Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1264: Baron Appears

Lin Rui stuck his head out beside a broken building wall, raised the m16a1 in his hand through the scope, and looked at the movement on the opposite side. The location of the two roaring firepower can be judged from the sound of gunfire and the sound of bullet casings scattered on the ground, but the other armed personnel cannot guess by luck.

Lin Rui didn't want to be shot down by a secret society militant who had been waiting for a long time as soon as he showed up. He must have enough confidence that the doors of many warehouse houses on the opposite side opened, and then some armed members of the secret society with weapons came out. There were also faint shadows shaking on the roofs of several nearby rooms.

Lin Rui asked all the team members to report the situation in a low voice. The team members reported their observations to Lin Rui, which gave him a general understanding of the surrounding enemies. A few minutes later, Lin Rui's action began. He jumped out of the broken wall suddenly.

With the gun in his hand, he began to harvest life. The roaring warhead was precise and deadly, and the rhythmic three-shot burst of gunfire seemed to shatter human limbs and souls together.

The members of the secret society also started to fight back, and several stray bullets almost hit Lin Rui who was being transferred. He kept stooping and kept moving in small steps, but even while he was moving, the **** of the gun never left his shoulders. He was in a shooting position almost all the time. At most, it's just an interval of shooting, and the muzzle is lowered a little. To ensure that the muscles are not stiff due to high-profile tension.

The other members of the team are also moving closer to Lin Rui's position. The screams of being injured or dying, mixed with the intense vibration of the densely flying whistling metal and the explosion of the grenade, pushed this exotic desert to the highest point of the death symphony.

The machine gunner on the assault vehicle was cleared immediately, but the armed pickup started the car in an attempt to escape when it found something bad. The driver suddenly turned around and accelerated, and the body of the militant who controlled the machine gun behind the car lost his balance due to inertia and leaned to one side. And that tilt cost him his life.

Yelena in the distance finally got the chance and fired a shot. The high-speed rotating warhead ripped off half of the machine gunner's head, and the blood sprayed. And Lincoln and others who came from the opposite side also shot and killed the others in the car. The dying driver was unable to control the vehicle, and the pickup truck slammed into the fence outside the terminal in a tumble.

"Nice job!" Lin Rui came over and gave Lincoln a high five. "Let's hurry up and go to the east side and completely wipe out these secret society assassination teams here."

"Got it, Rick. We won't lose to you." Lincoln wiped the sweat from his face and smiled.

"Then give it a try!" Lin Rui said solemnly.

The encirclement of the two groups means that the assassins have been completely surrounded by the cargo terminal. The morale of the o2 team members has been boosted, even more like a wolf like a tiger.

All kinds of firearms began to spew deadly tongues of flame, and the roar of the bullets fired one after another combined with the shriek of the warhead tearing through the air, together with the boiling air waves when the fragmentation grenade exploded.

Get up, bend forward, lie down, get up, snake and roll in, aim, then shoot, get up again, move forward, lie down again... Lin Rui even remembers his every move, even though these tactical moves have been repeated many times, It's as natural as eating and sleeping.

The fight lasted twelve minutes in total when the last leader of the Order was shot against the wall. Because of the resistance of these secret society armed forces, the pressure of Group B brought some trouble, but even so, they still ended all the battles within fifteen minutes.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, General Walman's guard captain was a little frightened. He said with difficulty, "Did we really do it?"

"That's right, Lieutenant Colonel, you survived." Lin Rui shrugged, "But now is not the time to celebrate. This is not enough to organize the assassination of the secret society, it can only be delayed for a while. Let's go, we have to go back. Look at the general. Don't let him stay in the bunker for too long."

The group cleaned up the convoy, and most of the materials on the car were still there, but the last few cars left some goods along the way because they wanted to hide people. General Wollman's people let a few soldiers drive and transport the supplies back, but Lin Rui and others followed the captain of the guard directly to the barracks. In the underground bunker of the barracks, they saw General Woohrman again.

The black warlord was looking down at the map with his cigar in his mouth. He found the captain of the guard and Lin Rui walking in, looked up and asked, "How is the situation?"

"We killed those people. It was an entire commando team, about forty people. In such a short time, at least the threat to you personally will be slightly reduced." Lin Rui put the blood-stained and sweaty sand-proof hood Throwing it on the table, "It seems that our mission can be completed ahead of schedule. In the next few days, they should not launch an attack on you again."

"I'm afraid not necessarily." General Wollman pointed to the map and said, "These are my two men. At different times today, they were assassinated in their respective defense areas. In order to prevent their troops from mutiny, I Someone has been sent over to control the situation. What do people who know us say?"

"What?" Lin Rui frowned.

"The two senior officers under my command were all shot to death. The wounds were all located between the forehead and the The location of the bullet holes was so precise that it was as if they were measured and drilled with an electric drill." General Mann said slowly, "The other side, it is said that there are not many people at all, maybe even only one person, wearing a red hood."

"A sniper with a red hood?" Lin Rui's expression changed, "Are you sure?"

"It can be determined, and it can be determined that the two assassination operations separated by more than 100 kilometers were all done by the same person. Because the footprints of the boots left at the scene match, the shooter can be identified as the same person. The time is only two hours apart. ." General Wollman whispered.

"The two assassinations with a distance of more than 100 kilometers were completed within two hours. It means that he did not stop at all. After one assassination was over, he immediately drove to a hundred kilometers away. Assassination. It shows that he is an extremely efficient sniper, and it is very likely that other people are cooperating with him. There must be an ambush observer in advance to help him in his actions." Jiangan frowned.

"Red Baron has never used an observer. He is very arrogant and looks down on other people at all." Lin Rui shook his head. "This time we killed his assassination team. He must have known that we were intervening, so he changed his strategy and started with a senior officer with a certain command authority beside General Wohlman. First, it can destroy your command system. Second, It can create panic and disintegrate the military.”

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