\"I did many experiments, and then continued to improve the formula and add herbs, so I succeeded.\" Nicole recalled that scene and felt a little incredible.

At that time, the girl took the ointment she made and asked people to find people with skin ulcers.

Then I gave them a trial of this ointment, and one after another, I tried this jar that was obtained by hundreds of people.

\"It's hard work, this jar of ointment has helped a lot.\" Liu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Because skin stains are very troublesome, there are many cases to be designed, some are allergies and some are eczema, and everyone's symptoms are different.

Liu Feng just gave the girl a material sheet, on which was written the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine and applicable diseases.

Just like comfrey, its taste is bitter and cold, and it usually passes through the heart and liver meridians.

It also has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects.

Generally, it is commonly used for purpura, hematuria, hematemesis, measles and other diseases, and the skin application is commonly used to treat flat warts.

Of course, there are also facial ringworm, skin allergies, redness and inflammation, etc. Its medicinal powder can also be decocted and applied to the affected area, usually mixed with other traditional Chinese medicines.

However, these are generally used for the treatment of local affected areas, and the area should not be too large.

The second one is Kochia kohlrabi, which tastes a bit bitter and bitter. It usually passes through the kidney and bladder meridians, and it is cold.

Its main effect is to clear away heat and dampness, dispel wind and relieve itching, and is used for urination astringent pain, rubella, eczema, itchy skin and so on.

Then it is better for skin application to expel wind and dampness and relieve itching, and generally treat skin itching caused by rheumatism and heat.

The third one is also very important, that is Burnet, which tastes bitter, sour, and slightly cold. Usually through the liver, large intestine and so on.

The main effect is cooling blood to stop bleeding, purging fire and relieving sores.

Then it is applied to the skin to astringe and stop bleeding, anti-allergic effects, and external use to treat skin ulcers, scalds, acne suppuration, facial acne, flat warts, skin redness, allergies, etc.

You can use the powder or fry it into juice and apply it on the affected area. Generally, it is mostly used for the treatment of local affected areas. For example, it can also be applied to the whole face when the face is allergic. These are all clearly marked on the list given by Liu Feng. Although the writing is very detailed, it is also written in a trembling manner.

If ordinary people see that one of the first two is big, let alone carefully observe the others, they will be discouraged just by seeing this information sheet.

\"Your Majesty, the symptoms of each skin disease are different, but I have also made corresponding adjustments for different diseases. I can tell the doctor about the symptoms, and then apply the cream according to the situation." Nicole said professionally.

Since the girl has been reading medical books and doing hands-on operations, she can be said to be more professional than Liu Feng in this regard.

- Over the years she can name a certain herb just by seeing it and smelling it.

If it is not a hobby, or a heart, it is impossible to reach such a point.

\"Well done, you really helped the hospital, me and the Han Dynasty.\" Liu Feng smiled heartily.

The change brought about by this one thing is different, and it can improve the medical treatment of the entire Han Dynasty to a large level.

Originally, the medical treatment of the Han Dynasty was better than that of other kingdoms, but Liu Feng was still not satisfied as a whole.

There are still many defects and areas that need to be improved, such as these skin problems that need to be overcome.

After all, every year (some people die of allergies, or disfigurement caused by skin problems, etc., these are frequent occurrences.

And these aspects are Liu Feng's shortcomings. He doesn't know these things at all, let alone to help others heal.

Therefore, the Han Dynasty still has a very big problem in this regard, and the young girl

-The operation solves most of the problems in this area.

Although there is no complete solution, there is still a 50% solution.

\"It's all the credit of Your Majesty, I just helped a little.\"Nicole is still very modest.

The girl didn't dare to take such a big credit. In her eyes, it seemed that she was just helping to show it. The real credit belongs to His Majesty the King.

\"Introduce me to the others.\"Liu Feng continued.


\"One update, factory v7). Please customize, please support.\".

Chapter 234: Nicole who is hanging up.

The chapter name is correct, it is Chapter 234, and the actual content is Chapter 224. The following chapters and so on, are correct.

\"Your Majesty, some topical ointments have similar effects, can I introduce you to some oral ones?\" Nicole suggested.

Because the effects of external ointments are similar, it is just that the corresponding diseases are not the same.

In fact, the real symptoms are similar, that is, some materials in the ointment are not the same.

\"Okay, where are the oral ointments--some?\" Liu Feng smiled. He also wanted to know about oral medicines, and he didn't know how the girls' research was going.

\"There are those that treat colds, those that have fever, and some that are coughing or those who have a full stomach. Let me introduce you to colds first.\" Nicole's words were very professional.

\"Okay.\" Liu Feng nodded.

\"I used the information you gave to prepare this, and it was successful after more than ten experiments.\"Nicole took out a herbal bag.

There are a lot of Chinese herbal medicines in the herbal bag, and all of them need to be poured into a pot and boiled.

The doses are all allocated, so it is not difficult to boil, just do what is said.

Like the information sheet, it is also clearly written that a cold is not only caused by exogenous wind-cold, but also caused by wind-heat and heat-dampness.

There is another category of colds, which are usually caused by old age or weak constitution. After a serious illness and a long illness, Qi and Yin are deficient.

Or lingering after a cold, different from ordinary people's colds, common colds with qi deficiency and yin deficiency.

Because the symptoms of these colds are different, the number of times the girl has to be assigned and tested has also increased.

- In general, the treatment of colds is based on different cold syndrome types, and appropriate drugs are selected to be used in combination.

For example, the commonly used medicines for relieving the exterior and dispelling cold are ephedra, cassia twig, Nepeta, Fangfeng, Qianghuo and so on.

The heat-clearing and anti-exterior medicines include mint, mulberry leaves, chrysanthemum, pueraria, and Bupleurum, etc., and the heat-clearing and exterior medicines include fragrant grass, duckweed, lentils, perlan, huoxiang and so on. In addition, colds with physical deficiency are often more complicated, such as colds with deficiency of middle qi, the treatment method should be to replenish qi and relieve the exterior, and it must be combined with ginseng, poria, licorice and other qi to eliminate pathogenic factors. Half of the usual time is to use Astragalus, Atractylodes, and Fangfeng to nourish Qi and solidify the table to prevent colds.

In short, the cold alone is enough for girls to toss to the sky, and the number of experiments is really annoying.

\"It smells good, just like those traditional Chinese medicine bags in my hometown.\"Liu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, girls are girls, and the things they make are not only very good, but also very professional.

\"Your Majesty thinks there is no problem, just look at this, this is for fever.\"Nicole handed over another Chinese medicine bag.

It is the same as the traditional Chinese medicine bag for treating colds. They are all assigned doses. Just throw them in and boil them.

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