Become a Cartoonist System

Chapter 168 Multiple Concerns

Quilt King is a Q-version picture, not a wallpaper that dominates the screen.

In the minds of fans, Mr. Izumi is supposed to be the king of wallpapers, and there are not many beautiful words in his paintings. Every work should be a super-beautiful wallpaper that dominates the screen.

I didn't expect Mr. Izumi to take the wrong medicine today, and there are two pictures in a row, one of which is a Q version picture, which is really unexpected.

It's not that the Q version of the picture is not good-looking, on the contrary, everyone thinks this Q version of the picture is very cute, and people can't help but want to collect it.

This Q-version picture directly sweeps away the queen's heroic spirit of Dumao Wang, leaving only the cuteness of Dumb.

Not only the Qianqiuyuan family noticed Mr. Izumi's new wallpaper, but fans of Station P also noticed these two new wallpapers.

"The first one is so beautiful, the second one is so cute, praise!"

"Ms. Izumi's new wallpaper, prprpr..."

"Mr. Hequan's painting style is very good. This is probably the person who imitates Teacher Haiyang's painting style the most."

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs. Teacher Hequan's painting skills are solid, and his painting style is natural. Like Teacher Haiyang, he is a leader in the new painting style, and there is no problem of imitation."

Some Izumi fans have begun to defend Mr. Izumi's painting style.

Indeed, Teacher Izumi's painting style is very similar to Teacher Haiyang's painting style. Even if Sagiri deliberately changed the details when painting, the overall image is still seventy-eight like. Some people will inevitably jump out and say that Teacher Izumi imitated Teacher Haiyang's painting style.

Imitation and being imitated have always been a sensitive issue that everyone wants to gossip about.

It doesn't look like an imitation, which is okay.

But the degree of imitation is extremely high, and a large number of fans have been gained because of it, so the issue becomes sensitive.

From time to time, someone picks things up and uses the painting style to talk about things.

"Perhaps the two authors are the same person..." You Mengxin guessed.

"No, this guess has already been confirmed."

This guess has been confirmed as early as a month ago. It is said that Mr. Haiyang denied it in the Q group, saying that he is definitely not Mr. Izumi, and said that Mr. Izumi’s illustrations are superb.

It can be secretly collected, printed as wallpaper, and posted on the wall to enjoy slowly.

"The formation of a painting style requires years of accumulation of drawing experience. Teacher Izumi's painting style is already at the level of a master. How could he fall into the cliché of imitation? It's just that these two authors just practiced a similar painting style. Please Don't make trouble anymore." The true fans of Hequan + Teacher Haiyang went online and tried their best to defend.

When they were arguing, Sagiri stretched her waist, sent Miss Beitian out of the door, ended tonight's activities, slipped to bed and continued to make up.

Last night, I finished Sagiri of "new game!" and "new game!!", and searched for a cute girl in the god-level manga library, and then the god-level manga library fixed her on a cute girl named Kitashirakawa Yuko.

This cute girl tied up black double ponytails with two white round cake-shaped hair accessories, and was wearing a dark blue dress. She has round eyebrows, round eyes, and a fat face. It is a typical KyoAni style, soft and cute.

""Tamako Market"?... This is KyoAni's work!" Sagiri couldn't help being surprised when she saw the introduction.

This is a daily drama series in January 2013. If you want 1080P resources, you can only find the resources yourself. However, you don’t need to look for the theater version of "Yuzi Love Story", you can directly watch it on station B.

With the mentality of "I just came to see the cute girls", Sagiri clicked on the TV version of "Yamako Market", and after seeing it, she couldn't control it.


Two days later, when Sagiri used the god-level manga library to make up the series, the media began to pay attention to Sagiri's idea of ​​instant noodles, and some writers of several small animation magazines published articles saying that the idea of ​​instant noodles was too childish change.

"A few days ago, someone asked me about the future of instant noodles. The frequency is relatively high. I have answered many times, and I have a little experience."

"Let me tell you something here. The concept of Instant Noodles comes from the cute cartoonist Mr. Haiyang. This theory has just been born and is in its infancy. The prospect is bound to be bad. Why? Because the OP and ED take up about 2 minutes, the main plot is only About 1 to 2 minutes, I can't see what a good story can be told in one or two minutes..." the writer of Manyu magazine said in an article.

"Instant Noodles, Mr. Haiyang has redefined the meaning of micro-animation, why did she create a new word? Please read the exclusive report of Dengeki King, and tell you the exclusive secret stories and daily life created by Mr. Haiyang..." This is Dengeki The positive publicity of Dawang Company.

In short, there are good and bad comments on the Internet, and some people even ask famous figures such as directors in the animation industry about this question.

A tea pavilion, brown wooden platform, surrounded by small lakes, with birds passing by from time to time, it is very fresh.

A vice president of JC Animation Company came here to drink tea, and while tasting the tea, he looked at Qinglian outside the pavilion.

"Teacher Guan, what do you think when students hear about the idea of ​​Instant Noodles recently?" the vice president said.

The old man, known as Mr. Guan, is nearly sixty years old, with gray temples, exhausted, and has long since stopped doing animation, but there are still legends about him in the animation industry.

When Mr. Guan heard this, the drooping white eyebrows did not move for a long time. After a long time, he put down the phone and raised his eyebrows with a smile, which was as peaceful as a spring breeze and intriguing:

"Instant noodles, a very interesting new word."

The vice president glanced at the screen of the phone calmly, and there happened to be the encyclopedia knowledge of Instant Noodles. It seemed that Master Guan had just learned the news.

"Then what do you think, Master Guan?"

In the heart of the vice president, she was just a high school graduate who hadn't even stepped into a university, and she suddenly proposed a new word that could revolutionize the animation industry, which was really hard for him to accept.

Of course, it is undeniable that Teacher Haiyang is a great manga artist in the cute department, but there is still a gap between animation and manga.

As the saying goes, there are specializations in the art industry, and a layman giving advice to an expert will inevitably cause the insider to be unhappy.

Master Guan has gray temples, frowns on his forehead, yellowish-white skin, wearing a Chinese-style linen shirt, staring at a red carp in the lake outside the pavilion, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Haiyang's idea is good. It can be used as a test version to test the market reaction, but it's really hard to say what will happen to the plot in a few minutes."

He paused, rubbed his chin, tapped his fingers on the table, his eyes revealed a deep look, and then said: "Animation with a plot that focuses on joy and relaxation is suitable for instant noodles."

"Teacher Haiyang said the same thing." The vice president muttered after hearing the words.

"Oh? This little girl is not a frivolous person. Even her positioning is so accurate, I'm afraid she is really prepared."

A truly prepared person like this is the material for great things.

The vice president nodded, and after leaving, he picked up his mobile phone to look at the encyclopedia information, thinking that Mr. Guan's words just now came from encyclopedia, almost intact.

It seems that the old director Mr. Guan also doesn't understand instant noodles, so it's useless to ask him.

So what is the prospect of this instant noodle fan? !!

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