Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 141: Ferry

The connection between him and the Excalibur seems to be more closely connected. When I immerse my gods in the Excalibur, I can feel that the vast cosmic sky background becomes more real and clear, and the shining stars gather together. Together, they are connected into a 'river' in the void, following the laws of the universe, and rushing through the mighty.

For two or three days, the heart that completely calms down, feels the vast atmosphere of the cosmic celestial body, and it seems that it is not worth mentioning. In front of this vast rule, all beings are ants!

Wang Zhong is more and more immersed, more and more engaged, forgetting about himself, as if he wants to be transformed into a member of the Milky Way, following the trajectory of the Milky Way in the rules of the universe... and when this feeling becomes clearer, The existence of the self is becoming weaker.


Suddenly, he felt like a strange call and a pull on the soul. The background of the cosmic galaxy remained unchanged. His self suddenly disappeared. Without the flesh and without turning into a star, he felt that he had changed. It became like... a sword!

And across from him, there is actually a sword that stands between heaven and earth.

It was the Nebula Excalibur, and Wang Zhong was too familiar with the shape of the sword, including every carving and every trace on the sword.

this is……

Wang Zhong was a little surprised, but before he could understand this weird change, the Nebula Excalibur has suddenly exudes a horrible and unique pressure!

With the help of Simba, Wang Zhong has an understanding of skills beyond ordinary people, but after entering the soul of the soul, there is actually no inch. The so-called Jianwei is in his opinion, it is imposing, there is no sword, it is a kind of self. The suppression of absolute power.

But at the moment when the Nebula Excalibur showed Jianwei, he knew that he was very wrong. In the past, his use of the sword was completely wrong.

At this time, the Nebula Excalibur exudes a kind of Huanghuang Tianwei, the imperial power of the king, does not move like a mountain, directly points out that it is to give the soul a soul, forming a ... rule!

Wang Zhong does not dare to mention the law, because he does not know what the law is, but the degree of the rules is absolutely there. The soul of the soul will not be skill, but "meaning"!


It was a loud sound, oh~~~

An extremely regular kind of vibration. When the first sound is heard, Wang Zhong feels that the sword of his incarnation is suppressed and becomes 'stiff', and it is inactive by the air machine and rhythm. Reinforce the soul immediately to resist, but his momentum is covered in an instant, just as the stone sinks into the water, a little resistance is extraordinarily pale.

The gap in artistic conception.

As the third sound continued to ring, the surface of the sword body that Wang Zhong’s incarnation began to crack quickly, only to the sixth sound.

The sound of ‘砰’ is crisp, and the body of the avatar has broken in the horrible rhythm!

Then it seems that the surrounding light flies, the broken gods are suddenly pulled back, the image of the void and the image of the sword body dissipate and return to reality.

Wang Zhong has been sweating. This is obviously just a trial. Otherwise, the terrible swordsmanship will make Wang Zhong feel that his soul will be broken in minutes, and the gods will not be directly transmitted back to the body. But even so, he can feel a slight crack in his soul.

Such a traumatic soul must be replaced by someone else who has to wait for ten days and a half, that is, the king is heavy!

The experience of the deified cell, so that his soul is broken enough to be evenly dispersed in every cell of the body, can be recombined back to the poly, these micro-cracks for him simply do not mind. What's more, there is a stone of destiny. When Lao Wang touched the soul and knew that there was a soul, he never worried that his soul would be broken. Otherwise, when he first entered the fifth dimension trial, he and Simba should have been burned to death by countless times... At this time, he has been completely invincible by the strange swordsman trial.

He learned from the mouth of Tatham that many well-known swords of the octopus have their own unique inheritance. The successor who is not suitable for the sword can not pry into it. This may be the true inheritance of the nebula, the Galaxy. The perception of the background is only a threshold, and it is the fit between the adjustment itself and the Nebula Excalibur.

It’s just Jianwei. It’s already so unique and overbearing. If you can inherit the whole inheritance...

Pharaoh is already excited, and there is no exhaustion after the broken soul. Just a minute of interest adjustment is ready.

Come again!

Just as Pharaoh was excited to discover the inheritance of the Nebula Excalibur, when he kept trying, on the other side of the castle, Glye had already entered the state, and he was also enlightened by the Excalibur, but Greg was not like Pharaoh. Fortunately.

First, because he had not realized the time of the sword, he was not long. Secondly, he was not like Wang Zhong. He had already played with two swordsmen and was a battle of life and death. He did not have so many octopus. The understanding of the kendo. More importantly, this sword gives him a little weird feeling.

This is a sword that gives people a feeling of yin, but in the yin, with a trace of shallow positive, and the Yinhai swim, the harmony of the universe, the yin and yang complement each other, when you feel it, there is a fusion of heaven and man, yin and yang The mellow nature of Jiaotai.

