Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 375 Final Kill Apocalypse (Part 2)

After breaking up a shadow, Bruce felt that the rope tied up on his body seemed to loosen a little, so he made persistent efforts, and the wings led his body to dance in an instant, hitting the dense shadows that surrounded him again and again. Suddenly in this seemingly boundless space, Bruce's figure continued to crisscross.

While At the moment fell in the eyes of Ancient One magician and Dormammu, it was one day that the red smoke enveloped Bruce’s body and lay motionless, and suddenly Bruce opened two wings behind him, and the red mist was intense. Trembling.

When Bruce was entangled with the red fog, Charles was caught in a very dangerous situation. Under the mental projection of Apocalypse's height of more than four meters, Charles was ravaged without any strength to fight back. Had it not been for his perseverance, At the moment might have long since fallen apart and became a victim of Apocalypse Possessing other's body.

But even so, Bruce At the moment was directly grasped by Apocalypse, and then hit constantly, hitting the surrounding walls directly. The environment here is Charles Wizel Manor in West Chester. The most familiar scene.

There was no one around, Apocalypse's head was about to top the high ceiling, and he could even touch the ceiling with his hand. He directly grabbed one of Charles's legs, then flung it all of a sudden, and mounted it directly on the ceiling. , Knocked the ceiling out of a deep depression, and a series of cracks like spider webs spread directly towards the surroundings.

"Puff..." Charles' spirit projection spurted out a mouthful of blood at this moment, and then was thrown directly on the corridor by Apocalypse like a piece of rubbish. Then he took heavy steps and walked towards him step by step. Charles slowly crawled forward on the ground, but in the end he was stepped directly by Apocalypse.

Apocalypse stepped on Charles' back with one foot, then bent down and said to him: "This is the place you are most familiar with. This is where your consciousness is, but you are still not my opponent. What do you fight with me? Now Become a part of me. From now on we will be the gods in this world. Sacrifice all the evolutionaries to Dormammu, and we will rule that group of ignorant ants-like ordinary humans."

Apocalypse said that the sound was so loud that it even shattered the glass on the surrounding windows, but Charles was still struggling: "Give up resistance, and I will be absorbed by you. Is it me?" At the moment Charles flashed familiar people, his mother Sharon, younger sister Raven, godfather Bruce, and Audrey who was a little too old.

One by one, figures appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. At the moment, he felt his insignificance. At the beginning, he always thought how powerful he was, but now it looks like a joke. Maybe he is really strong compared to ordinary people, but there are too many strong people in this world.

So he died here like this? Charles couldn't help but feel a little sad. Charles didn't understand the relationship between Raven and himself over the years. It was just that he felt that they were too familiar with each other, which made it a little difficult for him to accept the transition from brother and sister to lover.

But At the moment he knew that Raven had unknowingly occupied an irreplaceable position in his heart. Such feelings are like fermented alcohol. After years of precipitation, they are so mellow and silent. It's hard to get rid of it after falling into it.

But it is too late now. Apocalypse is too powerful, and he is definitely not his opponent. After his death, what fate will their relatives face? Charles couldn't help lying on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

But all of this is obviously not in the category that Apocalypse cares about. What he cares about is Charles' current Ability. As long as he obtains this Ability, then he will be the true god of this world and rule the earth from then on.

At this moment, the red mist surrounding Bruce began to weaken in an instant, gradually revealing Bruce's body, while those Apocalypse armors fell piece by piece.

"It seems that your contractor has failed. That Batman Bruce is beyond his imagination. He can solve his opponent quickly under the attack of so many evil spirits. Such a person is really terrifying. So powerful." Ancient One magician said to Dormammu.

"I don't care, anyway, it's just a temporary game, I didn't bother at all, and you see that I have harvested so many sacrifices this time, haha...this is enough for me to go to another dimension to capture a life It’s a planet. Sure enough, the flesh and blood of people on earth are the most nourishing. I have absorbed the soul and flesh of life in many dimensions, and only the people on earth can provide the best." Dormammu said.

