Although the only bloody battle they experienced was the previous one, with the blessing of the new world's will, their teamwork understanding has far exceeded that of the past, and it also surpasses 99% of violent machines.

This is an area that belongs exclusively to the ace team.

Lin Yi raised his eyelids: "Really?"

With the team's previous record of annihilating Xihai's elite, no matter how many elites the opponent brought in, they would still be in vain against his personal guard battalion.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current combat power of the Guards Battalion is still in the period of rapid improvement. Every battle will usher in a wave of transformation. Maybe when the opponent fills up all the remaining Xihai elites, the combat power of the Guards Battalion will be reduced. You can officially reach the summit.

Ao Huang obviously didn't understand this, and his momentum was obviously weaker.

After all, he is not Ao Yukun.

Normally, it's okay to pretend to be the Prince of Xihai, but once he really encounters a hard-core master like Lin Yi, his lack of confidence will immediately be revealed.

However, with so much attention at the moment, especially in front of representatives of various forces, he did not dare to just give in.

"No matter how strong your personal guard battalion is, can they still be stronger than my Xihai Dragon Bird Guard?"

Ao Huang gritted his teeth and threatened: "Longque is already on the way. Once you take action, as long as you can't destroy all my Xihai elites as soon as possible, you will be in a situation where you will be attacked from both sides!

When the time comes, it's not you who has the final say whether to leave or stay. Do you dare to make this bet? "

"I can give it a try."

Lin Yi was unmoved at all.

Although Xihai Longque is famous, as long as he is personally in charge, the guard battalion blessed by the will of the New World cannot fight head-on with him!

In fact, at this moment, all members of the Guards Battalion, from the Big Python on down, are gearing up and eager to give it a try.

Abuse of vegetables is nothing. Only trump cards like Xihai Longque are the prey that can really catch their eye.

trump card? What I am playing is the trump card!

Ao Huang couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. Although he had said harsh words, he, the prince of Xihai, was still confused as to where Xihai Longque was now.

The ace is only responsible to the supreme leader, and no one else has the right to interfere. This is not only the unified principle of the West Sea Royal Family, but also the unifying principle of all major forces in the entire sea area.

After all, this thing represents the final guarantee of power and is too sensitive.

In other words, mobilizing 70% of Xihai's elite is already the limit of what Aohuang can control at the moment. He has no idea whether Longque will come.

Ao Huang was immediately held there.

In front of Lin Yi, it was meaningless for him to continue to speak harshly. On the contrary, if he really angered Lin Yi, he might just follow his father's footsteps.

But if he just gives in, not to mention whether Lin Yi is willing to give him this step, even if he can really borrow it, it will be difficult to take over the throne of the West Sea.

There is only one chance. Even if he is the nominally first heir, Prince Xihai, if he cannot do it all at once, he will never get a second chance to ascend to the throne!

The scene was tense for a moment, and Ao Huang finally had to bite the bullet and said, "What do you want to do by causing such a big scene?"

Lin Yi smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just fulfilling my duties as King of the Sea and supervising your execution of Lord Poseidon's oracle."

Ao Huang was stunned: "What oracle?"

"Tweet the grace order."

Lin Yi looked at him and said: "Now the East China Sea royal family has given you proofs, and there are plans for all possible loopholes. You just need to copy the answers. It's not difficult."

Ao Huang's face changed drastically: "You actually want us to be the second East China Sea? Do you want to dismember our West Sea royal family?"

Not only him, but also representatives of other forces all looked shocked.

They really didn't expect that Lin Yi's focus would be on this matter!

From the day the oracle issued the order, it was destined that the sea area would not be stable, and there were undercurrents surging under all the forces. But when it comes to implementation, among the large forces that are ranked high, except for the East China Sea There is no one other than the royal family.

Even the Qin family, who are closest to Lin Yi, don't have it.

Everyone knew that this was a pretense for Poseidon Temple to clean up the royal family of the four seas, but no one expected that Lin Yi would move so quickly. After dismembering the royal family of the East China Sea, his butcher knife would fall on the head of the West Sea so quickly.

The key is that now that Ao Universe has fallen, the West Sea is leaderless. If one person doesn't respond well, he may succeed!

The royal family of the East China Sea has already surrendered. If the West Sea also falls with it, the royal family of the Four Seas will collapse in half. This is a major event that affects the overall situation of the entire sea area!

By then, not only the remaining North Sea and South China Sea, but also the large forces that separate themselves from one side will definitely not be able to escape the fate of being stewed in the same pot.

Lin Yi said calmly: "You are the Prince of the West Sea, and Lord Poseidon will naturally leave you the largest territory. This is actually not a bad thing for you.

From now on, with Lord Poseidon as your backer, you can safely be your King of the West Sea.

On the other hand, if you don't cooperate, not to mention that you can't pass the current level, even if you are lucky enough to pass it, your vitality will definitely be severely damaged.

When the time comes, will you still be able to compete with your brothers? The outcome may not be so optimistic.

A word of advice, ten birds in the forest are not as good as one in the hand. It is better to eat everything that comes to your mouth first. "

After saying these words, Ao Huang's face changed back and forth, uncertain.

Don't blame him for hesitating. In fact, this is indeed the most realistic choice before him. Although he still has a chance to take over the entire West China Sea if he takes it forcibly, the risk is definitely not small, and he may lose everything.

On the contrary, if he executes the push order, he can at least get a piece steadily, and it will also be the biggest piece among the brothers.

In terms of his current situation and strength, the latter is obviously a safer choice.

All the powerful figures couldn't help but look at Ao Huang.

Although they don't know about dominoes, they know better than anyone else that once Ao Huang gives in at this time, the entire West China Sea situation will usher in an inevitable collapse.

Ao Huang hesitated

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly added: "Whether Longque will come to the rescue is still unknown, and even if they come to the rescue, who they will support is also a huge unknown.

Do you dare to bet that Longque has a better relationship with you than with your brothers? "

One sentence directly broke through Ao Huang's defense.

Because of his sensitive status as the Prince of Xihai, he was much stricter about this taboo than his brothers. Therefore, even though he knew who could control Xihai, there was really no intersection between him and Longque.

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