Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 199: Wearing Stone Tribe

Remember in a second【】

Because he couldn't detect the orc's aura, he couldn't lock it for a while, so Cain waved his hand the second a staghorn beast disappeared, and a square golden cage rose from the ground.

At the same time, Adam, who had been lying on the ground pretending to be asleep, sat up all of a sudden, with no sleepiness on his face.

But when he saw the empty cage, he couldn't help frowning slightly, turned to Cain and said, "There is nothing, will he let him run away?"

Cain jumped down from the somewhat dark rock wall, glanced at the golden cage lightly, with an unfathomable look in his brows and eyes, "Really?"

Adam was startled for a moment, then quickly realized, and said with a smile, "Oh, it's a pity that I didn't catch it, but your level 5 warrior seems to be not very strong, and you can't even catch an orc."

Cain glanced sideways at Adam, but said nothing.

Adam smiled more and more coquettishly, one step at a time, he walked slowly to the cage, and stretched out his hand to support the thick railing.

"It's a pity that no one was caught in this cage. Let's leave it like this. It's good to be a shocker. Anyway, no one can unlock it except that the level of the ability is higher than yours."

After the words fell, Adam could clearly feel the fluctuation of the energy in the cage.

The smile on the corner of the mouth became more and more alluring, and the eyes of the fox were full of charm, as if he was asking Cain, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

"You said, we are leaving tomorrow, will the orc who stole our prey regret it then?"

Cain:  …

He ignored Adam, picked up two pieces of staghorn meat from the ground, turned around and walked into the small cave.

Adam couldn't help but twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth, why didn't this big brother cooperate at all?

Shaking his head helplessly, he shouted at Cain, "Hey, wait for me, don't even think about going back to eat alone."


In the small cave, Su Tang had already peeled all the ground fruits and sweet fruits, cleaned them, cut them into pieces and put them aside for later use.

After seeing the two people coming in, they asked curiously, "Why have you been here for so long?"

Adam was very happy, "It's nothing,

He just set a trap for the little bug, but he didn't expect him to get in right away. "

Su Tang is not a very stupid person, and he immediately understood the implication of Adam's words.

Wei Wei's eyes widened, and she asked excitedly, "Wow~ did you catch it? Then you...didn't hit him, did you?"

Adam shook his head.

"Of course not. That orc is very cunning. He has already been caught, but he still refuses to show himself..."

Adam beamed with delight, and vividly described what they had just seen.

Su Tang stared at Cain, and looked at Cain with both hands holding a heart, "Wow! Ah Yin is really amazing!"

Just as Cain showed a slight smile at Su Tang, he was pushed aside by Adam who rushed up suddenly.

"Sugar Cub! And me! If it weren't for my performance, the orcs probably wouldn't be fooled!"

"Yes, yes, you are also very powerful"

After getting the compliment, Adam was so proud that he wanted to let his tail out and twist it vigorously.

But inexplicably, he felt a chill on the back of his neck, and turned his head to meet Cain's gaze that seemed to be peeling him off.

After suddenly realizing what he had just done, Adam silently swallowed his saliva, retreated a few steps timidly, returned the position to Cain, and gave him a very doggy smile,

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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