Beast Studio

Four hundred and ninety-five: Mixed into the elephant herd

"Indeed, my girlfriend is spineless when she's hungry, and she acts like a spoiled brat to me!"

"Okay, Ah Wei, you actually know so much!"

“Singles don’t participate in this discussion!”

"What else do women do besides eat?"

"People can give birth to babies!"

"Shhhhhhh! Keep your voice down, a big wave of female fans are on the way!"

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and smiled and said: "Brothers, we men should be more open-minded and learn to respect everyone, not just female friends.

Okay, I believe the elephant has understood what I mean, now let’s see how it behaves!”

Liu Wei turned around to face the elephants and imitated the movements of elephants looking for food several times.

The bull elephant in front of him looked at it very carefully, and it seemed that he understood what Liu Wei meant.

He also discovered it himself. When he first rushed into the elephant herd, all the adult female elephants in the herd were busy eating and had no time to pay attention to him, so he was ignored.

The male elephant blinked, slapped his ears, nudged Liu Wei's body with his nose, and walked towards the elephant group again with long strides.

Liu Wei stood there with a look of displeasure and complained, "Hey, you guy, what are you dragging? Brothers, this is a typical example of a man who forgets his mother after having a wife!"

"Smile, Ah Wei, are you the elephant's mother?"

"Awei, go and feed the baby elephant grandma!"

"This description is very appropriate!"

"Awei is almost ruined by you guys!"

Liu Wei didn't care, as long as the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was good.

He caught up with his live streaming phone.

The bull elephant reappeared in the herd's field of vision, and the elephant's parents immediately sounded the warning sound. The young elephant lying under him opened his eyes and woke up, and the entire elephant herd became alert again.

This time, the male elephant was obviously much smarter. He did not rush forward, but stood on the outside and watched from a distance. Only after the elephants felt that he would not pose a threat did he make a sound to communicate with the female elephants in the herd.

Liu Wei filmed the scene in front of him and explained, "Brothers, elephants can emit sound waves of about 10Hz, which are infrasound waves.

Communication between elephants is usually infrasound.

It is inaudible to human ears.

Elephants can hear their own voices because their hearing frequency ranges from 1Hz to 20,000Hz.

But I can probably guess the content of the conversation between them.

The bull elephant must be saying: Can you give me a chance?

Female Elephant: Get out!

Bull Elephant: I will stand guard for you, I will protect you!

Female Elephant: Go away, no need!

Bull Elephant: Let’s go, I’ll take you to eat delicious food!

Female Elephant: Really?

Bull Elephant: Really!

Female Elephant: OK, OK!”

"Hahahaha, I'm going to burst out laughing!"

"Awei, animal language level 10!"

"The divine translator made me laugh to death!"

I am not a big official and sent out super rockets

"Thank you brothers for the gift!" Liu Wei found that the elephant herd began to move. The male elephant standing outside looked at them and waited in place. He said excitedly, "Brothers, I have become a matchmaker. The elephant herd has begun. Moving towards the male elephant, the adult male elephant must know that there are abundant food in many places, let’s follow him!”

More than 30 elephants of different sizes walked past a few meters in front of Liu Wei's eyes. When they passed by, they would tilt their heads and glance at Liu Wei curiously.

Liu Wei smiled and waved to them.

The male elephant who loved music discovered Liu Wei and followed him at the end of the herd. He first came up to say hello to Liu Wei and sniffed him again with his nose.

"Haven't you smelled it enough? Come and eat!" Liu Wei said, touching its forehead.

Follow closely behind the herd.

After walking for about half an hour, we emerged from the rain forest. The satellite locator showed that we were not far from the Kinabatan River.

There is a grassland in front of me. Although the grassland is not large, it grows very lushly.

Liu Wei discovered that not far from the grassland was a palm forest planted by humans. No wonder the elephants could not find this place. They were probably a little afraid of the local residents.

The bull elephant seems to be much bolder.

If you think about it carefully, it is normal. The parents of the elephant herd must take into account the safety of every member.

The male elephant comes and goes alone, so he doesn't have so many worries. At worst, when someone chases him away, he can just run away.

While the elephants were entering the grassland one after another, the male elephant quietly sneaked into the human economic forest, probably looking for delicious food.

Liu Wei couldn't help but laugh when he saw its huge body acting sneakily.

Back to the present.

The elephants eat in a very orderly manner.

They didn't fight over food.

On the contrary, several generations of elephants in several families are very polite to each other. First, the parents met with several elders in the herd, rubbed each other's faces, and then rolled up their trunks to smell each other. They all opened their mouths. The mouth seems to be smiling.

The younger members of the elephant herd also learned how to greet the elders, and then each took their own family members and dispersed around the grass to eat in an orderly manner.

Liu Wei sighed: "Brothers, this is the friendliest group of animals I have ever seen. They respect each other and share with each other. They will not fight even when food is scarce, and they also help each other. In addition to this, It is estimated that few groups of Bornean pygmy elephants can do this!”

"If human society were to be like this, we would probably have a falling out within three generations!"

"Three generations ago, two brothers in our village took all the gift money they received for their father's funeral to the police station!"

"In reality, brothers often fall out with each other!"

"How I wish I could be as simple as them!"

In the grass, the elephant rolled up a bundle of grass with its trunk, and then shook it back and forth to shake off the dirt attached to the grass. After cleaning it, it was put into its mouth.

I have to say that elephants are very clean.

On the other side, the underage elephants with small appetites started playing with the young elephants who had just been fed milk. They used their trunks to roll up the sand on the ground and dump it on their backs.

The baby elephant's movements are obviously not very skillful yet, and the brothers and sisters around him help it.

They smear a layer of sand on their bodies to protect their skin and prevent mosquito bites. They complete this work while playing in perfect harmony.

The parents of the elephants will look back from time to time and then continue eating.

Liu Wei slowly leaned over.

The first one to feel nervous was the baby elephant who was still drinking breast milk. It stared at Liu Wei and raised its nose to look more fierce. However, when Liu Wei took a step forward, it took a step back.

The parents of the elephant group noticed the child's nervousness and rushed over with long strides.

Liu Wei stopped where he was and greeted the parents of the elephant group, "Hello, I'm his friend, he brought me here to play!" He pointed at the male elephant standing next to him who liked music.

The bull elephant was very excited and took the initiative to walk towards Liu Wei. He stood next to Liu Wei and sucked in some sand with his nose and sprayed it on Liu Wei's face. After spraying, it became even more excited, turned around half a circle and raised its head. He raised his nose and opened his mouth to look at Liu Wei.

"Spit~, vomit~" Liu Wei wiped his face twice, spit out the mud and said with a smile, "You are so naughty!"

The baby elephant standing next to his mother saw his brother playing with his human friends. He also became excited, smiled, and looked back at his mother.

The parent of the elephant group walked up to Liu Wei and sniffed his whole body with his nose, as if they all use this method to judge whether a person is a threat!

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