Be a Beauty Blogger In Unlimited Live Broadcasts

Chapter 41: Little sunflower mother class 11

Since Shijiu and Lin Mutao were both unfamiliar with the small fishing village, so I thought I would go to Aunt Lin during the day and ask her if there was anything related to the sea in the village.

This night is going to the seaside and back to the village again. Both of them are exhausted, so they plan to go back to sleep.

In an instant, Shijiu's muscles tensed up, ready to deal with the danger. He wanted to tell Lin Mutao not to go in first, but saw Lin Mutao carelessly pushed open the door and walked in.

Shi Jiu looked at the black-haired, red-clothed female ghost in the room, her heart tightened, and she wanted to pull Lin Mutao back a few steps.

"It's okay, come in, this is my friend." Lin Mutao turned around and hooked at Shijiu.

Only then did Shi Jiu see what the female ghost was doing in the room.

The female ghost sat on the edge of the bed with a speechless face, holding a feeding bottle in her hand, feeding the little flower roll. The sleepy treasure was lying on the bed, his eyes were tightly closed, but his chubby little hands still tightly grasped the ghost's long hair. It was estimated that the little girl was dreaming of having long hair too.

Lin Mutao introduced: "This is Li Shuangshuang, beautiful."

Shijiu nodded embarrassingly with Li Shuangshuang to show their acquaintance. He still remembered that while watching the live broadcast, this female ghost was the boss of the last dungeon, why did she appear here, and she seemed to be on good terms with Lin Mutao.

Li Shuangshuang looked at Shijiu with a playful expression, then looked at Lin Mutao, and complained, "You finally came back. You summoned me with props to let me take care of these two What a kid? I hate kids the most!

Children are really troublesome. No matter how coaxed, he refused to sleep peacefully. "

Lin Mutao looked at Sleepy Treasure and Xiaohuaju who were smiling even when they were asleep, and said, "Really? I think you are taking good care of you."

"Uh..." When Li Shuangshuang saw that Lin Mutao and Shijiu were back, she didn't know if she was afraid of disturbing the good things of the two of you, or if she really didn't want to take care of the children anymore, so she hurriedly ran away.

At the moment when it dissipated in the air, Li Shuangshuang hummed: "Save your armor oil, and call me next time, don't do it because of this mess. Also, Come on~"

Li Shuangshuang disappeared, and the cold room finally returned to normal temperature. Lin Mutao didn't expect that Li Shuangshuang would join her at the end, calling her to cheer, thinking that she didn't know what Li Shuangshuang meant.

Lin Mutao looked at Shijiu embarrassedly and said, "My friend, I like to talk nonsense, don't mind."

Shijiu bowed his head and asked, "How did you think of calling her over?"

Lin Mutao took off her shoes, put her clothes back on the cold ground, yawned and said, "I'm afraid that if we both go out, Sleepy Treasure and Xiaohuajuan will be in danger, So I thought of asking her to come out to help take care of it." Li Shuangshuang was the best candidate because he had a cold heart and a natural affection for children.

In the darkness, a rustling voice came from Lin Mutao's side. She guessed that Shijiu also took off his coat and lay beside her. "You are very thoughtful."

Lin Mutao wanted to return something, but sleepiness swept her brain, she slammed her mouth, turned over and fell asleep.

Shi Jiu was still lying on his back with his arms under his head, staring at the dark ceiling.

Today, no good night.

Waking up in the morning, the enthusiastic Aunt Lin still cooked a large table of breakfast.

Lin Mutao scooped a large bowl of seaweed porridge into the bowl and asked naturally, "Auntie, we are going to visit the sea today. Is there anything in the village related to the sea? "

Aunt Lin said: "Isn't there a large sea outside the village, just look at it."

Lin Mutao: "The seaside, we've been there. We just want to go to some places related to the sea, but it's not the seaside." After speaking, he kicked the wine under the table. Stool legs.

When Shijiu received the code, he quickly put down the spoon in his hand, looked at Aunt Lin and nodded sincerely, in response to what Lin Mutao said.

Aunt Lin was a little puzzled, she tried to recall: "The village...the place related to the sea? I really can't think of it."

Lin Mutao: "Ah, Aunt Lin, forget it if you can't think of it. We'll just hang out in a minute."

Lin Mutao and Shijiu were eating breakfast, thinking in their minds.

How is it related to the sea? For example, the iron cage in which the mermaid was held last night has something to do with the sea.

Then the sea fish drying at the door of every house is considered to be related to the sea? Are small fishing boats moored on the shoal considered to be related to the sea?

It all counts.

Strictly speaking, the entire small fishing village is inseparable from the sea, and the scope is large.

While Lin Mutao and Shijiu were feeding a child by themselves, suddenly, Aunt Lin's door was suddenly pushed open.

He was the man who had spoken to them before. The man was shirtless, his exposed skin a healthy chocolate color tanned by the seaside sun, and he looked extraordinarily fit.

The man had a fierce look on his face, rushed in, pointed at Lin Mutao and Shijiu, and shouted, "It's just these two people! Arrest me!"