Glei is a blood family, but all blood, his skin is pale, like darkness, it is extremely close to the negative body, and Glei itself is a male, with a little masculinity, can be said to be equivalent to this sword When it comes to the first time, when he first feels the Excalibur, there is a feeling that he wants to get involved.

But this sense of integration is often a little bit different at a critical moment.

After all, it is only the English soul, the level has not been reached, so that the negative body of his blood family has not reached the perfect state, perhaps after breaking through the soul of the soul, the blood is further improved, it will have a perfect fit with this sword. But this is a paradox. I still have to rely on this sword to find an opportunity to break through the soul of the heavens. But I have to go to the heavenly soul to match. How to do it?

Most people encounter such things, they may be entangled with them, often with short sighs, but Grae does not. In fact, he is simpler than Wang Zhong, and his thinking is equally clear. This is a perfectionism. Men, with extreme personality, but also have extreme stubbornness and confidence.

Only extreme love can be extremely powerful.

He thought of a simple and rude way, and the road that most of the souls of the souls had to choose, that is, 'extremely powerful', pushing their limits up and down again, breaking the bottleneck of the flesh and soul sea repeatedly, reaching the limit. In the limit, the small day robbery will come naturally.

Although there are many people who choose this road, it is also difficult to go. It is called the limit. What difficulties do you want to break? Moreover, it is still necessary to break again and again.

Heaven and earth have their own laws, and the soul is steadily improving. It is a slow process to break the limit barrier bit by bit. If it is in ordinary practice, it is too long to break through the soul in such a way. At the time, most people will eventually accept failure because of the exhaustion of the years.

But here is different, there is no law in this fragmented world that is already on the verge of breaking!

The **** between heaven and earth to the living beings will not be reflected here. As long as your body can withstand it, you can capture the aura of heaven and earth here without limit!

It is true that the heaven and earth aura here is extremely tyrannical. The ordinary English soul does not say that it has been taken. If you see it, you have to go around. If you let this tyrannical aura enter the body, you will die in a minute. Before the Grae was almost sucked up here, the body did not dare to learn the aura of heaven and earth because of this.

But now it is different. Wang Zhong’s deified cells are simply the nemesis of all the 'tyranny'. When he sends the deified blood to Glei, the characteristics of the blood family let Glei absorb some of the power, and the blood of the blood is the source of blood. It is probably the only one. The existence of transformation can be obtained from it. Now he is the pure blood of the ancestor of the blood family. He can't say more than Wang Zhong's deified cells, but it is absolutely unique.

He opened his mind directly and took advantage of this tyrannical aura of heaven and earth.

At the beginning, it was only a tentative nature. I was careful to worry that my body could not bear it. As the body became more and more adaptable, with the increase of blood power, the tolerance was also greatly improved. The bigger, the more unlimited.

If someone is on the outskirts of the castle at this time, you will be able to see the surrounding area of ​​the house where Gly is living. There is a stream of air flowing in it, which is very conspicuous in this extraordinarily calm castle.

This kind of aura capture speed is simply unimaginable! If you compare the normal world, even the strongest of the heavenly world can't be so fast, not only because the body is unbearable, but also because the heavens and the earth will stop and limit, the will of the universe cannot allow a lower order. The creatures are so resourceful. But in this broken world of broken rules, there is absolutely no interference in this respect... Perhaps in the long run, this is not a good news, because it means that the will of this fragmented world has indeed died.

But at least, this is definitely an unexpected surprise for Grae, who is now in the hope of advancing to the soul of heaven.

Even he himself felt that it was incredible. In this process of madness and spiritual power, the blood of the blood ancestors did not have any sense of swelling. Instead, it was like a fish, and every aura that was taken into the body was quickly transformed into him. Part of himself, he can feel that his soul limit is rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Crazy speed! All kinds of inner perfection, as if every minute and every second is a huge improvement.

In the world of debris, I couldn’t observe the time, and I didn’t know how long it took. Glei suddenly felt that there was a flame burning in the depths of my heart. The hot high temperature came at an instant of consciousness, clear and true, as if to wear him. Five internal organs.

Industry fire!

Gry's eyes suddenly glimpsed, and he knew the so-called little catastrophe.

Own, this is to be robbed!

The first thing that should be robbed is the heart. The fire is born from the heart and naturally evokes. It is an inner energy. Grae can feel that his whole heart seems to be dried up by the high temperature in an instant. It is evaporated, there is no circulation of blood, and the dry heart loses its ability to beat in an instant.

This industry has come too suddenly and too fierce. The soul sea far beyond the limits of the ordinary English soul has made a natural reaction in an instant. The endless soul power has gone crazy and guarded the atrium, but the fire comes from the body. Said to fight with himself, he can not beat himself.

The focus is not on defeating the industry. This idea is very clear and has a more open mind. The seriousness of the beginning has gradually been released. Although the fire is a murder, it is also a baptism of the body.

