The next day, Baek Woojin finished his morning training and went to Baekwijeon.

- It's the first place you come. What are you doing here?

“It’s the building where the direct descendants of the hundred families live. Don’t call it a back-and-forth.”

- You are direct. Why do you live in a stable or something instead of here?

“It’s a stable looking at someone else’s house. It's bad! I haven't unlocked my mana yet. I live there.”

- Is that even discriminatory? dirty

Baek Woojin nodded his head as he was also thinking the same thing as Darkness.

“I was 23 years old when I opened my mana in my previous life. It was too late to even move in here. I always lived there.”

- 23 years old? It's too late.

"okay. I was later than the average talented person.

- When did your brothers open up?

“The early one must have been 8, and the late one must have been around 14.”

- That's great.

"right. They are my brothers, but they are very talented.”

It wasn't Baek Woojin's brothers who said darkness was great. He said it was great to Baek Woojin, who became a first-class prosecutor by continuing to work even though there was a serious difference in ability with his brothers.

- So why are you here?

“My brother called.”

- Didn't I say that you and your brother aren't on good terms? You haven't seen anyone in a month.

“Everyone is bad except for the third hyung. The third brother has just finished his mission with his father this time.”

Baek Woojin stood in front of the only door on the 3rd floor with light steps.

Ding Dong!

When the doorbell next to the door was pressed, the door opened automatically. Baek Woojin entered through the open door.

- This is not a room. What's so wide!

“Rather than a room, this one floor is a home. The third floor is being used by Sunghyun-hyung alone.”

Baekwijeon has up to 9 floors, and each floor is used by one direct lineal. Since there are eight direct lineages of the Baek family, two floors are currently empty.

"I'm here?"

A beautiful young man with red pomade hair greeted Baek Woojin with a smile. This man is Baek Sung-hyeon, the third Yuhan sword of the Baek family.


Baek Sung-hyun is now 26 years old, so he is older than Baek Woojin before he returned. There was no awkwardness at all when he called him brother.

“Did you practice hard during that time?”

“I really wanted to break my body. He almost died.”

"haha! okay?"

Despite the fact that Baek Sung-hyun spends more time outside and performing his duties than he does at home, he has been taking care of Baek Woojin's training every short time he is with the family.

Baek Woojin helped Baek Woojin to become a first-class prosecutor in his previous life.

“Then let’s see how big our youngest child has grown.”

Baek Sung-hyun took Baek Woo-jin's hand and pushed his mana in to examine his body.

‘It’s a little bit, but the amount of mana inside the body has increased.’

As Baek Woojin said, he must have rolled his body really hard, and the amount of mana in his body was increasing.

'It'll be much later than others, but maybe you can feel your mana by the time you're 20... uh?'

When Baek Sung-hyun tried to take his hand off Baek Woojin's body, he could feel the change to be much bigger than his mana.'what. How can muscles grow so fast?’

Baek Woojin's muscle mass has increased significantly compared to when I saw it two months ago. Baek Sung-hyun thought he had felt it wrong and checked it several more times, but the result was the same.

Baek Woojin's body had grown beyond understanding in such a short period of time.


Baek Sung-hyun patted Baek Woojin's body with confused eyes. Not only was his body well-trained, but he was also quite tall.

“Woojin, what the hell did you do… .”


“How did you create a body like this in two months? If not, it would take half a year... .”

Since it is a direct line of the 100 family for half a year, I kept it short. If you are an ordinary person, two years will be short.

“During that time, I didn’t hold a sword and only trained my physical strength and body.”

“For two months?”


In reality, it is one month, but Baek Woojin lied that it was two months because Baek Sung Hyun had such a surprised expression on his face. No matter how friendly he was, he couldn't talk about darkness and quests.

“You have such a talent. I was really surprised."

“That’s right?”

“The mana in your body has also increased. If you practice consistently, you will be able to feel your mana in a few years.”

Baek Woojin from his previous life heard that from Baek Sung Hyun when he was 19, but this time he heard it at 15. He has moved forward by at least four years.

Besides, since you felt mana in your previous life, it won't be that difficult to feel mana again.

“I have nothing to say. Make sure to keep practicing what you are doing now. It seems to be a good fit for you.”

Baek Baek-hyun is a genius who obtained the qualifications of a Grade 7 prosecutor in his mid-20s. When he says this, he means he's made a lot of progress.

'Thank you. Darkness.’

Baek Woojin glanced at the darkness floating blankly behind him. Darkness stayed still, not saying anything about what to focus on.

“Take this.”

Baek Woojin handed a small black stone to Baek Woojin. A blue light flashed from the inside of the stone.

“What is this?”

“This is the Carmel Stone obtained from this mission. It's a big help when setting the Auror for the first time. Write it later.”

“The Carmel Stone? This is very expensive!”

"it's okay. take it."

In his previous life, Baek Woojin took good care of Baek Woojin, but he never gave him a camel stone. He would have given this stone because he saw himself as a possibility.

He was indescribably happy because he seemed to have been properly recognized by Baek Sung-hyun.

"thanks. brother."

“Mana training requires patience. Don’t give up and work hard until the end.”

Baekhyun patted Baek Woojin on the shoulder and smiled.

“There is no giving up in my dictionary.”

"haha! great. Let's go see how much you have grown later."


