"Yes, by the way, I can ambush you idiots who deliver goods to your door as a gift to welcome us into the alliance!"

A few people were talking to each other, and the tone was getting higher and higher. In the end, it seemed that the new alliance had supreme sincerity, and everything it did was to invite Ganghe College to be its leader.

Don’t you see that the position of leader of the new alliance is still vacant?

Lin Yi was speechless.

It's not surprising that one weird thing appears, but weird things appear together, especially if the entire academy has such weird virtues, it's really incredible.

The most outrageous thing is that such a weird college with a collection of weird and wonderful people can still survive to this day, and it has even risen all the way and almost entered the divine college alliance. It is really puzzling.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yi finally came to a conclusion.

Maybe it's because these guys are so weird and their behavior is so ridiculous that the real large forces don't take them seriously, so they can survive today, right?

Lin Yi glanced at Yuan Kun, who had twitching veins, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathy.

This guy actually wants to get Ganges College to join the alliance. Even if he just wants to take advantage of it, it is really not easy to deal with such a group of guys with pinched noses.

After the three Harlins finished boasting, they turned to look at Yuan Kun: "Dean Yuan, so many people are waiting here just to ambush this man named Lin. Now that the prey has taken the bait, what are you waiting for? "

"You have to be decisive in doing things. Since you want to show sincerity, you can't make mistakes in details like this!"

"You and he are talking so much nonsense here. If it causes misunderstanding and makes our college suspect that you are not sincere, what will you do?"

After some words, Yuan Kun was asked about autism on the spot.

Although he had only used Ganges College as a cover from the beginning, he had never thought of actually letting these guys enter his new alliance. With his city, being submissive and submissive were also his strengths.

But when he met such a group of weirdos, even he felt a bit regretful for the first time.

Dealing with these guys would make any normal person vomit blood!

However, Ganghe Academy is a weirdo, but since he can get to this level, he must still have his own philosophy of survival.

Harlin then changed the topic and said: "As long as your new alliance is sincere, we at Ganges College will naturally not be stingy. A key to the burial ground is the gift we have prepared for you to join the alliance."

Boneyard key!

Yuan Kun's eyes suddenly lit up. This was a unique opportunity that even he had longed for!

The reason why he pinched his nose to win over Ganges College was, on the one hand, using the other party as a cover, but on the other hand, he also had the idea of ​​obtaining the key to the burial ground.

Lin Yi's eyelids jumped when he heard this.

He had studied the general information about the Kingdom of God on land, and naturally knew about this burial ground, which was known as one of the four forbidden places.

Fundamentally speaking, the bone burial ground, like the ancient battlefield, is a part of the mysterious realm.

It's just because the environment is extremely special and difficult to reach by ordinary means. In addition, it is extremely dangerous inside. Even for the Yellow-ranked Dzogchen Master, it is a narrow escape, so it is called a forbidden place.

However, huge risks often represent huge benefits.

Everyone who can come out of the ancient battlefield alive will have a qualitative improvement in energy and spirit. If a master has not gone to the ancient battlefield, it will be difficult to be considered a real strong person, no matter how high his level is.

Likewise, the legendary burial ground where the bones of the gods are buried also represents great opportunity for many people.

However, if you want to enter the burial ground, you must obtain the key to the burial ground. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are, you will have no way to enter the burial ground.

However, the key to the boneyard is not a natural occurrence, but an artificial product created by the geeks from the Alliance Technology Development Bureau after studying the environment of the boneyard.

The key is that due to various conditions, there are strict regulations on the number of keys each year, and they are always used by people within the alliance and rarely fall outside the alliance.

Because of the scarcity of the number, it is extremely difficult for even the internal members of the God-level Academy Alliance to obtain a key to the burial ground. As for those outside the alliance, there is no chance.

The only way for an outsider like Yuan Kun to obtain the key to the burial ground is to purchase it from an insider in the alliance who holds the key.

However, firstly, the price will inevitably be raised to a sky-high price, and secondly, there are very few people who have the key but have no interest in the burial ground.

Under normal circumstances, Yuan Kun would not have the chance to buy it even if he wanted to.

As an ordinary college outside the alliance of divine colleges, Ganges College was able to obtain the key to the burial ground because of the strong connections behind them.

There is a saying that although Ganges College is full of weirdos and the temperament of the entire college is a bit abnormal, there are also many amazing and talented people who have emerged from it.

Many of them entered various departments of the alliance headquarters as individuals after breaking away from Ganges College.

Although these people objectively have nothing to do with Ganges College, they will still interfere with it overtly or covertly.

It is precisely because of the existence of these natural connections that Ganges College can reach what it is today.

Apart from anything else, at least in terms of resources, Ganges College is enough to outshine other ordinary colleges.

Among ordinary colleges, only the declining aristocrats like Da Zhou College, whose ancestors had once been glorious and had profound heritage, could compete with them.

The key to the bone burial ground in the hands of Ganges College, without even thinking about it, was probably operated with the help of their internal contacts in the Alliance Technology Development Bureau.

No matter what Yuan Kun had planned before, at least at the moment he heard the key to the burial ground, he did waver to a certain extent.

Obviously, the people in Harlem also noticed this.

Lin Yi shook his head secretly. The Ganges College has been able to reach today, and it is true that it is not all brainless weirdos. At least it is quite courageous when it comes to spending money.

In the current situation, if Yuan Kun leads the new alliance and defectes again, coupled with the strength of Ganges College itself, it will be more difficult than one or two points to take over with only the few manpower brought by Lin Yi. .

If one thing goes wrong, more than half of the elite masters from Dazhou Academy who were just recruited will be lost here.

For the current Lin Yi Group, this is obviously an unbearable price.

Harlin looked at Yuan Kun and snorted coldly: "I have already shown my sincerity of Ganghe College. What are you waiting for, Dean Yuan? I have a shameful word in front of you. There are more than one person who wants the key to this burial ground." You alone, if you can’t show the same sincerity, we will give it to someone else!”

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