Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 62: Qi Xu Rulin

Doctor Stephen, who was chatting with Daisy, left due to medical affairs, leaving Daisy alone.

After sending off Officers Sharon and Misty, Officer George returned to this floor. The incident happened under the jurisdiction of Officer Misty, and Officer George is from the New York City Central Police Headquarters. Both belong to the same system but have different responsibilities. The Hands in Misty's jurisdiction are active, and they have more say. Therefore, Sharon and Officer Misty confirmed the matter together.

On the side of the corridor of the hospital, seeing Daisy's expressionless face, he couldn't help sighing, took off his police cap, and walked slowly to Daisy's side.

"Logistics Bureau? The national defense logistics does not have such a lineup." He pointed to the special service team guarding the two intersections outside the intensive care unit.

"The law and order there is really bad, after all, it is the notorious Hell's Kitchen in New York."

Saying that, he sat down on the chair beside him, and pointed to the vacant seat.

"The bad guys will always be brought to justice. Don't be angry with yourself. Come on, sit down and rest for a while. Think about how to communicate with her later. Let me remind you that if the two of them say something too sensational, her The wound is easy to collapse."

"I also want to thank you. Gwen has become weird recently. Maybe the rebellious period has come earlier, but she likes the Lego pistol you taught her very much. It makes her love it every day and holds it when she sleeps."

After speaking for two paragraphs, George held up his hat and looked at Daisy again. She was still unmoved, but it could be seen that she was thinking about things, and the small movements of her hands didn't stop. The thumb caressed the index finger, making circles from time to time, and the index finger turned white.

"The Hand is bigger than you think. They're entrenched, they have a lot of cliques, and they're all their friends. The police keep trying to get rid of them, and they succeed every time, but before long they're like cockroaches again. They came out. They are well-equipped and well-trained, and each member can single out five policemen. The past cleaning experience has caused heavy losses to the police station."

"Daisy, if they did it, you need to be more cautious, they are all thugs who are proficient in fighting, they..."

"It has been fully confirmed that the Hand did it. One of the assassins who was left alone last night was arrested by police officer Misty. The police station just sent a statement." Sharon who ran over said to Daisy, Daisy Hearing this, his eyes lit up.

Officer George wanted to say something, and then Daisy received a call from Klein. "I used the temporary permission you gave me to call out our survey of the Hand Association. There are five core members of the Hand Association, three men and two women. The earliest photo record about them is about 1866. The woman in the photo is Hand. Mrs. Gao, a core member of the society, records show that she was selling opium in the flower planter’s Guangzhou area.”

"Now the Hand Association's main source of income is the sale of flour. A few years ago, they controlled the RAND Group, and the RAND Group helped them transport it to make huge profits. The records show that they have had a few incidents that endangered the world, but It’s too small to make a fuss, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. rating thinks they are too small a threat, so they will be handed over to the police.”

Daisy, who had been keeping a cold face, suddenly smiled when she heard the word "small fight". On weekdays, I was always worried about Thanos snapping his fingers, but I was bitten by such a flea.

Then he said to Klein in a hoarse voice, "Collect out the information of their leaders, and I will arrive at Sanquyi in ten minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Daisy murmured in a daze, "It's really a bunch of fleas", then looked up at Sharon and said, "Let's go back to S.H.I.E.L.D."

Sharon nodded and followed Daisy, "The Quinjet will arrive on the roof in two minutes. You go first. I'll deploy a special service team to catch up with you later."

As he spoke, he strode towards the special service captain on the side of the corridor and assigned tasks.

"But..." The secret service captain hesitated, because the guards were not government secrets or high-level SHIELD officials, let alone important prisoners. He didn't dare to complain in front of Daisy, because Daisy's temporary eighth-level authority had entered the leadership and had the right to deploy them at any time, but Sharon was at his level.

Sharon is aware of the hesitation of the special service captain, and she understands that what Daisy and her are doing now is a bit out of line. But Emma is also her good friend, and she is also very angry at Emma's appearance at this time. It will be more at ease to arrange the special service team of S.H.I.E.L.D. to take care of them in the hospital.

She whispered to the secret service captain, "It will not exceed six hours at most."

The captain of the secret service nodded his head, thinking that this attendance was just a casual look.