Aunt Lin asked in a panic, "Ah Hai, what's the matter? What's wrong with the two of them?"

Lin Mutao and Shijiu were also puzzled. Didn't these guys treat them well yesterday? Why are they clamoring to arrest them today?

Is it because of the iron cage move last night? But they moved the iron cage back to its original place. Logically, no one should find out.

Lin Mutao and Shijiu stood up, protecting the children behind them, and then the men tied them tightly with hemp ropes. He couldn't move his hands at all, only one pair of feet could barely walk.

Seeing that Ah Hai ordered someone to tie Sleepy Treasure and Xiaohuajuan, Lin Mutao hurriedly shouted, "Why tie the child? The child didn't do anything wrong!"

Ahai glared angrily: "You said! You guys are monsters! You have a child who killed Zhang San!"

"Ah? What did you say..." Aunt Lin fell to the ground, trembling with fear, and the chopsticks in her hands also fell to the ground.

Lin Mutao and Shijiu looked at each other, their eyes filled with worry. I see.

Zhang San is the same family that the curly-haired girl and the tattooed man lived in. The tattooed man was bitten to death by his own child, and his child was nowhere to be found. Then the one who killed Zhang San should be the child with the curly-haired girl...

Shijiu gritted his teeth, this group of people really has more than enough success and more than failure, knowing that the little sunflower mother class let them bring their children with bad intentions, but they are not optimistic about the children.

A Hai, who was headed by them, pushed and shoved Lin Mutao, Shijiu, and two children, who were tied tightly, to Aunt Lin's house.

Lin Mutao and the others discovered that the curly-haired woman, the middle-pointed woman, the stuttering man, and their children had been **** long ago, and they were standing in a line at the door of Aunt Lin's house. Next to them was a group of equally strong men with homemade earthen weapons, watching over them.

The curly-haired girl was crying with tears and snot on her face, and she could even cry with a white mist on her glasses.

The mid-point woman and the articulate man seem to be quite calm, but their feet that keep getting weaker show that they are scared now.

This group of people arrested all of them, what are they doing?

Lin Mutao was thinking wildly in her heart.

One of the men asked: "Ah Hai, what should we do with these monsters?"

A Hai's hand swiped down, "Of course it's locked."

The man hesitantly said: "Shut... where is it? These monsters can eat people!" , bit Zhang San's neck. Zhang San is an adult, how big is the other end for a child, and it was not swallowed by the child!

This gave him a hundred courage, and he didn't dare to use his own house to shut down this group of people!

A Hai's face sank, indeed, this is the first time such a thing has happened in the village, and there is no place for people.

Ahai thought about it for a while, and replied decisively: "Then lock it in the temple."

"The temple? You mean...the temple of the great good man?"

"Yes!" Ah Hai put his hands together and bowed to the blue sky, "Since the great man can bless our village, he will definitely not be afraid of these monsters!"

So the group was pushed into the temple by the men.

The men watched as they fell to the ground, then mercilessly closed the heavy red wooden gate, as if it were still bolted outside. Suddenly, there was no more natural light in the temple, only dim kerosene lamps, and the faint smell of incense smoke lingered in the small space.

Except for Lin Mutao and Shijiu, the rest of the anchors have never been in this temple, so they are very nervous.

The articulate man was lying on the ground and looked up at the statue of Li Dafu standing tall in the center of the temple. .

Lin Mutao stood up with all her strength, her hands still tied behind her by ropes. At this time, she missed Yu Ye's Word Spirit skills.

Lin Mutao jumped up to the gate like a crooked shrimp, her ears close to the door listening to the sounds outside. "There are voices outside! They seem to be still guarding the door."

I didn't expect that the dungeon mission was not completed, and now she is still bound to freedom, the middle-pointed girl was irritable, and she suddenly stared at the curly-haired girl, "It's all your fault!"

The curly-haired girl cried and said, "I didn't expect it either... I thought that the child only eats human flesh and not human things, so I didn't feed him anything to make him hungry... Who knows him This morning, he actually bit off someone's neck!"

Lin Mutao said coldly, "Do you think he won't eat it, so you didn't feed it, or are you too lazy to feed it?"

Curl: "I..."

Shijiu: "What about your child?"

Now there are five anchors in the temple, but only four children, the child with the curly hair girl has disappeared.

Curly-haired girl: "After that child killed Zhang San, he grew up, and then disappeared! I don't know where he went... Then all these were called by Zhang San to go to sea together. The men saw it all, and were afraid that we would become monsters in the future, so they tied us all up..."

Articulate man: "Then...that child is not...isn't he still in the village?"

Lin Mutao shook her head: "No, this is a nested copy, not their real world. These children are just to increase the difficulty of the game for us, so he should be with the tattooed man. Like a child, I have returned to the world of the little sunflower mother's classroom."

At this moment, Shijiu stood up, shook his hands, shook his feet, and stretched.

Everyone raised their heads in surprise, "You...Aren't you tied like us?"

Shijiu spread out his hand, holding a small but sharp fruit knife, "Yes, but I untied it."

He came over and cut the rope for Lin Mutao first, and then began to untie everyone one by one.

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