Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 249 Low-key promotion 【Subscription】

After calming down, Chen Wen opened the website Gong Zikun sent him.

After entering the account number and password, three subpage entries appear on the page.

【Intramural missions】【External missions】【Secret missions】

Chen Wen clicked on the school mission first.

"Mission: Recruit a training partner

Remarks: Beast masters must contract with defensive pets above ordinary low ranks. The period is one week, and they will practice for two hours every night.

Remuneration: 200 credits"

"Mission: Recruit a training partner

Remarks: Beast masters must contract with speed-type pets above ordinary low-level, the period is one week, and two hours of practice every night

Remuneration: 200 credits"


Chen Wen glanced at it casually, the school tasks are basically recruiting training partners, the danger is not high, and the rewards are very common.

200 credits is quite a lot for ordinary students, but to Chen Wen, 200 credits are just two hours of rent in the Broken Mirror Room.

He found that his strength greatly surpassed that of ordinary students, and the same was true for his consumption level.

In addition to recruiting sparring partners, many students majoring in animal cultivation recruited animals for research in the school missions. The credits were quite generous, but basically a good beast master would not let others ruin their own animals.

These cultivators who are studying may not have solid knowledge, and the possibility of information leakage is not mentioned for the time being. If one fails to destroy the pet beast, it will be a big loss.

After briefly browsing the on-campus quests, Chen Wen clicked on off-campus quests, and there were all kinds of quests here.

Assist the police in arresting fugitives, help teachers run errands, and represent Sichuan University in regional competitions and other tasks.

Among them, what attracted Chen Wen's attention was assisting the police in arresting fugitives. He didn't expect to be able to participate in this kind of thing as a student.

But thinking of the powerful super power of the beast, he felt relieved.

Extraordinary beasts are powerful and have special abilities, much more powerful than ordinary thermal weapons.

Moreover, there are no scum among the beast masters. To deal with those beast masters who have gone astray, the beast masters obviously have more ways to deal with them.

Finally, Chen Wen clicked on the secret mission.

"Mission: Collect Gale Wolf Fangs

Remarks: The spikes required are the spikes of the elite super-level Gale Wolf, and only 20 spikes are accepted in total. The Gale Wolf usually haunts the secret realm of the Qingqing Grassland. It is recommended that senior members lead a team to perform tasks...

Reward: 500 credits and a mace"

"Task: Clear the Snowfield Secret Realm Warcraft

Remarks: The snowfield secret realm is full of monsters, and students need to go to collect them. It should be noted that the Snowfield Secret Realm is a Silver Secret Realm, and there are elite supernatural beasts haunting it. It is recommended that senior members form a team to perform tasks...

Remuneration: Based on the number of monsters that have been cleared."


Different from the missions inside and outside the school, the rewards of the missions in the secret realm are directly increased by a large amount, which means tens of thousands of credits.

Of course, given the danger level of the secret realm, such a reward is very reasonable.

Moreover, the school will not lose money at all, and even make some money.

After most beast masters perform secret missions, the harvested spiritual plants, spiritual materials, and monster corpses are basically resold to the school. The school buys them from students at low prices for the materials, and after a little processing, they resell them to them at a famous high price. student.

It can be said that students are working for the school when they are killed or killed.

Of course, the students did not suffer, and the prices of various items in the school were already far below the market prices.

Both parties are in a mutually beneficial relationship.

After Chen Wen browsed through all the tasks on the system, he still didn't accept any tasks in the end.

There are still 9710 credits in the credits, which is enough to support four or five weeks according to the speed at which he is spending credits now, and it is not yet the time when he can't solve the problem.

Moreover, the strength of his three beasts is still improving rapidly, and it is completely possible to wait for the beasts to improve their strength before performing tasks.

Sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake.

Improve the strength of the beast in advance and learn some knowledge needed to go to the secret realm. This will not only ensure your own safety, but also improve the efficiency of earning credits later.

In the blink of an eye, September passed and October arrived. The freshmen quickly faded away and integrated into Sichuan University at an amazing speed.

Beginning in October, a large number of elective courses have started.

Secret geography, basics of pharmacy, exploration of combination skills, forging of special props, training of fighting pets, secret survival skills...

The rich and colorful electives directly fill the hungry freshmen.

Unlike the other students in the elite class, Chen Wen only took one elective course in the battle department of secret geography.

Moreover, he also "escaped" the professional course Beast Master Defense.

In fact, as long as he passed the assessment of a professional beast master, he would be considered to have completed the study of the beast master's defense class, and he had completed the exam ahead of schedule.

With so much time freed up, Chen Wen naturally didn't use it for fun.

On the one hand, he took the basic course of animal cultivation to prepare for becoming a breeder in the future.

In addition, he devoted his energy to the cultivation and training of the three beasts.

