Beg for Life

Chapter 983: Knife in the back

After more than ten years in a hurry, I just enjoyed my life everywhere, molested the beauties, and left the war to other people.

Because the opponents were very strong and the development was a little slow, he finally made up 10 million villages, was given the title of emperor, unblocked the invincible cultivation base, and upgraded the first-level city to the second-level.

This kind of cultivation is an invincible existence regardless of the frontier village. After bringing nearly one-tenth of the territory under my control, a new situation emerged.

The remaining lords are less than three thousand, and most of them are in several big camps. They are also divided into three alliances. Except for the water camp, one of the alliances will deal with Weishui and the other will deal with me.

Kui Shui and I are still allies, and sometimes we cooperate to attack a certain continent to divide the territory, and the borders are already criss-crossed.

A piece of news came to me that a huge fleet went through the Weishui site and headed towards the rear of my territory.

Although Kui Shui and I are allies, we have not let our guard down. We have planted a large number of investigators in the territory she owns, but fortunately we have discovered the fleet.

Stabbing a knife in the back is really a defensive heart!

After I sighed, I began to deploy troops. Kui Shui certainly didn't want me to continue to grow and develop. Only then did the enemy cross the border and launch an attack from behind.

I didn't plan to fight this battle in my own territory. The powerful troops first waited for nothing. When that fleet was about to arrive, it directly entered the waters of the Kui Shui Territory, and a super naval battle broke out, completely annihilating tens of millions of enemy troops.

The false peace has torn away the disguise, but Kui Shui and I still have a five-year peace agreement, and we are still not pursuing the matter. Instead, we have launched a new round of conquests against other enemies.

Kui Shui wasn't pretending, it turned out that the alliance of other forces would launch a joint attack only when the peace agreement with me expired, thinking of killing me in one fell swoop.

But she didn't even know that I was already the only emperor in the entire war zone, unblocking the invincible cultivation base, and owning tens of millions of villages.

As I unblock the invincible cultivation base, my subordinates will also unlock this cultivation base as long as they kill enough enemies. Although the invincible hasn't appeared yet, the sun and moon realms have already appeared one after another.

Not only that, the practice room can consume spirit stones to unblock it, and some important generals rely on this method to unblock the first few layers of seals.

But I did not hesitate to slow down the recruitment of troops in the territory, consume tens of billions of spirit stones, and promote Qianqiufeng to the invincible cultivation base.

Qian Qiufeng has only one thing to do, and that is to sneak into the enemy's territory and assassinate the opponent's lord.

This move was beyond everyone's expectation. When the strongest lord of the Sun-Moon realm of my hostile alliance was killed in a ninth-level village, and a large number of subordinates died together, they realized that it was not good.

And my army quickly entered the land of the dead lord and easily took over the unattended village full of dead corpses, while Qian Qiufeng ran to another place.

This method can only be unexpected in the early stage, and it will be useless in the later stage. The lords will definitely hide it carefully, and will constantly change the village where they are located.

But Qian Qiufeng returned to the battlefield, and also played the role of rivaling me, but I used the spirit stone I grabbed when I took over the enemy's territory to turn Sun Kexin into invincible.

The two are not good at leading the battle, but they are good at killing the enemy after becoming invincible. The enemy wants to accumulate money and unlock the invincible cultivation base. It is temporarily impossible to do so, and it is impossible to own tens of millions of villages.

But I also know that this is temporary. As long as the lords of the same faction reach a consensus and transfer the territory to one of them, it is not difficult at all.

I can only expand the territory as much as possible before they do so, and cultivate more invincibility, especially before the expiration of the peace agreement with Kui Shui.

What I didn't expect was that she asked the enchanting envoy to contact me, saying that the peace agreement was being extended for 20 years.

It seemed that she was also scared, but I just played the enchanting messenger for nothing, and didn't agree at all.

"Emperor, don't be angry about what happened last time, my lord has already admitted your mistake."

Listening to her acting like a baby, I sneered, "You go too, if you don't, I will throw you to the soldiers to enjoy."

The face of the beauty messenger changed, and he was silent for a long time, so he should report to Wei Shui again.

After a long time, he looked up and said, "The Great, my lord said, she can attack the enemy in the south with all her strength, and even give you the final victory, but you have to agree to one condition."

I just got interested, "What conditions?"

"To help her incarnation improve her cultivation level and become the creator again!"

It seemed like Baruch thought, I narrowed my eyes and whispered, "Then I have to collect a deposit first, and give me the Chenyue Continent and the Sunset Continent."

The opening is two continents, the beauty messenger's face is ugly, and after the report, he said, "I can only give you the Chenyue continent."

Only then did I smile, Chenyue Continent was long and narrow, and once possessed, it would become the best southern line of defense.

The twenty-year peace agreement was finally signed, and one more continent was added, and the total number of villages surpassed 13 million in addition to the previous looting.

But I still don't think it is enough. At least 50 million villages can be used to feel safe.

An unexpected surprise came again. Because Qianqiufeng was located in the west, the enemy in the east was a little slack, and As a result, Aites in the empty camp was successfully killed by Sun Kexin.

The entire empty camp immediately became a group of dragons without a leader, the rest of the lords became a dish of scattered sand, and the more than two million villages in the territory also became unowned.

The action of Qiangkong Village has long been good, the main cavalry and air captain drove straight in, the fleet landed from the coast, there will be heroes leaving the team on the way, and will not stop until the main force of a new enemy.

The death of a powerful enemy is always a happy thing. Just when I was busy robbing the empty village on my side, Kui Shui also launched a fierce attack on the enemy on her side.

This time, Kui Shui also tried his best, and instead of preserving his strength to prepare to deal with me, he sent all the troops out, and the enemy was caught off guard.

She also sent enchanting envoys and proposed that as long as I send 10 million troops to assist in the battle, the sunset mainland will also be sent to me.

Today, our soldiers are strong and strong. As long as we get the sunset over the mainland, no one can attack the sea plateau from the sea. After careful consideration, we still agreed.

When the tens of thousands of troops set off, I personally saw them off in a harbor city. I knew in my heart that they would definitely be used as cannon fodder, I'm afraid I won't be able to return!

I didn't turn my head until the fleet disappeared on the sea.

The village heroine next to her murmured comforting, "Ancestor, all this is worthwhile, and we no longer have to fear that Kui Shui suddenly violated the peace agreement."

This heroine looks pretty good, a bit like Zhao Minyue, I'm afraid she is a descendant of me and her.

Seeing me turning around to leave, she knelt down and said, "Old ancestors, the descendants of unfilial piety will sue the old grandmother!"

My brow furrowed, "Zhao Minyue?"

She nodded, "The old grandmother's life is extremely luxurious. In order to enjoy it, she sent troops to build luxurious palaces, collect food everywhere, and find things to make wine, which greatly delayed the offensive speed of the descendants of the Zhao family. This extravagant trend is still spreading. the trend of."

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