I have to say that if it is just an ordinary blood family, it will be miserable. The pain is dozens of times that of ordinary people. The more special the ethnic group wants to advance, the harder it is. Now it is already the blood of the blood, the legendary It is a super power of a drop of blood that can be eternal, a drop of blood can be born into the world!

To say that the resilience and regenerative ability alone, even the deified cells of Wang Zhong can not be compared with the blood of the blood ancestors! People are specializing in this, professional!

The blood that was evaporated by the fire of the industry, only after the soul has helped to ease the sudden strength of the beginning, it began to regenerate continuously, and the rebounding force is getting stronger and stronger!

The suffering heart kept switching between dry and full state. The fire became more and more prosperous, and the power continued to improve, but it never exceeded the limit of blood regeneration ability of the blood ancestors.

This lasted for about half an hour, the raging fire and thunder of the raging fire, from the heart to the spleen and lungs, the internal organs went all over again, but there was no way for the terrible blood regenerative ability, and finally it was finally unwilling to gradually Dissipated, the body returned to calm, and Grae simply spit out a sigh of gas.

The fire is both a robbery and a source of blessing. The more vigorous it burns, the better the quenching effect on your internal organs.

At this time, Glei can feel that his own internal organs have undergone the calcination of the industrial fire, and there is a kind of steel that has undergone a thousand-pronged effect, and there is a golden light shining through it. Between one's own breath, the golden light and the internal organs seem to be able to echo together, as if they have life, just like one.

Just a little feeling, Glei did not invest too much energy and time, and the small catastrophe was not limited to the fire.

He quickly adjusted his own state. The soul power of the previous period was not much consumed when the firepower was increased in the second half of the fire. The ordinary soul of the soul was in urgent need of various genius treasures to supplement the soul. Klein does not need it. The heaven and earth aura here is extremely rich, and there is no limit to the intensity. It is easy to breathe in a few big mouths, and the addition of soul power is comparable to the most expensive genius treasure of the Holy City.

The state is infinitely good, and Grae is full of confidence.

Refining the soul!

The challenge from the soul sea, to break the laws of nature, become the strongest of the heavens and the earth, the limit of the flesh is only one aspect, the power of the soul is the key in the key.

The refining soul robbery is aimed at this aspect. It is different from the industry fire. It is produced by your thoughts. It is just a closed eye. Grae feels that his body is falling rapidly, as if the soul and the body have some kind of separation, waiting for him. When you open your eyes, you are already in an illusory and independent space.

It's a bit like the sea of ​​souls that used to be inward-looking. What appeared in front of him was a vast and huge blood sea. The **** sea was constantly tumbling, just like being boiled with blood, braving each other. The big bubble, followed by a personal creature, condenses in the **** sea. They are made up of blood, reddish, sparkling with red light, and the eyes are dark, each of them exudes no less than The breath of the peak of the soul of the soul, in the moment of cohesion, rushed out of the **** sea, madly killing Grae!

Is this the refining of the soul?

A trace of fine glimmer from Gry's eyes.


Gry disappeared from the place, and four **** souls that fluttered from the air appeared a short-term freeze, followed by a burst of blood, and the blood rain spread to the ground.

One hit spike!

The world of refining the soul has not dissipated, and even Glee feels that there is an invisible force to conceal in the dark.

His gaze swept a glimpse of the blood that had just been smashed on the ground. I saw that the blood was like a life, and turned back in the direction of the blood pool. The **** figure was condensed in the blood pool. It is not four, but eight, and their bodies are obviously more solid than the previous four blood souls, and the suffocating is also heavier. The flickering red light in the eyes seems to be straightforward.

There was no change in the expression on Gray's face. He just looked at the eight soul shadows faintly, and his left hand pinched the fist.


The fist knuckles made a squeaky joint sound, and a faint blood light condensed on his fist.


The eight souls in the blood pool have been condensed, flying from inside to the Grae, their palms have sharp claws, revealing a black light different from blood, It exudes a strong stench, obviously poisonous, and the selection of the angle of the clip is extremely sturdy, just like having experienced countless perfect trainings, blocking all the dodge space they think may exist.

Blood shadow!

Numerous attacks interspersed, and Gly's body was atomized in an instant, turning into a **** fog. The **** soul attacks directly penetrated the past from his **** 'body', just like playing In a vain, no touch.

When I used the blood shadow, I could only maintain the atomization state for about one second at most. Now, he feels that the limit has been raised to at least ten seconds, so Gry can feel the whole process, nothingness and entity. There is a kind of reference relationship between them. For those blood souls, Glyn is atomized and becomes no entity. For Gry, it is the bloodstains that are atomized and penetrated from their bodies without any real touch.

Virtual and real, and its own rules, this meticulous experience feels great, people feel that everything is under control, and the feeling of using this trick to save lives is completely different.

His mind was filled, and after those blood souls penetrated the body, the blood mist instantly condensed and turned into a solid, and a fist shining with blood was simultaneously blasted behind the eight blood souls.

(Partners, happy weekend!)

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