Sharon finished here, and immediately ran to catch up with Daisy.

Watching the disappearing figures of the two girls, Police Officer George was still a little dreamy, muttering "SHIELD..."

On the Quinjet plane, Daisy issued a mission using the S.H.I.E.L.D. network.

"Eradication of the Hand"

The task was issued to most of the agents that Daisy could mobilize in S.H.I.E.L.D., including May, Coulson, Hand, and Gatler, and 200 members of the rapid response force were summoned. Daisy wants a handwashing guild!

In an effort to root out the Hand, Daisy compiled a whole series of Hand conspiracy theories. Codified the Hand as a heinous villain who endangered and subverted the security of New York. They plotted to collapse New York and completely subvert New York City. Their own informant, Emma Frost, discovered their plot and was brutally abused by them, lying unconscious in the hospital.

Now is the time to wipe out the Hand!

As soon as he got off the plane, he saw Gartler and his subordinates Ward and Triplett waiting for Daisy at the airport.

"When I saw the mission just now, I was taken aback. I double-checked the name of the publisher, Agent No. 18." Gartler's voice was a little hoarse, not pleasant.

"How are you getting ready?"

"There may be some small troubles. We all know that Emma is actually your friend. This task of yours is subject to discussion." Because Daisy has always been controversial at the headquarters, all her information has been exchanged privately, so many things are not clear. Can't hide it. For example, the identity of the president of Rising Tide Studio, such as the identity of the founder of smartphones.

"Let's go, Hill is waiting for you. A lot of people want to talk to you." As he said, Gartler walked ahead, Ward and Triplett glanced at Daisy, Daisy and Sharon followed Gartler walked, and the two followed behind the team.

This is the first time Sharon has seen this situation, and understands that Daisy has overstepped her authority due to personal grievances. With a high probability, this may require Daisy to be relieved of her position. I can't help feeling sad in my heart. There are some regrets and a hint of coolness.

If this is the case, Daisy will be dismissed from her post, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is too cold.

"You are the fastest promoted agent I have ever seen, Daisy." There was still some distance on the road, and Gartler was chatting with Daisy.

"Beloved by Nick Fury, reused, good at hacking and fighting, invincible. Oh, I feel like I'm kissing your ass, but it's true."

Gartler, who stopped, looked at Daisy, "You should have a better ending."

As he spoke, he pushed open the glass door, and all the agents inside looked at Daisy, including Hill.

The **** all the way here was within Daisy's expectation, and she was not afraid of being dismissed at this time. Because even if she lost the backing of S.H.I.E.L.D., she would be able to find the Hand to settle accounts on her own. Da, then throw it directly into the river.

She is testing, SHIELD's tolerance for herself.

Stepping into the room, although not wearing handcuffs, the atmosphere at this time made Daisy enter the venue as if wearing handcuffs.

Coulson and May stared at Daisy, unable to leave for a long time. Both of them are very concerned about Daisy's situation.

Hill hadn't seen her for more than three months since leaving the cabin in the woods. Such things are directly normal in S.H.I.E.L.D. However, the last meeting experience was not friendly. When the two met, their faces were full of embarrassment. Hill's restraint was extremely strong, she lost her mind briefly, and in the blink of an eye she had returned to a calm state.

"Agent Daisy, please sit down."

Klein was also among them, and he greeted Daisy with a smile on his face while holding a stack of documents. The Sitwell agent beside him gave Klein a contemptuous look, as if to say, "This man is an idiot", which made Klein, who realized that the atmosphere around him was not right, feel relieved.

"About the "Eradication of the Hand" you just submitted, I have a few questions for you." Hill opened the file seriously and squeezed the copy onto the desktop.

"Emma Frost is your friend, isn't it?"


"She is unconscious at this time because she was maliciously attacked by the Hand, isn't it?"

"Yes." Daisy slumped her hands on the table, her face indifferent.

"You are determined to eradicate the Hand, aren't you?" Hill didn't even lift his head, and continued to read the report.

"Yes." All the agents, including Gatler, were amazed at Daisy's fearless performance. I think either she is ready to be dismissed, or she has not realized the seriousness of the matter.

Hill, who received an accurate answer from Daisy, looked up.

"Sitwell" heard Hill call out his name suddenly, and the bald Sitwell stretched his neck.

