\"Relax, Your Majesty, I have already told Niu Da in advance, I believe he has already started to prepare \"to welcome\" those people.\" En Li smiled.

In fact, it means to greet, mainly to set up a point in the port, when they

- When they come in, start registering their identities, names, where they come from, specialties, etc.

Then let them stay in Haiyan City for a few days, and tell them the results after the registration results are screened out.

Of course, there will definitely be someone in the middle who secretly goes to the airport to leave by airship, and this has already been greeted in advance.

As long as people from another continent arrive, the airship field is temporarily closed to them.

Now Yingluo City, Haiyanjing City and Tengying City are all developing very well, and most of them will be assigned to these three cities by then.

\"Okay, as for those useful talents, let's spend some time in Haiyan City first, so that I can be more at ease watching in the eyes of Niu Da.\" Liu Feng added.

Since the last time the Guard Division did something good in the Flanders Empire, he has been wary of everyone except Chang'an City.

Of course, not everyone is like this, Jenny like another continent is very good.

It's just that in this special period, we must still pay attention to it.

What's more, just let them pass in Haiyan City - for a while, let people watch them carefully, make sure there are no problems before letting them come to Chang'an City -

kind of.

\"Okay, I understand.\" Enri nodded heavily and continued to ask, \"Impression that

- When will the annual imperial examinations be held? \"

\"Summer, it will be held in the first month of summer.\" Liu Feng thought.

\"Yes.\"Enri took out a notepad and started recording.

\"One update, factory v7). Please customize, please support.\".

Chapter 1972: tense atmosphere

With the passage of minutes and seconds, the time has come to two o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun is very bright.

An Li looked at the watch on her body, stopped her work, and said, \"Your Majesty, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, we should go to a meeting.\"

Liu Feng looked back at the scenery outside the window, closed the document in his hand, and asked, \"Have the documents I asked you to sort out yet?\"

\"Relax, Your Majesty, I have already sorted out all the documents for the meeting.\" Enri responded immediately.

When he said that he was going to have a meeting in the morning, Liu Feng focused on asking Hu Erniang to sort out a document.

The main content of the document is for trivial documents, and there are some things that cooperate and change with departments.

The Han Dynasty has reached its second year and is about to enter a stage of rapid development. It cannot rely on the highest building to handle everything.

This is also the main reason why he will hold 10 meetings today, and each department must play its corresponding functions.

Their existence is to share some problems with the top building, not to push all the problems to the top building, if that is the case, their existence will be meaningless.

\"Then let's go.\" Liu Feng walked out first.

\"Tap ta ta...

Since they had been sitting for a day, they did not take the steam elevator to go down, but took the stairs directly to the tenth floor.


Mira currently opened the door in front, and the soldier walked in first, forming a passage and letting Liu Feng go in.

At this moment, a lot of people had gathered in the room on the tenth floor, and they got up immediately.

They all stood respectfully to one side, and said respectfully in unison, \"Your Majesty, greet you.\"

Liu Feng walked to the main seat and sat down, raised his hand and pressed it, signaling them all to sit down.

He glanced around and found that more than a dozen stools were full of people, and nodded with satisfaction.

The people sitting in the seats are all from various departments, including Zink from the Department of Security, Lucy from the Department of Integrity, and people from the Department of Food Hygiene and Sanitation.

Not only that, the school's representative is Wei Ya, there are also representatives of the orphanage, and Nuoyue from the newspaper, etc.

Anyway, the heads of the main departments in Chang'an City will be there, because most of their documents are also communicated to the highest building.

The maids brought cups and cups of tea in front of the representatives of various departments. All the teas they drank today were black tea.

Liu Feng's tea was brewed by Nicole herself, a rare and precious tea variety that was specially brought from the earth.

\"Your Majesty, I don't know if you called us here in such a hurry this time, what's the matter?\"Xinke asked respectfully.

Because his side is struggling with the training of new recruits, because after the last good thing, he has become more cautious now. Even the soldiers who were recruited before, he would carefully observe and question them.

Recently, he has also been questioning veterans, so his face doesn't look as energetic as before.

Because if I was afraid of being cross-examined, I kept interrogating, and it was very late at night, and it started early in the morning, and there was no rest in between.

\"Your Majesty, is it because the ship I built is not good?\"Weishi is very worried, so the mentality has been developing new ships.

It is the kind of boat with high endurance, good appearance and durability.

Because Chang'an City has now built a 100-meter ship, a 50-meter ship, and even a steam mothership.

Of course, he is also starting to develop a 200-meter large boat, but before building a 200-meter arrival boat, he thought more.

It is no longer satisfied with the simple shape of the boat, but considers making the boat look better.

I want people to be amazed when they see it, this ship - the kind of feeling that must be noble.

This is not an easy task. First, because you want the boat to look good, there are more things to consider. Second, the boat must not only look good, but also have high durability.

He hasn't built a ship for a long time recently because of these things, and now it's just because of His Majesty's summons, so he's a little worried that he's here to be held accountable.

\"Your Majesty, did we do something wrong?\" asked the person in charge of the airship department.

\"Your Majesty, we will definitely take care of all special issues, please don't worry.\"The person at the train station also said immediately.

At the same time, the person in charge of the bus station, the person in charge of the carriage, and the person in charge of the port all said in unison, \"We will definitely serve those who buy tickets well.\"

They all thought that it should be because they had received too many complaints recently, so they called them all together.

Before the official meeting, it must be right to blame Jing first. They discussed this before Liu Feng came.

So when His Majesty the King sat down, they all immediately took the lead and pleaded guilty.

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