Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 495 Chic Taste

Ye Qiong climbed very fast, using both hands and feet, he climbed directly to the waterfall in one breath.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was still early, Ye Qiong rushed to the top of the waterfall.

Ye Qiong took the time to plan, next year's river reconstruction plan on this side of the waterfall.

After the effort of a cigarette, there was a movement in the jungle not far from Ye Qiong, and the stunned and huge head was exposed first, and then suddenly jumped out of the jungle.

After coming to Ye Qiong, Ye Qiong immediately jumped up, rode on Duan's back, and walked towards the right side of the waterfall.

On the left is a large altar and an open bush, but nothing to see.

On the right side, there are some low bushes, which are much shorter than the towering trees in the dense forest, but still much taller than the bushes on the left side.

The average height of vegetation is about six meters.

Therefore, Ye Qiong, who was riding on Duan's back, would have a wide field of vision if he stood up.

You can see farther away.

If you want to make the waterfall, you should divert some of the rivers above the waterfall and upstream.

In this case, the tribe's side will be safer in the summer in the future. Otherwise, when the spring begins, as the snow and ice on the upper reaches of the Dingshan Mountains and the peaks begin to melt, the fortifications built on the waterfall side will be directly Washed down.

The power of running water is hard to resist!

Therefore, the idea of ​​unblocking the downstream is a bit unrealistic. After all, there is a hole under development and exploration in the middle of the waterfall. Above the waterfall, there are also those wooden stakes used to fix the vines. These things cannot withstand the scouring of the water.

He rode Duoduo on the upper reaches of the waterfall and walked for a while, then patted Duan's head and plunged into the dense forest on the right.

After strolling around in the dense forest here, Ye Qiong sat on Dian Dian's back and took out a piece of animal skin from Dian Dian's large pocket.

In general, Ye Qiong already had a plan in mind.

After reaching this point, Ye Qiong thought of a more difficult problem.

It was the two lord-level beasts, what should they do if they appeared.

When Ye Qiong thought of the physique of the lord forest ancient ape and the lord-level Earth Vein Rong, Ye Qiong felt a chill down his spine.

If it weren't for that lord, he would not have lived alone in the Dinglong Mountains for several months in summer.

Ye Qiong must have counted the lord Diminrong for this account.

Don't worry too much when it's time, after all, lord-level monsters sleep for a long time after being injured. The two lord-level beasts, I don't know how many years they have restrained each other.

To be fair, in the face of that level of monsters, the only place where you can stay in the waterfall base is in the waterfall cave.

Even if it is a lord-level monster, it is not that simple to get the humans out of the hole.

Judging from the current depth and overall strength of the waterfall, absolute safety can still be guaranteed, unless it is a lord-level beast that cannot go away, digging holes indefinitely or blocking the hole.

Ye Qiong walked out of the area on the right above the waterfall, and rode to the altar side, and circled around the altar again. He stopped at the position between the altar and the Dinglong Mountains. I looked towards the area where the Dinglong Mountains were above 10,000 meters above sea level.

Soon, Ye Qiong saw a few gray-white giant beasts flying above the peak.

Those gray-white creatures that fly all year round, flying at a much higher altitude than the Dinglong Mountains, Ye Qiong has always been curious about their physiques.

The physical strength of lord-level monsters has left the category of carbon-based creatures. After entering the lord-level from their equal rank, the energy absorbed will change in the following days, and with it, It also has its own genetic sequence and cellular elements.

The gray-white giant creatures above the sky are not lord-level monsters. Although they are similar in size to lord-level monsters, they can't be compared in terms of strength. After they die, they will fall to the ground. Meat is edible.

Even their excrement is a rare delicacy for scavengers in winter. If some tribes lacking food, if they are lucky enough to encounter the green excrement excreted by the gray-white creatures, they will not. wasteful.

If you cook it in soup, it has a very unique taste. For some people with heavy tastes, it belongs to a kind of delicacy gifted by God.

If this gray-white giant creature falls near a small tribe, just one is enough for a small tribe of hundreds of people to spend half the winter.

Therefore, for some small tribes with a size of several hundred people, if the food is in a hurry in the late winter, many tribesmen will kneel on the ground reverently, praying that the gray-white giant creatures can naturally die, then fall near their tribe...

In this way, they can get rid of their fate of becoming madmen.

Those gray-white giant creatures flying above 10,000 meters above the snow star have become a special part of the ecosystem.

It is impossible for humans to hunt them. The only thing they can do is to pray for them to fall and land at the gate of their own tribe.

When Ye Qiong returned to the soldiers at the waterfall base, they had a meal together and went to sleep immediately.

The next morning, Ye Qiong called Dian Dian over, and immediately rode Dian Dian into the passage.

If you count the time, the attack of the Red Flame Leopard Tribe is estimated to be coming.

So Ye Qiong had to find a way as soon as possible to improve the fortifications at the wooden house base.

On the waterfall base, after Kuang Baichi arrived, he immediately brought his apprentices to smelt black iron sand and make giant crossbows.

The two giant crossbows on the side of the waterfall base, Ye Qiong plans to dismantle them and transport them to the wooden house base in the Dinglong Mountains. Ye Qiong went there in the morning, mainly to check the current construction of the tower there. If there is no problem, today He directly brought the two giant crossbows over.

Facing the attack that the Red Flame Leopard could launch at any time, Ye Qiong had to get the soldiers to finish the fortification of the wooden house base as soon as possible.

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