Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1020: infiltrator

Yelena walked slowly from the passage. Lin Rui couldn't see the face behind her helmet, but he didn't need to look, he could recognize her as Yelena from her movements... Of course, he didn't even need to look at her sniper rifle with a scope. .

She looked around carefully, and after confirming that the place was safe, she carried her sniper rifle and followed Lin Rui. "It turns out that you were one step ahead of me. I thought you were dead in the snow outside."

Lin Rui said helplessly: "From your cheerful tone, I know that you don't think so. If I am dead, you will be somewhat sad."

"You are so confident." Yelena smiled.

"Okay. Now let's confirm the target again." Lin Rui called up the topographic map on his tactical tablet, "Task 1: We have to rescue the captured hostages. Task 2: If there are no survivors, We have to clear this area of ​​enemy forces. At the same time, we want to avoid contact with enemy forces as much as possible."

Yelena nodded.

Lin Rui marked four roads leading to underground facilities with high brightness, making them the most conspicuous things on the electronic map.

"First of all, we have to avoid these routes. These passages are too conspicuous. Those mercenaries are experts and will definitely patrol these places." He drew a circle on another place on the map, "We also want to Avoid here. According to the information provided by the Russians, this is the control room. Now it may be the headquarters of those mercenaries. If there is no accident, there will be a large number of enemy troops. Even if we forcefully enter, we will miss the opportunity to rescue."

"Then how do we get in?" Yelena frowned.

"Let's go this way and follow the maintenance line. Don't go beyond that. Also be careful not to leave any available cover. The maintenance access is very hidden, and there are many parts rooms, maintenance wells, and complicated access. They don't think, we Go along this route." Lin Rui drew a line in a very dense pipeline diagram.

"It's 18.00. The control center is nearly five kilometers from here - we'll be there in less than an hour. We may be forced to slow down to avoid enemy patrols - but we can't be later than an hour. Get there in half an hour." Lin Rui said.

Yelena zoomed in on an electronic map. "This is the entrance to the sewer system at..."

"Yes." Lin Rui marked it on the map with a marker. "Here, here, and here. We can access the center through these points. Any questions?"

"But our communication system will be limited underground." Yelena frowned. "How can we keep in touch if we keep going underground?"

"We don't need to contact, because we will act together." Lin Rui put away the electronic map, "In the case of too few personnel, we are more certain to act together. This is our only chance."

"Understood," she said.

"Stay vigilant." Lin Rui smiled slightly, "It's the same old saying, I hope we can come back alive."

They double-checked their gear: Modified, silenced AK-12 assault rifles: eight spare magazines; blaster grenades; fighting daggers. There's also the Giulzaban Viper pistol—a small, powerful pistol. In addition to these weapons, there is also a pack of C4 explosives carried by Lin Rui.

"Go," he said.

Lin Rui and the two began to act. They quickly entered the underground passage, Lin Rui walked at the forefront, and Yelena followed him. The two of them were not in a straight line, Lin Rui was slightly to the left of Yelena. In order to ensure that in the event of an accident, both of them have a good field of vision to fire.

The two moved forward cautiously. Every 100 yards, Lin Rui would signal to stop, and then he would search the surrounding area to make sure there were no enemy troops. At this time, Yelena would crouch down and hide in the aisle to monitor the situation behind.

Lin Rui looked at the display screen of the tactical computer. They had already walked a quarter of the way. Although they are cautious and take every step, they are still moving very fast. This underground passage is far warmer than the temperature outside, and Lin Rui even felt that he was sweating.

Suddenly Lin Rui stopped and raised his fist - this is a signal to stop. Ya stood there, raised the gun and slowly scanned the surroundings, looking for any signs of a moving enemy. He was a very sensitive man, born with the eyes, ears and intuition of a scout.

"The enemy is in front." Lin Rui's calm voice came from the communication channel, "The enemy troops are less than 100 meters away from us, and the front is ten degrees to the left."

"Understood." Yelena replied in a low voice behind her, she had already raised the muzzle.

"It's estimated to be ten, to repeat, ten soldiers. It's the mercenaries. They move slowly and form in pairs. We haven't found us yet." Lin Rui said in a low voice.

Lin Rui's idea is to avoid fighting with the enemy as much as possible - after all, there are only two of them, and they can't risk fighting for a long time. But these mercenaries are heading where they are...

"Kill them." Lin Rui whispered.

This group of mercenaries marched in the underground passage. Because he was wearing white snow camouflage. In the dark environment of the underground passage, the outline is clearly visible. There were ten of them, lined up in two teams, and the members were separated by about three meters.

Lin Rui was pleased to note that these mercenaries looked very tired - only the vanguard and the two mercenaries in the rear were holding rifles. The others were talking to each other in whispers. This base was occupied by them for a whole week, which was not only a torment for the Russian army outside, but also for the ability of these mercenaries.

The target is unwarranted. This is great! He gestured to Yelena slowly with some gestures: step back until he was out of sight of the mercenaries.

Lin Rui turned on the team communication channel and said to Yelena behind him. "I can see them from your Let me know when they pass you. Mine have to kill the two in the back of them first, the two guys seem to be alert. When the time comes, Support me. Only use silenced weapons. Don't use weapons that make sounds unless the situation gets worse."

He paused for a while, then gave the order: "Go."

Lin Rui held an ak-12 assault rifle and still hid himself in the fork on the side of the aisle, completely obscured by shadows.

A minute has passed. Two minutes...three minutes...

There were two taps in Lin Rui's earphones, which was the message from Yelena. The enemy is approaching. Lin Rui loosened his grip on the trigger, jumped up and climbed to the top of the channel full of pipes, waiting...

right there. Twenty meters away, the vanguard of this group of mercenaries walked - just below where Lin Rui was. The mercenaries stopped, their rifles armed with tactical flashlights scanned the area vigilantly, and then walked slowly forward.

After a while, the remaining mercenaries appeared in Lin Rui's line of sight, about ten meters away from their vanguard. There was another tap in the earphones—the two soldiers behind the mercenary pad passed his position.

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