Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 317: miracle

A boring treatment process.

The consumption of aura is still huge, just because he promised his little woman, otherwise, he really doesn't want to waste so much aura on this unknown woman.

The treatment process lasted more than an hour, and half of the aura in the body was consumed.

Of course, there are gains and losses, and curing diseases can be regarded as a kind of practice, and the huge consumption of spiritual energy in the process of this kind of treatment also has some benefits for the practice.

Spiritual energy was scouring repeatedly in Hu Yue'er's head, repairing the wounds everywhere.

After these two comprehensive treatments, the damaged nerves and blood vessels in Hu Yueer's head were gradually repaired.

The damaged nerves and blood vessels in the brain are all repaired, and the next thing is much simpler.

It is nothing more than awakening Hu Yueer's consciousness.

In fact, when the brain nerves and blood vessels were repaired, the soul returned to the Dantian. Hu Yueer woke up. It was only a matter of time. Even if he left, after waiting for some time, Hu Yueer would automatically wake up.

But well, good people do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west.

Since all such a lot of effort has been spent, it is easy to do all the things.

Wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he moved to the top of Hu Yueer's head, and then pressed his palm on Hu Yueer's Tianding point.

The aura flows between his palms, and these auras condense into a jerky Taoism in the palm of his hand.

With the appearance of this Taoist text, Tang Feng pushed forward with his palm, and then, the Taoist text, which was flowing with azure brilliance, sank into Tao Hu Yueer's Tianding acupoint.

Spiritual spell.

A simple spell, as long as it is a monk in the refining period, can easily cast it.

This simple spell can awaken people's consciousness.

Tang Feng moved his palm away when the Tao Wen of the Spirit Calling Curse sank into Hu Yueer's Tianding Acupoint.

Then, he just stood there, waiting for Hu Yueer to wake up.

Time passed by.

Outside the ward, Dean Ma and a few doctors and nurses waited anxiously.

"President, you said that Dr. Tang has empty hands. What does he take to treat Hu Yue'er?" The female director of the intensive care unit looked at Dean Ma and asked curiously.

Hearing the female director's inquiry, Dean Ma shook his head with a wry smile.

Not to mention the female director, it was him, also full of good spirits, and wanted to know how the doctor Tang treated Hu Yueer.

If it were the previous time that someone was treating someone without the aid of any equipment or drugs, he would definitely think that this person was a liar.

But since Tang Feng gave Hu Yue'er the first treatment, he didn't dare to think so after seeing Hu Yue'er's brain CT.

The two inspections were only half a day apart.

Normally, if Hu Yueer's injury is so severe, if the body recovers voluntarily, I am afraid that it will not be possible to recover in a few years.

However, in just half a day, most of the nerves and blood vessels damaged in Hu Yueer's brain were miraculously recovered.

And in this process, only Tang Feng gave Hu Yueer nearly two hours of treatment, so it is certain that the recovery from Hu Yueer's brain injury is Tang Feng's credit.

"I heard that some ancient doctors use Qigong to treat people's illnesses. Could it be that this Doctor Tang is also treating Hu Yue'er with Qigong?" Another chief doctor next to him whispered.

Hearing what the chief doctor said, no matter it was Dean Ma or the female director, it was a bright spot.

It is possible, very possible.

If it weren't for Qigong, it would be impossible to explain how this Doctor Tang treated Hu Yue'er.

"President, or, let's go in and have a look? In my entire life, I haven't seen anyone use Qigong to treat a disease." The female director said.

Dean Ma looked at the closed door of the ward, wanted a moment, and shook his head.

To be honest, he also wanted to go in and have a look, but he was afraid that it would affect Tang Feng's treatment of Hu Yueer.

"Don't go in anymore. This Doctor Tang doesn't seem to have a good temper. If we disturb him, it is hard to guarantee that he will not be angry." Dean Ma shook his head and said.

The female director glanced at Dean Ma and sighed with disappointment.

Inside the ward.

More than ten minutes later, the **** the hospital bed blinked her eyelashes slightly.

Standing in front of the hospital bed, Tang Feng flashed a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand again, pressed his fingers on Hu Yue'er's cheek, and another aura penetrated into it.

With the penetration of this spiritual energy, Hu Yueer finally woke up leisurely.

Those eyes slowly opened up, at first they were hollow, and then gradually restored the brilliance of a normal person.

By this time, the poor girl was finally reborn again.

After Hu Yueer woke up, Tang Feng glanced at her again, pressed his palm lightly on the top of her head, and then turned and walked out of the ward.

The door of the ward.

"Doctor Tang..." Seeing Tang Feng coming out of the ward, Dean Ma and the others quickly greeted him.

"She is already awake." Tang Feng said.

When his words were spoken, the crowd at the door of the ward was stunned.

They didn't even think about it, just the second treatment, Hu Yueer was able to wake up.

Looking at Tang Feng who was a little tired, Dean Ma quickly recovered from the shock. The gaze looking at Tang Feng was no longer admiration, but a kind of fanatical worship.

And the others, looking at Tang Feng in the same way, with endless shock in their eyes, and even a little bit of disbelief.

The patient, who had been judged to be a vegetative by them, woke up after the man had been treated twice. It was amazing.

Unbelievable, unbelievable.

"Although the damaged nerves and blood vessels in her brain have been repaired, they are still very fragile. During the rest of the period, pay more attention to resting, especially not to be stimulated." Tang Feng said.

"Yeah, we will pay attention." Dean Ma nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, I should go back too." Tang Feng waved his hand, said nothing, and walked straight to the door of the intensive care unit.

Dean Ma wanted to follow, but Tang Feng refused.

"Don't send me off, you should go in and see the girl." With that, Tang Feng had already walked to the door of the intensive care unit.

Dean Ma stopped, looked at the departed figure, and thought for a while, but in the end he still didn't follow.

"Genius doctor," someone said like this.

The others all looked at the figure, nodding their heads deeply.

After leaving the intensive care unit, Tang Feng went downstairs and got into his car.

Sitting in the car, took a deep breath.

In my mind, the tiredness struck again.

This treatment consumes a lot of spiritual energy, so I have to go back as soon as possible to restore my spiritual energy. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 317 Miracle) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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