Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1304: Piranha Tactics

This tactic used by Lin Rui is called the piranha tactic, also known as the piranha tactic. This is not his original creation, but the tactic that the mercenaries summed up on the African battlefield is most conducive to attacking large targets with small groups.

Piranha is a South American fish. Although its size is small, its temperament is very ferocious and cruel. This fish is one of the most notorious animals for its sharp teeth and swarms of attacking large animals. In Brazil, a group of piranhas have been seen tearing a cow to shreds in seconds.

Once the bitten prey overflows with blood, it will go crazy, with its sharp fangs, like a surgeon's scalpel, it will bite and cut like a surgeon's scalpel. Bite and cut the prey until a pile of bones remains.

The piranha tactics of the mercenaries are to spread the formation to the greatest extent, and launch a siege and raid on the enemy several times their own. Quick and sudden, because attacks can come from anywhere, at any time, their targets are often flustered and overwhelmed. Like an animal attacked by a piranha, every piece of flesh and blood was gradually eaten away.

This tactic highlights the individual abilities of excellent mercenaries to the greatest extent, and strengthens this individual attack with the number of groups. General regular troops will never use such unconventional tactics, except for mercenaries operating in South America and Africa.

Just when the secret society's attention was still focused on the second line of defense, Crazy Horse's people first detoured to the rear of the secret society's armed forces and launched an attack. Then the men of Guns and Roses attacked on the flanks. Sandro's fox team also dispersed, each attacking the secret society's armed forces.

For a time, it bloomed almost everywhere. The Secret Society found themselves surrounded, with enemy troops appearing to raid at every location. According to Lin Rui's instructions, this mercenary is usually a member of the o2 team, with several black soldiers armed with Wollman, to attack together.

The o2 team launched a surprise attack, which easily attracted the attention of the secret society. When a large number of armed members of the secret society tried to counterattack, those black soldiers came up and fired rockets at the crowd without reason. It doesn't matter if he hits or not, he withdraws after the hit anyway, and continues in another position.

One or two attacks like this are fine. A dozen or so mercenaries and black soldiers form a group of a dozen or so. If they split up like this, the situation is a bit big. For a while, these secret society armed forces were a bit stunned. They were new arrivals, and the terrain was not familiar with these African black buddies. Moreover, the command system has been destroyed, and there is no way to know more battlefield information, so I am confused by this harassing attack.

The Armed Forces of the Secret Society fought back frantically, but they didn't know where to go, because the attacks came from all directions. And after a little hesitation, the front of the position was suppressed by heavy firepower. The momentum of the counterattack that had just risen was quickly suppressed again.

"Damn it, it's a guerrilla tactic." Conan, the auctioneer of the secret society, slammed his fist on the wall of the bunker, "They are attacking us in a scattered manner. Even if they give up a frontal position, they will cause a lot of damage to us."

"However, how is this possible? Their teams are scattered like this. This way of fighting each other almost collapses all the organizational structures. How can they form an effective cooperation?" A secret society armed was surprised.

"Because they have satellites to command and reconnaissance, there is a whole group that issues orders to each of their independent squads through satellites. They don't need to think about cooperation, they only need to think about execution.

The problem of organizational cooperation has already been completed for them at the level above them. Damn, they relied on the satellite system to turn a rabble into a unified deployment, an information-based combat force with one brain. "Conan cursed secretly.

"Sir, it can't go on like this. They spread their actions and the targets are too scattered. And if they hit, they run away. We have always been passively beaten, but we can't organize an effective counterattack. If we continue to consume it like this, but one trades off and one trades off. It's not good for us." A secret society leader whispered.

"Has the Baron contacted him yet?" Conan frowned.

"No, the information and communication system of our headquarters seems to be damaged. It seems that it is not only us, but the brothers who are struggling on the other side are also struggling." The little leader of the secret society looked at the thick smoke in the distance of the city. and firelight, whispered. "We can't get in touch with the command, and I don't think they can either. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so close."

"Damn it!" Conan said angrily, "They must have attacked the headquarters while we were empty behind us."

"Then what do we do now?" a secret society armed man whispered.

"Don't be arguing, let me think about it." Conan gritted his teeth and thought for a while, "These mercenaries blocking us like this must not want us to meet the brothers on the opposite side and form a siege to Wollman's people.

To strengthen the frontal firepower, we have to break through the frontal defense. They should be in scattered formations now, but there won't be many troops deployed in the front positions. We will press on all the way and give them a bit of strength. As long as we break through this line of defense, our pressure will be much less. "

"Yes sir." The armed men of the secret society began to move. Although it was very difficult, they were still moving forward. Completely disregarding the harassment attacks on the flanks and rear, hoping to take advantage of its own numbers and firepower advantages, it will forcefully eat the opponent's defensive troops.

These dynamics of them were completely grasped by Cobain who observed the battlefield situation through satellite Cobain contacted Lin Rui almost immediately. "Lin Rui, the situation has changed. The armed forces of the secret society have reacted, and they are attacking the front regardless of losses."

"Yes, this is as I expected before. I never thought that I could use piranha tactics to eliminate their army of seven or eight times our number. All I want is delay and delay, and now our goal is It has been reached." Lin Rui switched to the team channel by pressing the earphone.

"Sergey and the Koreans who are in charge of frontal defense, retreat your team to a street 50 meters away and reorganize the defense. We let them drop at least 50 corpses for every 50 meters they advance. "Lin Rui ordered in a deep voice.

"Received the boss, now we seem to have exceeded this goal." Sergey whispered.

"That's good, retreat to the end of the street and organize the defense again. Leave the road on the right side open. After their attack is blocked again, they will try to bypass our defense line, then the road on the right is their preferred target. Koreans , how is the minefield set up there?" Lin Rui asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, boss, all the broad-blade mines at the bottom of the pressure box at Walman are deployed there. They can blow up all the members of the secret society that rushed there." Park Dongsang said in a low voice.

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