Baek Woojin thanked Baek Sung Hyun and left the room.


As he was about to leave Baek Wei-jeon, he ran into his seventh brother, Baek Myung-hun, at the front door.

“Why is a bug that can’t even feel mana here?”

“I have work to do.”

“I don’t like the color of my eyes since yesterday.”

Baek Woojin roughly answered and tried to pass, but Baek Myung-hoon grabbed his shoulder.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had the bug find out the subject.”

"what… .”

Baek Myung-hoon grabbed Baek Woojin by the neck and dragged him away.

“Are you scared now? So you shouldn't have noticed me. Throw it away.”

Baek Woojin was dragged away with a blank face as if frightened, but he was actually looking at something completely different.

[An unexpected quest has arrived.]

You have been tortured by your brothers all your life. Now it's your turn to pay it back. Use all of your abilities to defeat him.

Condition: Defeat Baek Myung-Hoon.

Reward: 300 points, sudden reward.

‘A sudden quest?’

Suddenly, a window called a sudden quest appeared and said to defeat Baek Myung-hoon.

‘300 points is a lot. However… ’

Baek Myung-hoon is only two years older than Baek Woojin, but he is a second-class swordsman who opened his mana a long time ago. No matter how much stamina and physical ability he has improved, he cannot face him head-on.

-Sudden quests literally appear suddenly. To be honest, the reward is not small compared to the work you do.


300 points is the same reward as the quest that Baek Woojin cleared after training for a month. You should never miss it.

- Think carefully. you made a comeback There's got to be some information about that guy named Baek Myung-hoon. aim for it

'Well… ’

Darkness was right. Baek Myung-hoon had a habit of beating himself. He doesn't hit his face, but always hits places like the abdomen or thighs that aren't visible.

had to aim for it



As Baek Woojin was simulating in his head, Baek Myung-hoon, who arrived at the back of the building, threw him at the wall.

“Did I let you go too far?”


“Sometimes bugs need to be stepped on!”

Baek Myung-hoon threw his fist and aimed at Baek Woojin's stomach. Baek Woojin was hit with his fist even though he could dodge it.


“Someone like you can’t follow me even if it takes a lifetime!”

Baek Woojin continued to look for opportunities, even though he was hit in the body by Baek Myung-hoon's fist. He never looked away.

“Look at your eyes? Do you have to get hit more?”

Baek Woojin's eyes twinkled when Baek Myung-hoon raised his right leg and tried to kick Baek Woojin's thigh.

“It’s nonsense!”

Baek Myung-hoon laughed when he saw Baek Woojin rushing at him.

'If a guy with no mana moves... Ugh!'

The idea was to knock down Baek Woojin, who rushed in, but it was different from the speed he expected. A fist flew faster than using mana.


Baek Myung-hoon, whose body was out of balance because one leg was lifted, could not dodge Baek Woojin's quick fist and was hit by the chin and flew away.

“I will kill you… uh?"

Baek Myung-hoon, who was about to get up immediately because the shock was not so great, knelt on the ground again.

“Hey, how is this… .”

The impact of being struck in the jaw shakes the brain, making it temporarily impossible to move the body.


A shadow fell over Baek Myung-hoon's head, who was shaking.

“Come on, wait!”

“Let’s get it right.”

Baek Myung-hoon waved his hand, but it was Baek Woojin's knee that flew to him.



Baek Woojin slapped his chin one more time with his knee before Baek Myung-hoon came to his senses.

Bubbly bubbly!


Baek Woojin got on the boat of Baek Myung-hoon, who had fallen backwards, and beat his whole body like a storm without covering his face or body. With the determination that if I miss this moment, I will die, and I burn like a dog without even breathing.

“Ouch… .”

As it was a level 2 examination, his physical strength was no joke. Baek Myung-hoon lost consciousness only after he was beaten to the point where his breathing became rough.

“Wow… .”

Baek Woojin took a deep breath and fell backwards.

- Great! great job!

“Huh, huh! okay?"

-You captured the moment you could win, not to miss it! It was really nice not to hesitate after that. Your guy was a victor!

He praised Baek Woojin with a tone raised in darkness.


[You have completed the unexpected quest.]

[Reward 300 points will be paid.]

I was happy to be rewarded for the sudden quest, but I felt even more euphoric to see Baek Myung-hoon, who was never able to win, collapsed under his feet.

-But doesn't he come to you when he wakes up?

“Never come. This guy has a lot of pride and a lot of fear. He'd never say he hit me. I'll probably stay in my room until I get better, gathering information about me."

If it's Baek Myung-hoon's personality, I know for sure. He never comes right away. He will find out what happened to him and he will move.

“I’ll come back later, but by then it’s already too late.”

-okay. 'Cause you can get stronger You will be stronger than this idiot by then.


Baek Woojin slapped Baek Myung-hoon once more in the back of the head after leaning it against the wall.

-Why did you hit the fainted one?

“You look like you want to hit me. You won't know how many times I've wanted to hit this back in my previous life."


Baek Woojin smiled and slapped Baek Myung-hoon in the back of the head once more. This time there was the sound of cracking walnuts.

- You're crazy too.

“But why isn’t the sudden compensation coming?”

As soon as Baek Woojin spoke, a new hologram window appeared.

[Unexpected compensation will be paid.]

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