"But you shouldn't come to the earth, this is the place I protect!" Ancient One magician said.

" are not enjoying the soul energy and life essence of people in the other dimensions, otherwise you think you can live for so long? Or if Eye of Agamotto restrains me, you think I can talk so well, wait Well, in the future, I will definitely find another spokesperson on the earth, let him replace you and provide me with the soul and flesh and blood of the earthlings!" Dormammu disappeared as he said, and the huge purple face disappeared in the air. .

"Then wait until the spokesperson you find defeats me, Dormammu, remember our agreement!" Ancient One magician said to Dormammu.

"Don't worry, I will abide by our agreement. As for you, do it yourself. Those earthlings are virgin bitches. They will not be grateful for being sheltered by you for so many years. If you learn that there is an agreement between you and me, They will definitely think you are an evil person too! I will see your ugly face then!" Dormammu disappeared after saying this.

At the moment Bruce has already crushed all the shadows. These evil spirits once restrained by Apocalypse. Unable to use it anymore, he now only has the ability to rebirth from the original Possessing other's body.

At the moment, Bruce felt that his soul became more solid, as if he could break the cage, and could exist without the body. This is the soul essence absorbed in the process of defeating those evil spirits, and it is also a guarantee. A peculiar existence that exists for a long time in a person's soul, which is invisible and intangible, but it will make a person's soul stronger. Such a person is suitable for learning magic.

But Bruce has never had the opportunity to learn magic, or the Ability in himself is already very messy, he is afraid that after learning magic, he will be even more confused.

After defeating all the evil spirits, Bruce completely recovered, and then he saw Charles constantly trembling on the ground, what should he do now? Charles is obviously fighting Apocalypse on the soul level. Bruce can't do this kind of battle. He can't get into Charles's heart to help him.

"How about? Want to help your friend?" Just at the moment Ancient One magician walked over and said to Bruce.

"Yes, but I can't help. I can't do anything about the soul!" Bruce said. He really wants to copy the opportunity now, so that he can copy Charles directly, then he can go in and help him, but He felt the proficiency of copying Ability, and found that it was still a little bit worse, obviously not meeting the conditions for copying.

"I can help you with this. As long as you can trust me, I can help you build a bridge between you and your friend's soul, and you can go in and help him." Ancient One magician said, this time she was ready Come and help, she had been staring at Dormammu before, but now she doesn't need it.

"Is it really possible? And I can beat the soul of Apocalypse?" Bruce doubted himself a little. He didn't know whether his soul battle Ability could defeat Apocalypse. In the original work, the soul of Apocalypse was directly burned to death by Phoenix. , And Phoenix has not yet been born yet.

"Don't doubt yourself about this. The combat power at the soul level that you just showed is very powerful. This is the most powerful soul I have seen in hundreds of years." Ancient One magician said.

"Really?" Bruce definitely remembered what he was doing just now. Could it be that he can only engage in hand-to-hand combat on the soul level? Then I really have a chance. So why can Phoenix still use Phoenix force in the soul state?

Phoenix force is an ancient force that has always existed in the universe. This force has surpassed the limit of the physical body, but is powerful at the level of the soul. Phoenix Jen Grey can't fully bear the Phoenix force, so it will It was sealed by the professor, and a Dark Phoenix was born.

"Go, believe in yourself, as long as you believe that you can defeat everything, then the power of your soul will be revealed." Ancient One magician said.

"Then please magician, help me cast spells!" Bruce now believes in Ancient One magician, because he feels that the current Ancient One magician is very different from the Ancient One magician who fought him before. The biggest difference lies in the look in her eyes. , Smart, compassionate, instead of just being sluggish before, and even occasionally flashing a different evil feeling.

"Then you just do what I said!" The Ancient One magician folding fan shook lightly, and all of a sudden the magic lines appeared in the void, drawing a very complex magic circle.

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