at this time, and it was a supreme honor for them to be able to build the first mass-produced T5 starship.

  "Don't make any noise, this T5 Windranger-class light starcruiser will be in charge of City Four. Su Chunxia, you have to complete the first production line within five days, and ensure that the first T5 Windranger-class light starcruiser can roll off the assembly line for sea trials within ten days.

  Then, the monthly production of T5 Windranger-class light starcruisers will reach at least thirty!

  You can do it. Shirlier looked at Su Chunxia, the chief engineer of Xuanwu Star City No. 4.

  Su Chunxia stood up straight and said resolutely: "Guarantee to complete the task!"

  When the others heard that Sheryl had arranged this, they couldn't say anything more.

  To be honest, they themselves knew in their hearts that the most suitable person to accept this task now was Xuanwu Star City No. 4, because Xuanwu Star City No. 4 City did not have a fixed starship production line before.

  They are responsible for building whatever starship the Green Kite Legion needs, although the output is not very high, but it can be diversified.

  "But the commander didn't come to talk to us about such an important matter in person? Cheng Xiaoxiao on the side couldn't help muttering curiously.

  Saying this, everyone is also curious.

  In the past, this kind of starship technology was usually the responsibility of Commander Sun He himself.

  Because in this case, if they have any questions or ideas, Commander Sun He can solve them on the spot.

  You must know that Commander Sun He is really incredible in terms of technology research and development, and until now, they can't understand why Commander Sun He can come up with so many top-level starship technologies again and again, and often only after half a year.

  There are even conspiracy theories in the outside world, and Commander Sun He has privately imprisoned a group of top scientists in the universe to conduct scientific research for him.

  Of course, what the truth is, only Commander Sun He himself knows.

  Although the Blue Kite Legion was a little curious, they didn't care too much.

  After all, there are a lot of secrets in their commander, no matter what, they know that the commander will not harm them, and even in the commander's heart, every female soldier of the Green Kite Legion is like his child.

  As long as that's the case, who cares how many secrets the commander has behind him.

  Secretary Qiao Rongrong didn't hide anything from everyone's doubts.

  After all, the people here are the ones who have access to the top secrets of the Blue Kite Legion.

  "The Commander hadn't left his bedroom for three days, and he had asked for a lot of storage crystal disks, more than a hundred copies.

  And he also gave a direct order that no one was allowed to disturb him in the coming month unless there was something very, very important.

  The affairs of the Green Kite Legion up and down are all entrusted to me and Tang Kite, Luo Na, Catherine and others to discuss and be responsible. "

  One month?

  Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

  What the hell is the commander researching, something that needs to be hidden in the room for a month.

  "Don't think about it so much, if you're curious. I think we'll find out in a month. "Shiryl asked everyone not to think about this, the most important thing now is to help Xuanwu Star City No. 4 figure out the construction idea of this T5 Wind Goddess-class light interstellar cruiser, and mass produce it as soon as possible.


  At the southern end of this universe, lies the southern edge of the Holy See Empire, the Elven Clan, and the Dalaran Interstellar Federation.

  There is a large deserted star field, which is as wide as half a galactic galaxy.

  This is the first era of this universe, also known as the Bronze Age, when the interstellar territory was still very small, and even the galaxy may have been in the wild age.

  This place has entered the T2 era, and then hundreds of interstellar forces crowded here broke out in an interstellar war that lasted for three hundred years.

  There was no winner in that interstellar battle that lasted for three hundred years.

  Stars have exploded, planets have been devastated, meteorite belts are everywhere, and even the remains of the battlefields of that era can still be seen, but there is not much useful left.

  In the past tens of thousands of years, many interstellar scavengers have come here to explore, and useful things have been looted.

  All that was left of the wreckage of the starship was the rusty and worthless shell of the starship.

  The interstellar war caused this universe to be no longer able to survive, and the few interstellar forces that survived began to move one after another.

  It is even said that the major forces in the entire universe now, such as the Elven Clan, the Holy See Empire, the Dalaran Interstellar Federation, the Eastern Neutral Alliance, etc., are actually the descendants of civilizations that escaped after the Great War.

  But whether it's true or not, no one knows.

  And for some reason, in this almost uninhabited place, suddenly a light lit up in a void star field, as if a star was shining.

  If there is a deity looking down on this universe at this moment, you will see that there is more than one place that is glowing.

  Instead, there are nearly 100 luminous points, and these nearly 100 luminous dots form a three-dimensional arc-shaped pattern, which is not too large, which is equivalent to the size of a northern galaxy in the galaxy of the Milky Way.

  I don't know how long later, a blue film of light appeared, and at the same time, planets appeared in this star field as if the veil was uncovered.

  There are also some advanced starships, space stations.

  It's a completely vibrant scene.

  It's hard to believe that in this piece of battlefield ruins, there is such a paradise that has been hidden for so long.

  In the center and center of this 'paradise', a figure is suspended in the universe, wearing no protective equipment, only pure white armor similar to the Middle Ages.

  The most conspicuous thing is the six pairs of pure white wings behind this person.

  It's basically the same as the angels in legends and myths.

  The charming face can't distinguish between men and women, but the moment his (her) eyes open, thousands of stars seem to be dim in front of him (her).

  The pure golden eyes seem to be looking into the distance.

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