Become a Cartoonist System

Chapter 140 Preheating

Internet, a post bar for a virtual singer.

Post: "Top July 10th, Dengeki Dawang invites you to participate in the arrangement of Singer Ze Yu!"

In the post, there are detailed address and time introductions, as well as various procedures.

Additionally, the post has a list of people following it.

"May I ask the host, what if there is a finished music product that has been made in the computer when it is displayed? How do we know whether His Royal Highness Zeyu is a variable attribute?" The second floor replied.

"Yes, the landlord wants to give an explanation. You must know that in today's virtual singer world, there is no singer who can change the singing voice. What if His Royal Highness Zeyu deceives us with the finished product secretly made?"

The two non-genuine Zeyu fans upstairs, or they are music people, know more clearly about the development of the music industry.

They know that the technology of the current virtual singer is not so perverted, so they have subjective doubts about Ze Yu's sudden appearance.

"It's not that we don't believe it, it's just that this kind of technology appeared too abruptly. We don't want to be so stunned that we don't know that we were deceived."

Host: "I know that this technology is a little ahead of the curve, but after testing by our company's virtual singer lovers, the Zeyu program is indeed a song with ever-changing voices. At that time, two lucky audience members will be selected to come forward and compose the songs. It will be given to these two lucky viewers."

"At that time, experts from all walks of life will arrive, including the person in charge of Hatsune Miku's developer 'Cripton Future Media'. We will do our best to ensure that His Royal Highness Zeyu's ever-changing reputation is absolutely authentic and reliable. , don’t cheat!”

Listen to it, Princess Hatsune is here too!

Oh no, that's the developer of Hatsune Miku, not His Highness Hatsune.


Looking back, this is the developer of Hatsune Miku, a big company in the virtual singer world, and has never stopped researching on virtual singers.

If it is said that Zeyu Song Ji was produced by Cripton Future Media, the music industry may not even have doubts, and some people will shout loudly.

However, Singer Ze Yu came from a person who had never even heard of her name, but there was no company name behind "him". Her credibility was at the freezing point in history. Who would believe a "folk expert".

At this time, the King of Dengeki announced another latest news. After negotiating with the mysterious "him", they obtained the agency authorization.

"The producer behind His Royal Highness Zeyu is unable to attend the exhibition due to illness. At that time, Dengeki Dawang Company will send relevant personnel to host the conference to ensure that the conference is held successfully. Please rest assured that our company will implement the two principles of openness and transparency. A basic principle, so that everyone can see how the most authentic Zeyu songs were born." Deng Zhen Da Wang Xuan.

Seeing this news, everyone became even more suspicious.

The gentleman who developed His Royal Highness Zeyu actually handed over the program to King Dengeki!

The master himself does not plan to show up!

The whole process is represented by relevant persons of Dengeki King!

My God, won't the program leak? What if there is a ghost in Dengeki Dawang Company?

This idea lingered in everyone's mind and couldn't get rid of it.

This announcement was not only circulated in the post bar, Dengeki King's Propaganda Department also went to those self-media channels such as post bar and Weibo related to the virtual singer.

As for physical advertising channels such as bulletin boards and newspapers, there are no such advertisements.

Since the venue does not need to be too large, mainly because the live broadcast room can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, there is no need to invite so many people.

In addition, this is not a variety show, just invite some experts and folk musicians to testify.

Therefore, Dengeki Dawang didn't spend money to place Sawaha's advertisements in Tokyo. The main advertisements are basically promoting Mr. Eromanga and the catalog of magic tricks.

More than ten minutes later, the music record group who paid attention to this matter had different ideas. What's more, they sent someone to call Dian Shock King Company.

Why are you calling Dengeki Dawang?

Of course, it is to use "relationships" to see if there are loopholes that can be exploited.


A phone rings.

Mr. Qingshi is wearing a simple sports blue breathable shirt and a pair of light blue denim cropped pants today. He is playing games indoors with a game controller. When he hits a key point, he hears a call. But who it was, he couldn't remember.

"Moxi, Moxi, I'm Mr. Qingshi, please tell me who you are, Mr. Zheshou from high school!" Mr. Qingshi answered the phone and said with a sudden realization.

"It's not Zorosuke, my name is Tsumura Tetsuju, Qingshi-kun, please don't keep memorizing my nickname, okay?"

Zheshou Jun was speechless, just now his old classmate Qingshi Jun didn't know who he was, so he had to call out his high school nickname "Zheshou Jun".

Zheshou is his nickname in Chinese, and it is also a nickname in Mandarin that is often chanted in high school. In Chinese, this nickname means that life is not long and it is unlucky.

So Tetsushou-kun prefers the Japanese dialect——Japanese!

If you use Japanese, it will not make him think of the Chinese word "zheshou", and it will make him appear wiser and live longer.

"Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for four years after graduating from university. Why don't we come to Haidilao today and meet?"

Zhe Shoujun is now the deputy director of the operation department of a virtual singer company in Japan, and he is very concerned about Dengeki Dawang's virtual singer.

Since he saw a message in the first ten minutes that King Dengeki owns His Royal Highness Zeyu's sound source library program, he wanted to use his old classmate relationship to ask Mr. Qingshi to see if he had a way to steal the program.

"I see, Zorou-kun, you want the program, right? I'm afraid it won't work. I just watched Ze Yu's sound source program today. Now the program has been taken away by the producer. It's not in Dengeki Dawang Company. You can't watch it even if you want to." I can only watch it at the venue on Monday." Mr. Qingshi shook his head and said.

Mr. Zheshou immediately accepted the quarrel, knowing that Mr. Qingshi was unwilling to help, so he didn't make things difficult for him, and said with a smile:

"Oh, what nonsense, I don't want Zeyu's program, we two old classmates, just make an appointment to have a meal, talk about things without working status."

In fact, the program is still inside Dengeki Daioh.

However, the program is indeed not kept here by Mr. Qingshi, but by Xiaoman Editor.

Editor Xiaoman is Sagiri's direct responsible editor, and the person she trusts the most is Xiaoman, so Sagiri entrusted the program to her for safekeeping instead of putting it on a professional.

For this matter, the editor-in-chief was quite critical.

But after thinking about it, Sagiri is the cash cow of the Dengeki King, she has condensed the "cute" anime godhead, and she is the signature of the Dengeki King, so she can do whatever she wants.

"Still eating? That's good! Let's make an appointment with some people. There are several old high school classmates who haven't seen each other for several years. It's just a good time to have a meal." Qingshi Jun said indifferently.

Anyway, it's a weekend, so how can we do it without being overjoyed.

Hearing this result, Mr. Zheshou felt powerless. He originally wanted to make some excuses while eating hot pot, but now it seems that he can only eat seriously according to his wishes.

Apart from Mr. Zheshou who wanted to make connections, there were other forces that were also thinking carefully.

But without exception, they either got rejected or couldn't do it.

Some colleagues even didn't even see the program.

So at the end of the day, no one stole the program. (Battlefield Literature)

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