Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1097: old comrade

ps Here's today's update. By the way, I'll pull a ticket for the Qiqi 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes, and the voting will also send Qiqi coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation.

On Saint Kaiser Island, Long Zhengwu and Silver Wolf Michelle were sitting at the command post waiting for news. Everyone's expressions became very serious.

Finally the communication channel was connected, Long Zhengwu picked up the communication headset and said solemnly, "How is the situation?"

After listening in silence for a while, Long Zhengwu nodded and said, "I see."

He turned around in the eyes of everyone, and said slowly, "It has been confirmed that Palmina was killed. After leaving the shore and others safely, they left Russia and entered Finland just now. The task is completed, they are safe. ."

There was thunderous cheers in the command post, and Cobain even fluttered his hands happily and smashed his keyboard with a roar, "Well done, **** it, this time they did it well. Not only did they succeed in the assassination, but also within ten hours of continuous It ran for more than 650 kilometers. It broke through the heavy warning blockade of the Russian army, and the safe evacuation did a great job.”

"There is even better. Except for the bullet that shattered Palmina's head, they left no evidence at the scene. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has no way to investigate this matter. But just now, there were at least some people around the world. Six extremist groups claimed responsibility for the incident. They claimed that it was a retaliation for Russia's military operations in Ukraine and Syria. The Russians are now in a daze and have been completely slapped in the face." Silver Wolf smiled slightly.

Long Zhengwu turned around and snapped Angel's fingers, "Hey, the angel took out my private collection and distributed it to everyone." Angel took out Long Zhengwu's cigar and distributed it to everyone in the command post.

"This is what you deserve, Victory Cigar." Long Zhengwu said with a smile.

"Hey, boss, we didn't do anything. It's their own victory." Cobain said with a smile.

Long Zhengwu shook his head, "This is a victory for the team, and you are part of the team, so you should share everything." There was thunderous cheers in the command post. Both Long Zhengwu and Yinlang were biting their cigars and looked at the group of young people.

Long Zhengwu is right, this is indeed a victory for the team, and it is a resistance against absolute power as a mercenary company. They did a great job and have reason to celebrate.

In the midst of laughter, Cobain turned to his computer and said, "Boss, there is a strange communication signal coming in. I can't determine the location of this signal. The other party seems to have used a very special method to hide the communication address. ."

Silver Wolf was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Long Zhengwu. Long Zhengwu nodded and blew a chimney, "I know whose call it is, it should be an old friend, help me in. Okay, guys, you all go out and get some air. Blow the sea breeze and enjoy yourself. Your cigars. Except for the silver wolf, go out."

The mercenaries at the command post all walked out. Long Zhengwu walked over and turned on the video communication. The screen flickered, and an image of a person appeared. The man was pale and silver-haired. He was wearing a uniform of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The gold star on his collar showed his high rank.

Seeing this person, Silver Wolf Michelle snorted coldly. Long Zhengwu waved his hand at him, waiting for that person to speak.

The man also seemed to have seen them through the instant messaging image, and a hint of anger flashed in his eagle eyes. "Long, it's really unexpected that you would respond to my kindness in this way."

"Come on, Vladimir Yuri. There has never been goodwill between us. Since the time you betrayed us, there has been no goodwill between us. After so many years, I don't even want to pursue the right and wrong of the year. And you dare to Do you really think we are vegetarians when you attack my people?" Long Zhengwu said with a look of contempt, biting his cigar.

This is their former comrade-in-arms, currently a senior officer of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri.

"It wasn't entirely my fault what happened back then. Well, even if I felt sorry for you, it was forced by the situation. You know how strict the scrutiny of the Internal Guard is, if someone digs up what I did before Those things are all over for me. When I have to, I choose to sacrifice you. Maybe in the eyes of now, that is really not a good idea. But who doesn't make mistakes when they are young?" Yuri smiled slightly.

"That's a good idea, you just screwed it up yourself. You should kill us all

dropped. "Long Zhengwu said with an expressionless face.

"Okay, let's not catch up. Everyone should look forward more positively. This time Palmina's behavior was indeed a bit too much, but you also killed her. I am very generous and don't pursue it. But it seems You shouldn't hold on to this anymore." Yuri sighed, "We are all people who do big things, and shouldn't be entangled in small things."

"It's as if Palmina is not your lackey." Silver Wolf said coldly.

"She is, but a lackey is a lackey. My dog ​​dies, and maybe I'm going to feel a little sick, maybe I'm lonely, but I'm not going to fight for it. Because I can always get another good dog." Yuri shrugged, "I'll try to settle this matter, I won't make it public, and I won't let people suspect you."

"It's really nice to say, should I still thank you, but unfortunately I know that the reason why you do this is because once this matter is made public, it will be thoroughly questioned. You hide deadly viruses and use them for biological and chemical weapons research. It will be exposed. The pressure of public opinion will be one-sided, and not only you, but even your boss will have to roll down the stage." Long Zhengwu shrugged.

"Look, that's why I like you. Dragon, you're always so smart~ You're right, now let's put Palmina's death aside and talk about the rest .I like you and your team. So I want to have a long-term employment relationship with you, just like you did with the Americans.

Because we think you can help us a lot in the form of a military company. You know that there are many situations that make it inappropriate for the Russian Federation to directly intervene in other countries and regions in which we want to exert Russian influence. In this case, private military companies may be a good choice. Yuri shrugged. "And I know you're the best." "

"Is this a solicitation?" Long Zhengwu sneered.

"If you think so, you know how much profit it means? There are a lot of private military companies in the United States, and there is no such scale in Russia. With us, you may become the most influential people in the entire industry. And companies. It's like Bill Gates and Microsoft, Jobs and Apple." Yuri shrugged.

"We Chinese have a saying, it's called seeking skin with a tiger, which is more dangerous." Long Zhengwu said coldly. "What you want is nothing more than a cannon fodder lackey who does the dirty work for you under the guise of a mercenary company. But what we want is a private company that does not rely on any power at all. So you should put it away as soon as possible, It won't work anymore."

515 is coming soon, and I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will be able to give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, it must be better

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