Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 334: 2 choose 1

Hearing the explosion and gunshots, the red baron turned his head suddenly, looked at the thick smoke and fire in the distance of the camp, and shouted in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

"It's the northwest corner, where someone raided and rescued the captured American soldiers. Baron, what should we do now?" A hurried armed man reported.

"Hmph, it's just a little trick to divert your eyes. Do you think the professor and the virus are more important, or the incompetent Yankees?" The Red Baron pouted, "You bring a small group of people over to stabilize the situation. The others, Keep staring at three people for me."

"Yes, Baron." The guard was slightly surprised, but he also felt that the Red Baron's judgment was correct. There is always a measure of which is more important. Those captured American troops are of little value to them. And the virus that Professor Schmed and his researched and developed are a big deal involving hundreds of millions of dollars, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

Lin Rui and the others walked all the way to the apron, and Jiangan and others who were hiding in the surrounding rushed out one after another, and confronted the Red Baron and others next to the helicopter.

"The plan is very thorough, and you actually sent someone to occupy the helipad in advance." The Red Baron sneered, "But do you really think I will let you board the helicopter?"

"Of course you would, otherwise you wouldn't have done it now. Red Baron, I know you. According to your character, if you didn't have too many concerns, you would have ordered an attack. It's impossible to let us Come here." Lin Rui sneered.

"Perhaps you overestimate my patience." The Red Baron said coldly, "The reason why I let you all live is just because we have invested a lot of money and energy in this plan, and I don't want these things to be destroyed. But if you try to walk away with the professor and the virus, that's hitting my bottom line."

"Oh, is that so?" Lin Rui said coldly.

"For example, I have a precious thing under your control, and I don't want it to be damaged, so I can accept some of your conditions to prevent you from destroying this thing. But you want to keep it for yourself and leave it with you If so, this is beyond my tolerance limit. I would rather smash this thing than take it away." The Red Baron said lightly.

"What do you want, die together?" Lin Rui sneered.

"Why, do you think I lack such courage?" The Red Baron sneered. "Instead of letting you go away with the professor and the virus, we're here to die together."

"Everyone is ready! Aim your guns!" the captain of the guard beside the Red Baron shouted sharply.

Lin Rui found a fierce determination in the eyes of the red baron. He knew that what the red baron said was not a lie. He would rather die together than let them leave safely. For a time, Lin Rui even felt a trace of fear. The red baron's crazy eyes made him shudder.

For a time, the scene became a stalemate, and no one dared to move first. The Red Baron dared not, and neither did Lin Rui and others. Even if they all planned for the worst, they were ready to die together. But both sides also hope that it is best not to go that far. "

"Maybe we can have a compromise." The red baron sighed slowly, "Well, virus and professor, you can choose one of them, but only one of them. Leave the incubator with the virus, Go with the professor; or leave the professor and go with those viruses. I can leave it alone, but if you want to take both of them? I can tell you, it's impossible!"

Lin Rui looked at the red baron alertly, and then smiled, "Red baron, your abacus is good enough. If you leave the professor, you can change places and continue to make your virus weapons. , you can also use this as a sample to continue cultivating the virus. You can also complete the work of a professor with a different person."

"Whatever you say, this is my bottom line." The Red Baron said coldly.

"I want to think about it." Lin Rui said slowly. He was actually taking this opportunity to delay time, waiting for Green and those American prisoners of war to come. Sure enough, Green arrived soon with several wounded American soldiers.

"Their condition is very bad. If they are not treated in time, it may be life-threatening." Lu Hanxin checked the wounds of the American soldiers and whispered, "We must send them to the helicopter."

"How is it? How's it going?" the red baron snapped. "Now your men have arrived. I can order an attack at any time."

"If you dare to order an attack, we will be finished together." Sergey said angrily.

Lin Rui thought for a while and said, "Okay, we accept your suggestion. However, the purpose of our mission this time is for this German professor Schmed! I can't leave him to you. But the virus is not in our plan. . I can leave the virus you want. In this way, you can continue to find someone to complete the virus research, we got Schmed, and there is not much influence on each other, we can all accept it. "

The red baron's eyes flickered, and he said slowly, "You can come over now and put the virus on the ground."

"It's impossible. I want my people to board the helicopter before they can let go of this box." Lin Rui raised the virus-preserving box in his hand.

The red baron said coldly, "How do I know you will keep your promise?"

"Because I'll stay up until the end, I'll put down the box and leave when I'm all in the helicopter." Lin Rui said slowly.

"You want to be a hero and pretend to be a tough guy. Yes, I like tough guys. I Your people can board the plane, but you have to stay until the end." The Red Baron said coldly.

Lin Rui waved to his teammates, "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"Boss, you can't stay alone." Sergey said in a low voice. "I can't trust these guys."

"You must go. Those wounded need a doctor. You have to protect Dr. Lu. I'm just taking a slow step, and I won't make any mistakes." Lin Rui said solemnly, "Obey all my orders and board the helicopter."

He glanced back at Lin Rui, then turned to the other team members and gritted his teeth, "Have you heard the order? Come up to me, Jason has a machine gun ready and will cover the captain's evacuation at any time. Where's Yelena? Aim at the Red Baron for me. Don't let him have the chance to raid Lin Rui."

The American soldiers rescued by the O2 team and Sergeant Green all boarded the helicopter. The Red Baron still looked at Lin Rui with a leisurely attitude. The guard beside him whispered, "Baron, that Professor Schmeed knows too much inside information, we can't let him go."

"Don't worry, they can't leave." The Red Baron said calmly. "As long as they take off, our two vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missiles equipped with HQ-6D are enough to shoot them down."

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