Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1261: material fleet

Along the border in the northwest section of Turimo, the traffic environment is extremely harsh. Life here is extremely difficult, daily supplies cannot be supplied on time, and contact with the outside world is completely cut off, making the people here fall into a life dilemma that ordinary people cannot imagine.

To eat depends on the tree, to wear a piece of cloth, and to develop through assistance. This is a joke, but behind the joke is the helpless bitterness of poor Africa.

Leaning on the tree to eat means that many African countries have large areas of tropical rainforest. If you are thirsty and hungry, you can just pick a mango, papaya, banana or something from the tree to fill your stomach. Dressing with a piece of cloth means that the climate is hot and there is no need for extra clothes. The traditional clothing of many tribes is a piece of cloth that wraps the body without tailoring. As for development relying on aid, in fact, it is not accurate enough. In many places, even food depends on aid. Such is the case in the Northwest Territories of Turimo.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Rui and others arrived at the border cargo transfer station more than 300 kilometers away. It was very humble, some rows of unpainted bungalows. An armed garrison of thirty or forty people is guarding here. This is the only border guard force in this area of ​​Turimo.

There are several old-fashioned tractors in the transfer station. They have been parked in the garage for more than 10 years, and they can't be repaired. The two drivers are only paid and do not work. Other mechanical vehicles are only available for two trucks, and other vehicles are close. scrapped.

When they learned that General Wollman was coming in person, these soldiers lined up to welcome them seriously. However, that General Wollman is a fake. Of course, he will not take advantage of the situation to review the troops and give a speech. He just wore that general uniform, covered his face with sunglasses, and sat under the protection of a group of bodyguards and guards.

"This place is really poor. I can't even find a decent chair. Even our general can only sit on the small bench he brought." Sergey said helplessly.

"Tulimo is not rich in the first place, let alone this is the border." Lin Rui shook his head.

"There are many important reasons for poverty in Africa. For many years, the dominant position of Africa's economy has always been the western developed countries. After the independence of African countries, the original colonial economy still exerted a great influence.

Although the colonists have left, they still exist for another high-sounding reason, which is to use economic aid to continue to exploit and plunder resources and suppress the development of national industries. It's actually another form of control, they simply don't want the colonized countries to develop and be strong. Although they give more aid, they get more benefits. ' Jiangan shook his head.

"Forget it, don't complain about the actuaries. These are not things we can change. What we can change is the fate of General Wollman's impending death." Lin Rui shrugged, "The aid convoy is expected to arrive in an hour. Squads are ready and take their place. Get moving."

o2's mobility is never a joke, they entered their respective predetermined positions after a few minutes, and notified Lin Rui through wireless communication. "Team b completes the deployment," Lincoln replied.

"Group C is also completed." Sandro's voice replied.

Lin Rui tapped the earphone and whispered, "Snake Eye, Yelena?"

"The sniper team has entered the sniper position. As long as the enemy appears, we can snipe at any time to aid the personnel inside the cargo depot." Yelena whispered.

"Well done." Lin Rui turned off the communication and turned to the captain of General Wollman's guard beside him, "When the aid convoy arrives, don't be too nervous, just do the same as usual. They shouldn't start immediately, one after another. After a few failed assassinations, they'll want to make sure the success rate. So let the fake generals be careful not to show obvious flaws."

The captain of the guard nodded and whispered, "Do you need to inform those garrison troops to cooperate with us?"

"No, they don't have much effect, and once they know the truth, they will be nervous. This will bring great hidden dangers to our actions. If the other party finds out, our lure will fail. In this case, Everything in this operation is meaningless." Lin Rui shook his head.

The captain of the guard nodded, "Okay, I will let them cooperate with us after the battle starts."

Lin Rui nodded, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and lit it up. To the black soldier who pretended to be General Wollman, "Don't be nervous, we won't let you do anything. So many people are protecting you, you just need to be honest and don't move."

The black soldier nodded. Although he was nervous, because he was a black man and wore wide sunglasses on his face, he couldn't see anything unusual at all. Anyway, from a distance, it was pitch black, and even his facial features might not be able to be seen clearly. As long as the body types are similar, there is no fear that the assassin will find something wrong.

After waiting for a while, the farthest member of the C group who was on the alert mission sent a message. "There was a convoy approaching along the road, a total of six trucks, all loaded with container vehicles."

"How are the guards?" Lin Rui whispered.

"Several assault vehicles, and a light wheeled armor," Sandro reported.

"Don't expose it, let them in. When they enter the cargo terminal area, block the road quietly. Put them in your pocket." Lin Rui said slowly.

"Understood!" Sandro of Group C said solemnly.

The dust in the distance gradually became obvious, and the captain of the guard beside Lin Rui whispered, "Come on. What should we do?"

"Don't move, just like a normal delivery of goods, send someone to inspect the goods. When the signature is confirmed, show the goods list to the general." Lin Rui whispered. "The generals stay here, don't go so they don't move rashly."

"Sir, are you sure that the other party is the assassin? If they are the US military, we will be in big trouble." The captain of the guard whispered.

"They were fifteen minutes behind the scheduled time. Fifteen minutes was enough for an elite team to take over the convoy. Those American soldiers should have been killed on the way, and they must be pretending to be assassins now. Get rid of these People, the Yankees will only be grateful to you." Lin Rui said slowly.

Soon the convoy had entered the cargo transfer station, and the soldiers stationed at the cargo station let them in. Then there was the routine inventory of supplies. Those people did not get out of the car, but just stayed in the car. The soldiers in several **** vehicles were guarding the surrounding area with guns.

Lin Rui said in a low voice, "Seeing those people, they are very nervous. Even when they arrive at their destination, they are not as lazy as the American soldiers. Instead, they are watching their surroundings vigilantly. If they are really Americans, they should be at this time. Get out of the car and move around, chewing gum in your mouth."

The captain of the guard nodded. "Indeed, they seem to be on guard."

Lin Rui connected the communication, "All teams pay attention and keep an eye on everyone in that team."

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