Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1104: wait for dawn

"How many people are in Gerald's camp?" Lin Rui then asked.

"Two hundred or more, I've counted carefully in the dark. Excluding the patrolling people and those still in the camp, the total should be more than two hundred." The child named Iben said with some fear. "They all have guns and bazookas. Besides the locals there are blacks and whites."

Lin Rui's expression changed, "You mean there are other armed personnel besides Gerald's people?"

"Yes sir." The child nodded, "I drew a picture of their firepower."

He actually took out a crumpled piece of paper, which was actually drawn in great detail. It can be seen that the child has received special training, and the topographic map drawn is very standardized, and he has also drawn rough contour lines. Infantrymen are represented by crosses, and foxholes, or trenches, are represented by hollow dots. The solid dot, with a tick, indicates the fixed machine gun nest. The direction of the tick indicates the firing direction of the machine gun.

Lin Rui nodded, "Did you draw it yourself?"

The child named Ibn nodded, and the slender Arab said quickly, "Ibn knows how to draw, I taught him, he is very clever. Sir, Vitak said you would pay cash." He looked tentatively Lin Rui.

Lin Rui felt a burst of disgust when he saw this intelligence dealer who used children's lives to risk money. He waved to Crazy Horse and said, "Give him the money and let him get out."

Crazy Horse took out a few bills and sent the informant and the child away. Seeing that Lin Rui was in a bad mood, he patted Lin Rui, "Forget it, we are uncomfortable with this kind of thing, but we can't control it. This is life in a war-torn area, and no one cares about anyone else."

"Maybe we can take this child away and send it to St. Kaiser." Yelena smiled reluctantly.

"Then what? We don't know how many children like this exist, and we can't save them all. Besides, what are we going to do with them in St. Kaiser? Let them learn to kill and fight, and become mercenaries like us?" Snake Eye shook his head, "So It's best to leave this kind of thing alone, it's the same if you see it more."

Lin Rui took a deep breath, looked at the hand-painted blueprint in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Okay, let's discuss specific tactics."

They spread out the hand-drawn map and compared it with the satellite map. They found that this map was drawn relatively standardly. Although the technology was a little immature and not accurate enough, it was too outrageous to have no deviations. Looking at the firepower divisions on the map, they can basically correspond to the positions on the satellite map. And there are several hidden fire spots that are difficult to see on the satellite map, which are also marked on this map.

Lin Rui nodded and said, "It seems that the defense is very tight, with multiple firepower distribution. Moreover, relying on the terrain, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. What plan do you have?"

Crazy Horse looked at it and said, "This place is a small hill, and the surrounding area is open and unobstructed. And under the surveillance of the sentry, it is difficult to approach. If it were me. I would choose to enter on the east side and bypass the outer defensive team. .In this position, have the sniper team clear the sentries on the watchtowers on both sides and eliminate the frontal threat.

The rest of the team members can take the opportunity to pass through this area and go straight to the wings. Through the cooperation of the team, gradually clear the peripheral guards, and finally converge in this area. "Crazy Horse pointed to a position on the map and said, "From here, we can use the fastest speed to raid the two detention points. After succeeding, return by the same way. "

Lin Rui shook his head, "This seems to be safe, but the speed is too slow, and if you clear the guard points one by one, you can't make any mistakes. Once exposed, it will bring a devastating blow to the follow-up rescue operation. The whole operation depends entirely on luck. Well, absolutely not."

Rose, an Israeli mercenary who joined the newly added mercenary team, stood up and thought about it, "Maybe we can divide our troops into two groups and carry out together. There is no problem with the first two steps, and the sniper team must clear the threat from above. But later we can separate into two groups to act, after all, we don't need so many people to save people.

We can divide a part to rob the prison to save people, and the other part of the team is responsible for cleaning up the guards on the way to evacuate, so that even if an accident is exposed in advance, we are always one step ahead of the other party. While the rescue team is evacuating after a person has been rescued, another team can also provide support cover. "

"It makes sense." Crazy Horse nodded.

"Okay, let's do this for the time being. Today is too late, everyone will rest during the day tomorrow, start operations after nine o'clock in the evening, and try to attack after they change their posts in the early morning. At this time, the enemy personnel are tired and sleepy. In this state, secondly, we can use the cover of the night." Lin Rui pondered.

"I'm going to prepare the car." Sergey nodded.

"Okay, Snake Eye is responsible for inventorying weapons and ammunition, and charging all electronic equipment with batteries. Then I will be on guard with Crazy Horse, and the others will rest first. Everyone must have at least eight hours of sleep, because After tomorrow night, it may be difficult for us to have a good rest." Lin Rui said to the players.

The players dispersed and rested in this deserted and dilapidated Libyan town. Lin Rui carried the gun by himself and sat high in the small building. The night air here smells of dust. Heavy combat boots are a little uncomfortable to step on the gravel-filled ruins.

So Lin Rui found a place to sit down, habitually picked up a cigarette, but took it down. Smoking should not be smoked while in action, especially at night. Even just a little fire on the cigarette **** is enough to reveal his position.

Crazy Horse came over and said, "Lin Rui, how is it?"

"Me? Very Lin Rui shrugged.

"I can see that you seem a little unhappy, do you still care about that intelligence dealer?" Crazy Horse looked at him and asked.

"I know what I do, and I know that conscience is a luxury for people like us. I've seen a lot of bloodshed and death. I've seen starvation and disease. I've seen Africa. A lot of suffering. But I don't know why, I can't see someone using children to do this kind of thing." Lin Rui said helplessly.

"Because you are still a good person in your bones, because you still have hope in your heart. You think that children should belong to the future and hope. They should not live in such a world. But it's a pity, let alone the two of us. A mercenary who is not worth mentioning, even a lot of big men, can't change this situation." Crazy Horse smiled bitterly. "We are mercenaries, not the Salvation Army."

"Thank you, you can really put salt on the wound." Lin Rui shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

"Everyone has their own life, and we can't control others, or even ourselves. The only thing we can do is to hold our own weapons. It's the only thing we can fight against fate. At least, we lived by it. A lot of tasks." Crazy Horse smiled.

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