Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1222: while breathing

In the violent rain of bullets, Lin Rui and others have completed the last raid on Gerrard's armed forces. The two teams pierced through the defense line of Gerrard's armed forces from both flanks and merged with the supporting sniper team on the periphery.

Having hijacked Gerrard's armed vehicles, their withdrawal speed far exceeded the speed of their pursuit. Under the hail of bullets and recoilless guns, several armed trucks swayed like fallen leaves in a gust of wind.

The frantic shooting all the way made Lin Rui feel that his arm holding the gun was stiff and collapsed, and he couldn't use any strength. The shrapnel from the grenade had scratched his shoulders and knees, not badly, but with piercing pain. The smell of blood and gasoline, mixed with the smell of gunpowder, filled the surrounding air.

"This is the smell of hell. The last time I smelled this despair was in Chechnya." Sergey muttered, the wound on his arm opened again, and blood seeped out through the bandage. The speeding vehicle was bumping **** the uneven road, jumping up and down.

After about ten minutes, they almost left the pursuers behind.

Lin Rui struggled to prop up his body and pressed the earphone, "Cobain, track our location. We need a suitable evacuation route. This battle was too hard, everyone was injured, and the ammunition was exhausted. Exhausted. We can no longer afford a head-to-head encounter with the enemy."

"I'm working hard." Cobain's voice came through the earphone, "but the people in the secret society also seem to have received the news of your breakout. According to the intelligence, at least six different factions of armed personnel are approaching your position. . Your best bet is to cross this area first, and then find a suitable place to take shelter."

"Damn it, they're trying to force us to death." Crazy Horse scolded vaguely, wrapping the bandage on his arm with his teeth.

"I have an idea." Gun Gun raised his head. "For the past year, Rose and I have been working in Libya and Sudan, and we know a lot about it. And we have a hideout, right on the Libyan border. , it's not far from here. It should be safe there, we can go there for a while."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Lin Rui looked at him and asked.

"No problem, hideouts like this, we usually have a few ready. There are weapons and ammunition, and a certain amount of food and water supplies. We set up hideouts like this to deal with situations like this. It should be able to be dispatched now. Useful." Rose also nodded.

"How far is it?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It shouldn't be far from the map, no more than 200 kilometers. And it should be outside Gerrard's sphere of influence." Gun Gun immediately said.

When he and Rose were in the Israeli mercenary regiment, life was difficult, the tasks were mediocre, but often dangerous.

And there are a lot of armed factions in the local area, and when they complete a task, it is often equal to offending an armed faction. They are small in scale and have a limited range of activities. After they often offend a certain armed faction, they can't get along in the local area, so they are often forced to flee, making them very embarrassed.

However, this also resulted in the characteristics of their cunning rabbits and three caves, forcing them to often seek hidden hiding places around the areas where they were active. In this way, Lin Rui and others could use the hideout they originally set up to temporarily avoid the pursuit.

After several hours of driving, they finally came to this hideout. This is a town that was completely destroyed because of the war. There are ruins and collapsed buildings everywhere. Several vehicles have been scrapped, and the vehicles dismantled by the locals are rusted and devastated.

Fortunately, there was no one here. Lin Rui and the others drove the car directly into a dilapidated yard in the town. After jumping out of the car, Lin Rui said solemnly, "Drive the car to a hidden place and cover it with a camouflage net. Snake Eyes, you follow Rose to go around, make sure it's safe, and keep vigilant. The rest follow me. ."

Gunfire took them to a dilapidated warehouse. This is a two-story warehouse that miraculously escaped artillery fire during the Libyan war. Although more than half of it collapsed, the other half is still intact.

Pushing open the rusted iron door, the team members entered the warehouse. It's not as musty as many rundown buildings, because the roof is gone, the windows are shattered, and the ventilation is excellent.

The team members seemed to relax completely, lying on the ground one by one, panting. This night was too hard for them.

"There are sleeping bags and blankets, and there are military food and clean water in the east cabinet." Gun lifted the tarpaulin, opened a box, and took out the medicine and first aid kit from it. "The injured may need clean water to clean the wound. There are also some first aid medicines here, which you may need."

But when he turned around, he found the brethren staggered and snoring. In this regard, he can only smile bitterly.

They are all too tired, and this fatigue may not only be physical, but also mental. The sudden relaxation after having been highly tense is like a valve on the human body being unscrewed. The whole person seems to be exhausted to the extreme.

"You also have a rest." Lin Rui patted Gun Gun on the shoulder, "Everyone is tired, I'm on the first shift." Gun Gun nodded, hugging a blanket and huddled in the corner.

Lin Rui felt a soft arm wrapping around his He knew who it was, smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"I thought you were really finished this time." Yelena whispered in his ear.

"I'm fine, you go to rest too." Lin Rui whispered. Yelena was silent, but held him tighter. He could even feel her hands shaking a little. "I thought I'd lose you forever this time."

"I thought so too, but luck seems to be on our side." Lin Rui smiled slightly, "At the moment of being besieged, I was really desperate, and I even kept thinking, what should I leave behind? last words."

"Finally? Have you thought about it?" Yelena's hand was still holding him tightly.

"I don't know, I really don't know. And I know that any last words left by a mercenary will not be respected. People are only valuable when they live." Lin Rui whispered, "I can't die, neither do I. I don't want to die. For the team, for you, I have to live. We all have to live."

He felt a hint of coolness on his back, and he knew that it was Yelena crying against his back. Lin Rui knew for whom the tears were flowing, and he even felt that his heart melted at that moment. War is ruthless, but man is not.

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