Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1225: fight back

&&&& "I need help, my current position is not ideal. Copy visit://" Yelena whispered, "Snake Eyes, I need you as my assistant, responsible for observing the helicopter target."

&&&& "Understood." Snake-eyed lying beside Yelena, she replied in a low voice, "I will stare at him."

&&&&The helicopter came back after a circle. "The target appears! The direction is 10 o'clock, and the distance is 1,300 meters!" Snake Eyes, who was in charge of the observation, was refreshed, and he lowered his voice and said hurriedly.

&&&& Yelena picked up her telescope silently and started searching for the target, "Target intercepted! It's approaching at a distance of 1,200 meters." Yelena quickly put down the telescope, quietly raised the sniper rifle next to it, and quickly found the target.

&&&&16x sniper scope, if it is not observed and confirmed in advance, it is difficult to quickly lock the target. Therefore, there are few general military sniper scopes with high magnification, because no matter how high the magnification is, the tremor caused by just one breath will cause the target to deviate from the scope. The higher magnification scopes are generally only used in sports competitions.

&&&& "The wind direction is southwest, and the wind speed is 12 meters per second." Snake's eyes quickly gave the wind direction and wind speed.

&&&& The wind speed of 3 meters per second has a great impact on the bullet after it has traveled more than 1,000 meters. The forward energy of the bullet is constantly attenuated, and the stability of the bullet will eventually be affected by the force of the wind, unless the distance is relatively close.

&&&& And sniping beyond 1000 meters, largely depends on the accumulation of the sniper's usual influence on the wind and a certain luck.

&&&& For the target of about 1200 meters, Yelena is basically 90% sure of using the firearms she is used to. And beyond this distance, Yelena looked at the indistinguishable line in the sight, it was really bottomless. continue waiting? Take a risk? The choice she faced was a bit difficult.

&&&&wait? Helicopters don't just hover there waiting for you. There may never have been a better chance, and this helicopter's suppression of the entire o2 squad would be lethal.

&&&& So, take the plunge? Yelena gritted her teeth secretly, but hesitated.

&&&& Not to mention missed, the target will become a startled bird. The next time the precautions will be more stringent. If the position will be violent after shooting, the helicopter will face the decisive pursuit. Yelena and Snake Eyes, two snipers, were lying on the roof of the building in disguise. Once exposed, bullet rain will tear them to shreds.

&&&& Snake Eye is still calmly observing the target in the air through the telescope, usually within 3 to 9 seconds after the observer provides the wind deviation correction data, the sniper should shoot, if the sniper feels unsure, it will stop Act and wait for the next new correction result.

&&&& He has been calmly waiting for Yelena to shoot. He will observe the target through the telescope and tell Yelena the data that needs to be adjusted for shooting. But the gunshots never sounded. Snake's eyes seem to feel that time has stopped turning. Every second feels like 10,000 years have passed. The nerves of these two snipers are like cast iron.

&&&&After waiting for a few seconds, Yelena finally made up her mind: shoot!

&&&& Facing this distant goal, she did not dare to take it lightly. She also has only one shot. If the opponent is not hit, the target will most likely hide and there will be no chance at that time! I wish I could hit the first shot.

&&&& The Russian female sniper took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and silently felt the existence of the target. The whole mind fell into a state of high concentration. There were no gains and losses, no worries, no anxiety in my mind, and only peace was left. This feeling is like her best state when she participated in the Winter Olympics ski shooting.

&&&& She exhaled softly, then held her breath and pulled the trigger softly, any vibration would seriously affect the accuracy.

&&&& "Bang" The long-awaited gunshot finally cut through the sky.

&&&& Snake Eyes nervously used the telescope to monitor the target, Yelena was still so calm, as calm as if the shot just now was not fired by her at all, she did not worry about whether the first shot hit.

&&&&The bullet has left the chamber. Everything is out of her control, and everything is left to God to arrange, or that sentence, to snipe an ultra-long-range target. Luck is indeed a big factor.

&&&& The bullet flew towards the helicopter with a shriek, and penetrated the window accurately, hitting the body of the helicopter pilot. A blood flower suddenly bloomed from the driver's chest. The helicopter lost control and flew sideways, shaking twice in a row.

&&&& It could be seen that the pilot wanted to control the plane as hard as he could, but his efforts were in vain. The helicopter could not be controlled, and flew obliquely for a distance and finally hit the ground sideways. The helicopter's dancing rotors hit the ground with force, and even turned the helicopter upside down. It turned over several times before it stopped, and the wreckage instantly burst into flames and black smoke.

&&&& "Hit! Well done Viper, you are a real shooter. Withdraw!" Snake Eyes roared. He and Yelena quickly grabbed the weapons and equipment on the ground, turned over and jumped down to the second floor, and started frantically escaping for their lives.

&&&& The location of Yelena and Snake Eye has been exposed, but they evacuated very and the militants of the secret society below were a little stunned by the huge impact of the helicopter crash. Several people even stood there blankly, without any change. Lin Rui would never miss this opportunity. He suddenly emerged from behind a pile of rubble, and shot the 16a4 in a precise burst.

&&&& The armed personnel of those secret societies fell down immediately. Lin Rui didn't dare to stop at all, he immediately lowered his head, and prostrate himself in the rubble-filled ruins. Bullets whizzed over his head, and a few hit the concrete debris not far away. The blasted concrete shards hit his face with burning pain.

&&&& "Good job Viper! However, you should all retreat. Go to the west side, the fox team is waiting for you, they will cover you to retreat first." Lin Rui still smiled while crawling.

&&&& "Boss, what are you waiting for? They're almost here!" Sergey's voice was a little exasperated. In addition to his rich Russian accent, there was the sound of gunshots like popping beans.

&&&& "You retreat first, and the fox team and I will break up. The command of the team is temporarily handed over to the actuary of the headquarters. With the advantage of satellites, he has a better overall view. It's up to you, Jiangan!" Shooting in the head, he roared, "Try to take people out, if there is one less, I will be the first to kill you when you come back."

&&&& "Understood." In the earphones, Kishi's voice was as calm as ever.


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