The other type of cauldron is an enlarged version of the usual pot. It is made of bone broth and beef bones. This is the soup base of Mala Tang.

After the ingredients are cooked, pick them up and pour them into a bowl, then add the thick sauce made from the spices, and then pour in a tablespoon of the fragrant bone broth, and a bowl of delicious Mala Tang is ready.

"How did the guests comment on Mala Tang?" Nicole turned her head and asked.

"It's all full of praise." The store manager said with a smile on his face.

"That's good, pay attention to safety." Nicole nodded satisfactorily and urged, "Pay attention to which ingredients are selling the best these days, and then I will have people send more."

"Understood." The store manager replied.

"Nicole, why don't we eat here today." An Li watched the bowls of Mala Tang being sent out, and immediately aroused her appetite.

"Let's go back and eat it. If you want to eat Mala Tang, you can go back to the castle to make it. There are more varieties and more fragrant flavors." Nicole said softly.

"Okay, then go back quickly." Enri urged quickly.


At this time, there were already many people waiting outside the door of Mala Tang. Many came after reading the newspapers and wanted to try this new gourmet restaurant.

And among the people in the queue, some nobles and businessmen were attracted.

"It's so good, I'll come to eat next time, it's really delicious."

"Yeah, especially that soup is so good, and it's cheap, it's really affordable."

"Hee hee... I also added noodles, and it tastes good too."


Some people who had just come out of the store full of food could not help but sigh, their stomachs were stretched out, and their faces were full of contented expressions.

They all decided to go back and tell their friends and let them try it too.

"Lord City Lord opened another gourmet restaurant, but what exactly is Mala Tang?" Lane was at the front of the line, and it was his turn soon.

Today happened to be Ryan's time off, and his wife Lizao saw the newspaper, so he was kicked out to buy Mala Tang.

Soon it was Ryan's turn. He had been staring at the outside for a long time. As soon as he came in, he went straight to the ingredients next to him, and he didn't need a guy to guide him on how to order.

After picking up the bamboo basket, Ryan began to start with various ingredients.

"Mushrooms, three skewers, and five skewers of mutton. This wild vegetable seems to be pretty good..." Ryan was rude, and after taking more than ten skewers, he came to the front desk with satisfaction.

"There are five copper coins in total. Do you want it spicy?" The staff in the store asked politely after counting the number and types of skewers.

"It's spicy." Ryan nodded, and he took out five copper coins and gave them to the staff.

"Okay, this is your number plate, please put it on the table, someone will bring it to you when it's done." The staff smiled, and then handed a wooden plate to Ryan, while placing the same other piece on the table. Into the bamboo basket that Ryan chose.

Ryan took the wooden sign, found an empty seat, sat down, looked at the number '57' on the wooden sign, and began to wait.

"Customer number fifty-seven."

About ten minutes later, a staff member was shouting loudly.

Ryan was shocked and hurriedly raised his hand and shouted, "Here, here."

The staff came over with a big bowl, took away Ryan's wooden sign, and said, "Please use it slowly."


Ryan picked up the chopsticks on the side, and then ate it with big mouthfuls, sweating profusely, and ordered a bottle of iced drink, which was refreshing.

"Delicious, so delicious... so refreshing..."


Lane finished drinking the soup together, and then he remembered that he forgot to buy Mala Tang for Lizao, and hurriedly went up and started to choose the ingredients.

. . . . . . . . . . .

"Second shift, ( ̄▽ ̄). Please support."

. . .

Chapter 817 The Archbishop of Crazy Eating.

The Adian Kingdom is a kingdom that worships bishops. Seventy percent of the people in the entire kingdom are believers of bishops. They all believe in the existence of gods in the world.

Therefore, in the Adian Kingdom, the bishop's church is standard in every city, and even some villages and towns have a bishop's church, it's just a matter of size.

The Cathedral of the Bishop of God, that is, the headquarters, was built in the capital of the Adian Kingdom, the capital of the King of Yarrow.

It is a three-story cathedral and the largest building in the capital of Yarrow. It is called the Cathedral of the Lord of God and can accommodate 3,000 people at the same time. It is rumored that it took ten years to complete the cathedral when it was originally built.

The funds for the construction of this church were voluntarily paid by the people, and part of it was paid by the royal family, because the previous generation of kings also believed in bishops.

It wasn't until this year, when the new queen came to power, that something changed.

The highest level of the bishop, that is, the archbishop, is an old man in his seventies. His power and prestige are in the capital of Yarrow. It can be said that it is higher than the current queen. Even the newly appointed queen can't help it. _ got him.

In addition, there are four bishops, two men and one woman, all of them are over half a hundred years old, but they still hold fast to their rights.

Among the four bishops, except for Bishop Parkin, who has not returned for a long time, the other three are all sitting in the Cathedral of God.

In layman's terms, it is to fool them into believing what you said, and to fool them into believing that the Lord of God exists.

Under the four bishops, there are twelve deacons, and under the twelve deacons, there are some apocryphal knights, and then there are those believers.

On the top floor of the Holy Cathedral, there is only one room here, which belongs to Archbishop Yard. He stays here when he has nothing to do on weekdays.

Archbishop Yard, who is seventy-three years old this year, has all gray hair, a long beard, and a high hat made of cowhide on his head, which is a symbol of the archbishop.

At this time, he was lying on a chair, facing the window, squinting in the sun.

"Bang bang bang..." There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in." Archbishop Yard said solemnly, his eyes never opened.


A man in a black robe pushed open the door and walked in, holding a wooden box in his hand, and walked slowly to Archbishop Yard.

And this person is Bishop Kailu, one of the four bishops. He and Bishop Parkin are of the same level.

"Lord Yade, Bishop Parkin has a letter." Bishop Kailu said calmly, but looked at Bishop Yade with a frenzy in his eyes.

"Read." Archbishop Yard didn't open his eyes at all, but said calmly.

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