"With such a big plan, it wouldn't be just such a small number of people."

Sett spoke excitedly, his knuckles crunching as they were pinched.

Through the information from the magic net, another part of the forest launched a fierce contest.

In that battlefield alone, there were 8 demigods participating in the battle, 7 of which were from the Ionia side.

Of course, what happened there has nothing to do with him.

Fights that exceed the rules will be blocked by Swain.

All he has to do is prove himself and win the battle with Irelia.

"How many cards do you have?"

There was a smile on the corner of Irelia's mouth, but she was somewhat calm as a leader.

Now that he has entered the battlefield, there is nothing to think about.

When the cards of both sides are exhausted, when the two sides fight hand-to-hand, and when the two sides share the results of the battle, everything will be clear.

"Hahaha, that's interesting, you were the first to expose the last one, so let me do it this time!"

Sett laughed a few times and clapped his hands hard.

winter! winter!

As he clapped his hands, the ground shook loudly.

The entire area of ​​Nisitaram was shaking like an earthquake.

"Malphite, be careful, don't destroy this forest." The corners of Sett's mouth curled up.


The dull voice echoed in the entire mountain forest.

A gigantic rock arm protruded from the ground, the palm alone was nearly ten meters long and wide, with intricate textures and even fresh moss attached to it.

As the huge rock arm broke through the ground, Malphite's huge stone body slowly emerged from the ground.

With just a slight pull of both hands, all the tall trees around were pushed away, creating a large open space.

"Spirit of nature? It doesn't seem to be, like some kind of magical creature."

Irelia looked at Malphite's huge body, guessing the origin of the other party.

"Malphite, kill her." Sett gave Irelia no time to think, and gave the order decisively.


Malphite's dull voice sounded again, and he stepped away from the rock body and walked towards Irelia.

Facing the menacing Malphite, Irelia didn't have any worries, she just spoke softly:

"Senior Ivern, I leave it to you."

"give it to me."

An ethereal voice like an urchin resounded in the forest, followed by a green stone man not much smaller than Malphite appeared.

As soon as it appeared, it collided with Malphite and made a roar. Two giant rocks rolled backwards, and the rocky road left by the rolling was full of vegetation and greenery.

After Malphite stopped his figure, he ignored the green giant in front of him, but put on his head with difficulty, and looked at the tall tree man not far away.

The tree man was about the same height as it, with a simple and strong aura all over his body, he seemed to be an extremely difficult opponent.

But Malphite didn't have the slightest bit of fear. It originated from the 'monolith' created by the Ascension God 'Nezuk', and it was the last fragment of the first floating castle recorded by humans.

With the passage of time, it has not lost its strength, but has become stronger through the erosion of time.

Today, it will reshape the glory that belongs to "Solitary Stone"!



Malphite seemed bulky and clumsy, but suddenly burst out with unimaginable speed, rushing towards Ivern like a brown meteorite.

"Recklessness is the enemy of nature."

Ivern's peaceful voice sounded, and tens of thousands of grasses tens of meters high rose up around him, blocking Malphite and preventing him from moving forward.

The impact of Malphite's speed and weight did not stop at all, and crushed the rising grass in front of him.

But as Ivern retreated rapidly, the grass rose along the way, slowly stopping Malphite's footsteps.

"I have fought against Iceborn in the snow and ice, and I have also fought against the demons of Ionia. In the end, I became a part of nature." Ivern's long sigh sounded, and the forest seemed to come alive, letting it drive .

On the other side, Seti, who was watching the huge duel, raised his eyebrows with interest:

"Ivern, the oldest demigod creature in Ionia according to legend, once lived in a tribe that believed in the old gods of the Freljord. After being overthrown by the three sisters, he set foot on the land of Ionia."

"You know Ivern well?" Irelia smiled.

"I have thought about challenging it, so I have been paying attention to it, but the strength of the high-level demigod is stronger than I expected." Seti said with emotion.

"Similarly, I never thought that Shurima would secretly support you."

Irelia looked at the other party with a half-smile. Obviously, she also knew Malphite's origin after the inquiry of the magic net.

Malphite originated from the 'monolith' made by Ne'Zuk, and has been wandering in the Ixtar region before, without a clear goal or a clear affiliation.

But no matter how you say it, Seti, who is in Ionia, will never have anything to do with the other party.

However, the forces of Shurima have appeared in Ionia recently, and it is easy for Irelia to guess the truth.

"This is not support, it's just a means of exchange. You can't give them what they want." Sett smiled slightly.

Irelia sighed, "Indeed, I won't give up what they want."

She wouldn't comment on Sett's exchange of Ionia's interests, but she definitely wouldn't do the same.

It is not the edge of life and death, she will not give in for a victory or defeat.

"You're still a little naive."

Sett had a meaningful expression, and immediately raised his head again:

"Come on, call out who else, the current stage is not gorgeous enough."

Adding Ion's helper, there are only 6 demigods and 1 false demigod here, but it's not as intense as the dark contest.

Irelia danced her arms lightly, and the blade slowly fluttered around her: .qqxsnew

"Since you want to meet, Lilia, let them see your abilities."


A slightly timid voice sounded from the forest, and a figure like a deer jumped out.

She has deer-like lower limbs and a human upper body, carrying a branch like a lantern, and her two furry ears are shaking, she doesn't look like she has any fighting ability.


When Seti saw Lilia appear, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Even if there is a peak half body on Irelia's side, he will not be surprised or emotional.

But only... when Lilia appeared, his killing intent and anger seemed to be ignited.

It never occurred to him that a demigod belonging to the vastaya would be on the side of the Ionians.


Feeling Sett's anger, Lilia shrank behind Irelia, looking very cowardly.

Irelia patted her back, smiled and replied:

"Lilia is not a Vastaya, she is Vastaya Shari."

82 Chinese Network

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