Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 64: immovable as a mountain

"Even if it is Bruce Lee, you will die here!"

Daisy didn't care who surprised Madam Gao in front of her, she strode close to her body, exerted all her strength, took advantage of the situation, poured all her strength into her right fist, and hit the old woman's lower abdomen fiercely.

Facing Daisy's attack, Mrs. Gao couldn't see Daisy's attack clearly, and when she reacted, Daisy's punch was already close to her. Halfway through the defensive posture, Daisy punched him hard in the stomach.

Mrs. Gao only felt a severe stomachache. With a sweet throat, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Since you are the direct disciple of Master Li Shangqi, you are a rabbit. A rabbit doesn't beat a rabbit!" She panted like a wild dog.


Hearing this at the time, Daisy became even more furious.

"You tm don't sell enough white powder to flower growers? Did you really think I didn't get lost and checked you? Damn old woman!"

The dead old woman said Hong Kong & Poor's, Daisy replied with S&P, and Daisy was sure that the other party understood.

The angry Daisy crossed her hips and walked left and right for two steps, and by the way adjusted her breath which was disturbed by anger. I had just resisted the qi training of the dead old woman, and it had a backlash effect on me.

"That's why I said that you guys have lived for hundreds of years, but you still haven't understood it."

Mrs. Gao, who was scolded to death as an old woman, was furious and made her face hideous. But she, who was seriously injured, had no strength to fight back at this time, and knelt on one knee on the ground, panting heavily.

"The person hiding on the container on the left, you can assassinate me at this distance, and you will not be able to save the old woman in front of you." Daisy looked at the container that just smashed the gun.

A figure slowly retreated, and Erica gradually approached the battle field, standing next to Mrs. Gao, in a defensive posture.

Daisy looked at Alexandra in the distance again, and raised her chin. At this time, she has already corrected it, and she can do it again at any time.

"Hundreds of years, think about what you have experienced? Renaissance, Gallic Chicken Revolution, John Bull Reform, Eagle Sauce War of Independence, Industrial Revolution and World War you have experienced twice! Now you tell me you Do you still want to make money by selling white powder?"

Stepping forward, Daisy approached Mrs. Gao and Erica aggressively, and punched her again!

"Tell me! Did you live in the stomach of a dog for hundreds of years?"

Erica rushed in front of Mrs. Gao, trying to block the punch for her, but just as she expected, she was sent flying by Daisy's strong force.

Mrs. Gao was knocked to the ground by Daisy's kick. Alexandra caught Erica from behind her and twirled in the air before recovering.

Daisy was panting heavily. She had used 100% of her strength in those two strokes just now, and at this moment she felt a little out of strength. Doing so is actually dangerous, but

Uneasy after all

Alexandra straightened Erica's tangled hair.

"Leave Mrs. Gao first, and she will leave it to me."


"Be obedient!" Alexandra and Erica were talking in a low voice. The old woman's low growl cheered Erica who was lying in her arms. She got up and approached Mrs. Gao, and helped her up. .

Daisy wanted to stop, but Alexandra had already rushed towards Daisy. After meeting each other, Daisy felt that the strength of the other party was higher than that of the dead old woman who was beaten to the ground by her. This made Daisy feel a little careless.

Seeing Mrs. Gao and Erica slowly withdraw from the battlefield, Daisy felt a little anxious. If one or two escaped from the five fingers of the hand, they would come out like weeds one by one.

Thinking about it, Daisy kicked her foot, pulling the distance between the two of them

"Barton, what are you doing? Support?"

"Oh, I have a little trouble here, and it will be over soon."

Barton replied in his headset. At this time, there were eight Hand Association ninjas around him. Surrounded by groups of people, he didn't panic at all, and even sent a message back to Daisy.

For this operation, Daisy dispatched a total of 120 field personnel, including the quick reaction force and the anti-explosion force. Thirty of them were personally led by Rumlow and Gatler, and they were airborne and directly responsible for the internal assault mission. The remaining 80 scattered into several special operations teams to cooperate with the local police station to encircle and suppress the surrounding Hand forces.

The situation on the periphery was not very smooth. The hand information collected on weekdays, even if Daisy had already made an estimate of the expansion of power in advance, there was still a mistake at this time. But it caused heavy losses to the peripheral suppression forces.

Daisy didn't know these things until after the matter was over.

At this time, she had fought more than 30 moves with Alexandra, and each of them had eaten each other's attacks. Their mysterious qigong method made Daisy feel the routine. Daisy thought that they would be very powerful qigong, able to practice qigong to the extent of exhaling, but the two old women who competed with hand are just Use this ability to protect your body.

Practice Qi and release it? Daisy thought it was embarrassing for them to do this.

Daisy, who changed her attack strategy, sometimes unexpectedly attacked Alexandra's defense corner, and the opponent was experienced and vicious. While Daisy attacked her defense blind spot, she tried her best to attack Daisy's momentary defense hole. The two are attacking each other back and forth like this.

Facing Alexandra's "violent" attack, Daisy didn't panic at all. Because Daisy is younger, the physical endurance after baptism is not comparable to that of an old woman who has experienced hundreds of years.

After another twenty strokes, the disheveled Alexandra finally couldn't hold on, and was knocked to the ground by Daisy, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Compared with Daisy, Alexandra's face is more perfect, but there is a little nosebleed lying in her nose.

Daisy grabbed Alexandra's hair and made her kneel in front of her. At this time, the old woman's consciousness was a little fuzzy, and she kept panting heavily.

Daisy looked at her confused face for a while and asked curiously

"Hey, have you been in 'Alien'? My brother likes to watch that movie"


Alexandra didn't want to say a sudden arrow feather directly shot her in the heart. He spat out blood, screamed, and died.

Head grab?

"Is it timely for my support?"

Barton said cheaply in his headset,

. At this time, there were eight corpses lying beside him, and other people's blood donations were mixed on his square face. Holding the bow in one hand and wiping the blood on his face with the other, he asked as he looked at the periphery where the constant firefights continued in the distance.

you! I! she! This…

"It's hard, Hawkeye!" Daisy growled in despair.

Get rid of the dead body of Alexandra, asked in other channels

"You guys who are in charge of the Hand Association found a few, and I met three here."

"The bodies of Suowanda and Murakami are lying here. Did you kill those three by yourself?" Gatler looked at the corpses all around him. The air was filled with greasy blood. He looked at them with a smile on his face. This beautiful scenery, replied Daisy.

"Murakami's life is mine, in fact, uh..." Daisy was a little embarrassed

"The Goff I met... the old lady Gao escaped, and Alexandra, the leader of the Hand, was robbed by Barton."

"So one of the five fingers hasn't shown up yet? You are already very good, my lady. Don't be discouraged, at least this time we have achieved a lot." Gartler comforted him very friendly, which made Daisy feel better So little.

"Sir...we found Botu." The black Triplet stepped on the **** water and came to report to Gartler.

"He lay in a...coffin...dead"

Gartler and Rumlow looked at each other. They knew that this was the secret of the so-called Hand Association.

"Bring some live ones and ask them, Daisy, maybe you can come over and have a look."

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