"Please cooperate with Agent Daisy's actions"


? ? ?

! !

No matter how wonderful the expressions of the SHIELD agents below were, Hill closed the file and walked out first. Agents Mei, Victoria Hand, Coulson and other agents who reacted have all exited the meeting room one after another.

Staring blankly at the exiting agents, Sitwell was a little confused about the situation. I was a little confused by Hill's hand. Shouldn't Agent 18 be sanctioned? ? ? Why are you supporting Daisy's plan now?

Holding a pen in one hand and a pen cap in the other, with two arms propped on the table, every time someone passed by him, he would shake his head for no reason. Until Daisy appeared in his eyes.

Daisy saw Hill exit the room and gave herself the initiative. She got up with the crowd, but she wanted to walk to Hill's position and assign tasks.

Calling for Klein to hand over the materials he was looking for, the little fan Klein walked around behind Sitwell with a stack of paper documents in his arms, accidentally bumping against him on the way. This made Sitwell, who was not in the situation, very angry, but he didn't know how to vent it.

"Agent Sitwell, stop staring blankly." Daisy reminded kindly. Sharon shifted his position, passed in front of Sitwell, glanced at the bald man, and said in his eyes, "This man is an idiot."

Sharon went to sit next to Daisy, and Klein stood next to Daisy with a pile of documents in his arms. All three of them looked at Agent Sitwell who was still out of the situation. Sitwell, who was still flustered inside, pushed down his big glasses to make himself look calm, and was about to sit down beside Daisy

"Let's get Agent Sitwell" Gatler suddenly appeared, pushed Sitwell, and sat down.

"Aha, I just said that you will have a good ending. How about it, I'll help you." The carefree Gartler turned sideways, leaning on the table with one hand and supporting the chair with the other, with a greasy smile of a middle-aged uncle, Look at Daisy.

"I..." Sitwell almost scolded her mother, tried her best to control her emotions, and sat a little far away with her mouth shut. Even though he was a member of Hydra from a direct lineage, Gatler, who was born as a pheasant, was incomparable to himself, but because Gatler was cruel and decisive, he was reused by the upper echelon. So even though the two are equal, in S.H.I.E.L.D., Gatler always has to be domineering to himself.

The world is so beautiful, but I'm so irritable, it's not good, it's not good...

Gartler's Ward and the black Triplett sat next to Sharon and Sitwell in turn.

"Young people need to exercise, and it is good for them to go to the battlefield more." Gartler said. The black Triplett is an old friend, the two greeted briefly, and looked at Ward again. The legendary official partner of Daisy... Bah!

Looking at the ruthless people around the Then Daisy summoned Rumlow from the quick reaction force, and he was in charge of the quick reaction force's operation this time. Everyone in the conference room carefully studied the Hand Society and its distribution around the world. Among them, the Hand Association in New York at this time is an important branch of them, and its role is equivalent to the headquarters of the Hand Association.

Of course everyone is interested in the five elders of the Hand. Alexandra, Mrs. Gao, Suowanda, Murakami, and Boto constitute the five fingers of the Hand Association, because these five people have more or less appeared on the tip of the iceberg of history, and have always been responsible for insignificant small things. role.

But the matter of Guang Changsheng is enough to make Daisy Shrimp pig's heart. You know, everyone here, except for Daisy's own people, are all hydras! The revelation of a secret means that there will be greedy eyes following it.

Everyone knew about the Hand before, but they didn't know the core secret of this organization. And the core secrets have long been sealed as eighth-level secrets by S.H.I.E.L.D. Now that Daisy announces it to the public, will Hydra not be tempted? Will you spare no effort to find the secret of longevity? Can't find one or two leader slices for experiments?

Therefore, shrimp needs pig heart.

Sitwell felt that he had discovered a big secret and could report it to the upper management of Hydra, and he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. Gatler on the side saw Sitwell's small thoughts and didn't care. He also wants to know the secret of longevity, because his body functions have been severely damaged in past missions, and at this time he is hanging by the bionic mechanical device implanted in his body. If he could find a way to save him, he would do anything.

Seeing the small expressions of Sitwell and Gartler, Daisy secretly smiled.

Shrimp wants pig heart!

Daisy planned to break the whole hand at once!

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