Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 71: Talon Mandarin

"My lord!" Mrs. Gao was shocked.

With a gesture from the man, Mrs. Gao and Erica are invited to sit down. He poured two cups of freshly brewed tea for the two of them. Bring them to the two of them one by one.

"Sit down, sit down and talk." Man Dalin smiled generously, with an amiable face. At least, that's what Erica thought, and after thinking about it, she took a sip of tea and felt pretty good.

"Aren't you already dead... Aren't you in control of the Ten Commandments Gang? You!" Mrs. Gao switched back to her flowery language and spoke excitedly, ignoring the mandarin's tea, wanting to chatter endlessly about the past of the man in front of her .

"Take your time, take your time, we have plenty of time today." Man Dalin smiled shyly and drank all the tea in his cup. I looked at Mrs. Gao again.

"Hehe, Mrs. Gao seems to be a lot older, and the years are getting old. Your business in Guangzhou in the late Qing Dynasty was quite big, and you made your fortune through it." Man Dalin had a friendly smile on his face, not at all. Like a middle-aged man.

Widowmaker, who was silently watching from the side, sneered at Man's behavior, looked at the tea cup curiously, and didn't care about the content of their conversation.

"The famous Mandarin abducted me, so he didn't come to talk about family affairs, did he? What do you say?" Regarding the business in Guangzhou, Mrs. Gao seemed to have had an unpleasant experience, and she frowned.

"You and I are both wanderers. When we meet each other, I can't help feeling a little bit emotional." Turning over the tea cup and covering it on the tea table. Pointing his fingers at the bottom of the tea, his eyes looked straight at the wrinkled Mrs. Gao

"Madam Gao's current encounter, is she thinking of making a comeback?"

"You Ten Commandments gang want to help me?"

"No, no, it's not the Ten Commandments Gang." Man Dalin raised a finger and shook it, speaking slowly and firmly

"It's Talon"

"Black Claw?" Mrs. Gao, who has been dealing with the global white powder trade for many years, has naturally heard of this rising new organization. It's just that she couldn't figure out why the Mandarin would join this Talon organization.

"Yes, Talon will help you rebuild the Hand"

Hearing about the hand association, Erica looked at the middle-aged man diagonally opposite, put down her hands, and responded to her curious gaze with a smile.

"Then what is the price?" Mrs. Gao asked.

"From now on, the Hand will serve Talon and become Talon's hand."

Full of understatement.

Even in the late Qing Dynasty, the Hand Association and the Ten Commandments Gang were equal organizations. Because of their different fields, they have never violated each other. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was rumored that after the death of the Mandarin of the Ten Commandments Gang, the Ten Commandments Gang went from bad to worse every year. The Hand doesn't bother to compete with it, and the Hand, which is growing gradually, controls half of the white powder trade, and black and white take both in countries all over the world.

And you, the Ten Commandments Gang, are just clowns active in the Middle East. Why do you control the Hand Guild?

"You're talking like a dream!" Mrs. Gao burst out angrily, smashing the cup in her hand on the tea table.

The tea in the cup splashed all over the table, simply, the tea was already cold.

Erica sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and secretly made preparations under the table.

Widowmaker Minerva wanted to get angry and give the old woman a little more power, but was stopped by Man. His face was still amiable, without the slightest discomfort.

"Now I'm for Daozu, and you for fish. Don't be so angry." Pushing Widowmaker back on the chair, he still spoke amiably.

Mrs. Gao was at a loss for words for a while, this is the most embarrassing situation for the Hand, and now she is still a prisoner in name.

Mrs. Gao was speechless, and the scene became deserted. full, answer, speak

"Oh, as for the Ten Commandments Gang... well... I think Mr. Schmidt, who is like the Red Skull, is resurrected, and he can't fully control the current Hydra."

"In the same way, those who cannot be controlled by me, let them go. Those who are loyal to me, serve Talon with me, and find a way out together. Don't live like the past, and don't live like others. "

There is still a smile on Man's face, like a spring breeze. He quietly gave the guard at the door a look.

"Both of you are survivors of the Hand. Talon is the best home for you. S.H.I.E.L.D. all over the world is trying to wipe out the Hand. I think it would be really unfortunate for the Hand if you two die again. "

As he said that, the guard handed a stack of documents to the four of them. This is the status quo of the Hand's suppression. Most of the situation was fabricated by Talon, and Man believed that the real situation could only be worse than his fiction.

"Ms. Gao, Ms. Erica, you two can seriously think about it. As for this house, I leave it to you as your temporary residence. If you think it over, you can notify the people under your hand at any time."

Speaking of Man got up, Widowmaker followed, and the two of them were about to leave the room.

"and many more!"

Madam Gao stood up, and after a brief struggle, she decided to accept the Mandarin's proposal.

Black Claw is a new force that has emerged in recent years. Although it hasn't been long, but at this time, there are old and cunning people like Mandarin joining, at least the Black Claw organization has a certain guarantee.

Secondly, use its power to revive the Hand, and then take the opportunity to get rid of the control of the Talon organization, and even counterattack the Talon organization! These are things that could happen.

The Hand was in such a catastrophe, and the only one who survived was myself. Alexandra, Botu, Murakami, and Suwanda were all dead, and the base of the Hand was wiped out. Now, we can only rely on other forces.

"I accepted"

After a brief struggle, Mrs. Gao closed her eyes and spoke slowly.

As soon as this remark came out, Erica beside her was shocked at first. Erica never expected Mrs. Gao to agree so quickly.

Man was still so breezy, even standing up he looked very chivalrous.

"Very good, as long as you can figure it out. Now this room has a good rest. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it later."

Widowmaker Minerva pouted, she had expected such a change, she turned around emotionally, and closed the door for them by the Only Mrs. Gao and Ellie were left in the room Card, the moment the door closed, Mrs. Gao seemed to be discouraged, and she wobbled, leaning on the chair. Erica went up to help, and Mrs. Gao whispered to Erica

"Now it's just the two of us, the Hand is just the two of us..."

The experience of the day made Erica think about something at this time.

Daisy stayed with Emma all afternoon, and Sharon Carter returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch. Help Daisy pack her luggage.

The people in the branch didn't know Daisy's situation yet, and they were a little confused when they saw Sharon carrying the luggage. Miss Hand, who will be stationed in the Boston branch, came to the hospital and hugged Daisy.

"What are your plans in the future?" Miss Hande's perfume was still so aggressive. After a hug, Daisy felt that Hande was all over her body.

She tilted her head and thought about it.

"Make a few bucks"

Facing the Thanos crisis 12 years later, the big strategy now is to make money.

Only those who earn money can have resources, only those who have resources can have the right to speak, and only those who have the right to speak can protect the world.

"In S.H.I.E.L.D., without you, I would lose a lot of fun." Hand put one hand on Daisy's waist, and the other hand stroking Daisy's hair.

"You can come to see me in the future, right in the center of Boston, emmmm, forget it, you'd better not come."

"Haha, for S.H.I.E.L.D."

"to protect"

The two shook hands and smiled, and said goodbye.

Watching Hand leave, Daisy turned around and saw May and Coulson standing there side by side, and Coulson looked at Daisy very tenderly. There was a lot of reluctance in Mei's eyes, Klein and Rumlow were still standing behind them.

"Is everything all right, Daisy?"

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