Beauty Replicates The Strong

Chapter 188 Vampire Bruce

Along the way, Bruce will be very slow, so although it took him less than two minutes to rush past, the return journey took more than half an hour, mainly because Audrey Hepburn opened his eyes in mid-air. After that, I couldn't help but marvel along the way.

In the air, Bruce flew back with Audrey Hepburn, but when Bruce reached out and held the small hand, Audrey Hepburn opened her eyes, and the brown eyes first saw her. The former Bruce, At the moment Bruce in a tight combat uniform is flying with open wings.

Scattered in the sky are scattered stars, like gems sprinkled on black velvet, At the moment Audrey looked a little surprised. Because what unfolded in front of her was a beautiful and picturesque scene.

In the night sky, there was no full moon, only a crescent moon hung on the horizon, but the shining moonlight still made Bruce's long golden hair coated with silver. The wings are like the legendary Blood Clan Batwing, which is mysterious and elegant.

And At the moment himself is on the sky, following such an inhuman existence, maybe not in a trance, but in fear.

But no matter how far the road is, there will eventually be an end. After half an hour has passed, Audrey found herself parked in the sky above Rotterdam, the largest city in the Netherlands, where countless buildings in the city can be seen. , Low but it seems very prosperous.

At the moment, this city was the same as the small town they were in before, and almost everyone was locked at home after nightfall, afraid to go out. All the streets are deserted, like a ghost town.

Bruce landed on the top of the largest church in the city. A towering cross was fixed to the top of the building, and a man with a Batwing stood on the cross, like a contempt for God.

But no one saw this scene, except for Audrey who was next to this man. At the moment, she was very surprised and could even be said to completely subvert her previous understanding of the world. A person can really fly in the sky, and he took her across half of Holland, from the remote town to Rotterdam.

So At the moment has completely lost his own opinion, and can only let Bruce lead her into the small attic on the top of the church.

"Are you okay? Do you want to freshen up first? Look at your dirty body." Bruce said like this, and then folded the wings behind him. After the wings were folded, the battle uniform on his back was only left. The next two slender gaps. This is the space left specifically for the wings to extend.

Seeing the wings gradually retracted behind Bruce, Audrey's eyes showed a trace of horror. This person and the legendary vampire (the Marvel Movie Universe set in this article, without the Blade Warrior world, the vampire does not exist) seem to be the same. Night activities, the same bat wings, the same looks extremely handsome. I just don't know why he is not afraid of the cross of the church.

But thinking about the legend of vampires, she became even more scared, because vampires liked virgin blood the most. Could it be that the other party took herself abducted to suck her own blood? Audrey's face paled even thinking of this.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" Bruce stretched out his hand and gently tested the temperature on Audrey's forehead. There was no fever. Why did he seem to be shaking all over, could it be cold?

"Wait a minute, I'll go find you a suitable dress, and boil some hot water. You little girl doesn't know how to dress yourself." Bruce said, turned and went downstairs, but he didn't think about it. There is still war everywhere here. How can a little girl dress up if she can't even get enough food and clothes?

When Bruce turned and left, Audrey walked out of the eggshell and checked the surrounding environment. I only saw this small attic space, although it was not big, but it was filled with all the necessary furnishings. For example, a large bed, a dressing table, and even a bathtub.

At the moment Bruce has started to light a fire below, and he doesn't care if he will attract the attention of the police. Anyway, his Ability is enough to be unscrupulous on the battlefield, and unless the police send HYDRA to make Bruce feel a little bit tricky. .

But now HYDRA may not be at peace anymore, because the concept between Schmidt and Hitler has already appeared divergence, HYDRA no longer wants to subdue to others. Moreover, in the occupied area of ​​the Netherlands, it is not bad to have some real elite troops. If it weren't for Audrey Hepburn, the woman Bruce missed in his heart, he would not have come here.

Now that I’m looking for a target, definitely everything is no longer urgent. Anyway, the Captain America guy has just started to rescue Bucky. The plot has just begun. When will they start to take down the HYDRA base, Bruce Will go, get out Tesseract first by the way.

When the fire slowly rose in the church and hot water was burning in an iron pan, Bruce noticed a faint movement in the attic.

"Audrey, where are you going?" Bruce asked aloud.

This sound made Little Loli, who was tiptoeing about to sneak away, stopped all of a sudden, and suddenly looked like a wooden person, she didn't dare to move, because the other party was talking in her ear. At this time, Audrey Very scared.

And she clearly remembered that he didn't tell him his name, how did he know it? It must be a vampire, only a vampire has those weird magics and knows his name.

"What's the matter, you little girl, look at the clothes you are wearing now. They are dirty." Bruce walked upstairs to Loli's side, then directly picked her up and returned to the attic.

"Wait, the water is almost boiled, so I will take a good bath, and then come down to eat." Bruce said and put her in front of the dressing table next to the big bed.

At the moment through the front full-length mirror, Audrey realized that she was really ugly now, like an ugly duckling. The gray and black dirty things on her face and the little personal clothes she was wearing had all become If it is gray, the original color is no longer visible. Only one pair of eyes still looks familiar to him. She can't remember how long she hasn't looked in the mirror.

In this enemy-occupied area, a child wants to walk across by herself. The hardships are far beyond people's imagination. She can go to the trash can in the middle of the night for a little food, and even catch a scary animal like a mouse by herself. , Just to be able to eat rat meat.

At the moment Audrey looked at her and felt that she was alive now, and she would still be sucked blood by the vampire. It might as well just die, so her eyes drifted away on the dressing table.

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