Ah Bao really doesn't have the talent for meditation. Even if he advances to Extraordinary, the progress of elementary meditation practice is very slow, and it is far away from meditating twenty-four runes. It seems that it is impossible to master the fist in the short term.

However, it does have talent in Reiki cultivation.

With the help of Chen Wen's spiritual energy sharing, it quickly broke through to the middle of the ordinary. Of course, this has a lot to do with the promotion to the extraordinary after seven compressions.

If it is said that the aura reserve of the tenth stage of an ordinary mortal body is 100, then the aura reserve of an ordinary lower stage is 100-1000.

After Ah Bao advanced to Extraordinary, his spiritual energy reserves reached more than 800, so he advanced to the ordinary middle stage very quickly, and it was impossible to advance to the ordinary high stage later.

Orochimaru has the talent of swallowing elephants, and the speed of aura improvement is not slow under abundant resources. The only condition that restricts the compression of his aura is his physique.

In this regard, Chen Wen asked Orochimaru to use aura to continuously explode his body, and then used aura to help him recover, and used the method of breaking the back to help him improve his physique.

Under such a strategy, Orochimaru completed the aura compression very quickly.

At the end of September, Orochimaru completed the first aura compression, and basically completed the aura compression every two weeks after that.

In addition to rapid improvement in strength, Orochimaru is not slow to learn skills.

After using the eye-clearing liquid to warm and nourish the eyes, it quickly met the conditions for learning the pupil of petrification.

After Chen Wen shared it (Chen Wen awakened Sharingan, so he used the scroll of the Pupil of Petrification first), it mastered the Pupil of Petrification, and added a control skill, which greatly improved the road of hard support that is full of control. took a step forward.

Unlike the passive skill that sees Medusa's eyes being petrified, the Pupil of Petrification is an active skill that can shoot petrified light from the eyes, and those in it will be petrified directly.

Creatures with high physique or abundant aura can resist petrification, but they will also suffer from the effect of freezing due to stalemate with the light of petrification.

Of course, if the strength gap is too large or the petrified light is blocked, the petrified pupil will also fail.

To Chen Wen's disappointment, the teleportation was too difficult, and there was no suitable training place, so Da She Wan couldn't get started.

The promotion of the second pillar is the fastest among the three beasts.

In terms of strength, it quickly caught up with Orochimaru, and soon reached the tenth stage of Mortal Womb, completing only one spiritual compression less than Orochimaru.

In terms of skills, Illusion Nightmare has already been introduced, the bursting fireball has also been mastered, and the flying skills are also improving rapidly.

Even so, Erzhuzi is still at a disadvantage in the battle with the Three-eyed God Crow, and it is difficult to win a victory so far.

The Nightmare of Erzhuzi is amazingly powerful under the blessing of magic thoughts. It stands to reason that it can cause good damage to beasts of the same level, but it can't do much against the three-eyed crow.

You must know that the three-eyed god crow is an expert in mental attack. Although the brows and eyes have not been opened, its strong mental power makes it not afraid of the mental attacks of pet beasts of the same level.

The bursting fireball caused the Three-Eyed God Crow to suffer a lot,

However, just like Erzhuzi was often hit by the fireball of the Three-eyed God Crow but was not seriously injured, the Three-eyed God Crow's own fire resistance is also strong.

The complete Hao fireball can still seriously injure the Three-eyed God Crow, and the bursting sparks can only slightly hurt the Three-eyed God Crow.

As for the flying skills, the second pillar is improving, and the three-eyed crow has not stopped, and it has improved faster than the second pillar with the griffin as a training partner.

More importantly, Gong Zikun has no shortage of resources, and his own beast-familiar space level is higher than Chen Wen's, which has led to the strength of the three-eyed god crow always ahead of the second pillar.

In October, Er Zhuzi and Sanmu Shenya played against each other three times.

For the first time, the second pillar of the mortal body was tenth stage, and the three-eyed crow was compressed for the second time.

The second time, the second pillar was compressed once, and the three-eyed crow was compressed four times,

For the third time, the second pillar was compressed twice, and the three-eyed crow was compressed five times.

In the three fights, the quality of Er Zhuzi's aura was always one qualitative change lower than that of the Three-eyed Crow.

Therefore, even though Erzhuzi awakened a Gouyu Sharingan, he was still close to winning in the fight with the Three-eyed God Crow.

In early November, the second pillar completed three compressions.

Chen Wen knew that the Three-Eyed God Crow should not have completed seven compressions, and the quality of the aura hadn't changed again yet.

This is the best chance for Erzhuzi to win!

But after careful consideration, he gave up the appointment to fight Gong Zikun.

"Let's let Er Zhuzi lose a few more times, I won't have this chance in the future... I'm doing this for his own good!"

At this moment, Chen Wen finally knew how his parents felt, and he finally became what he hated.

Feeling emotional, Chen Wen once again opened the school task system that had been closed for a long time.

Now that his credits have been exhausted, he must enter the secret realm.

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