Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 137: Habitual disappearance

Even these holy figures, their death methods are easily killed like the low-ranking fighters and even the civilians, as if life and death are between the enemy's thoughts, and even there is no trace of resistance.

Even the sacred powers are so vulnerable, the enemy is so powerful that it is unimaginable... Is it the Holy Master?

Wang Zhongxin flashed a trace of doubt, but quickly disappeared.

The priest certainly has the ability to do this, but there is no reason, and whether it is in the human record, or in the long time of the encounter with the sage, Wang Zhong feels that the sage is not the kind of likes. The killing person, unless it is a threat to him, can't say anything kind and not kind, is an attitude, a character, if the Holy Master has come here to do it, it should not plague all the civilians in the castle.

In addition to the sage, he quickly thought of the black-marked wings that he saw when he entered this fragmented world... Is that something?

The two people are most eager to find the masters here, whether it is a will or something, even if it is just a little relic, it will definitely help the two to understand the world, in addition to the bones and bones in the castle of Connaught, It is impossible to tell from the mountainous bones whether the owner is also in the middle, but let Wang Zhong find a clue that seems to be related to the black mark of the focus.

It was on the tallest main castle in the castle. The whole main castle, which should have been dozens of meters high, was only half left, like the horrible tricks used by people to open directly from the middle, let the left half of the castle Part of the direct disappearance evaporates, but the right side of the castle is intact, but it is faintly visible that the cut surface of the castle has a blackened trace, with a horrible power and a unique atmosphere, with a strong sense of erosion. Just as Wang Zhong entered this fragmentary world, the scent of black wings that he felt in illusion was exactly the same.

In addition, after all, nothing is achieved, the two are not discouraged, there is no castle, then expand the scope of the search, the entire world will be searched first. Anyway, Wang Zhong’s space crystal contains enough food and fresh water. In addition, Greg, who has broken through the half-step soul, feels that the soul of the world has been able to withstand it. This is a long-term battle between the two. The biggest foundation.

The two first returned to the lake where they first entered the world. As expected, they did not feel the existence of any passages or nodes. Then the two went all the way to the west and saw the end of the world. It is an invisible barrier that divides the whole world. The other end of the barrier is a white mist. Even if it is separated by a super-world barrier, Wang Zhong and Gee Lai can feel the whiteness. There is a great danger.

Along the edge of the barrier, the two people circled a large circle, feeling that the world is not too big, probably more than fifty kilometers, the edge of the barrier is solid and thick, without any cracking channel, so it is gone again In the past, the entire world was searched by inch.

For five days, the space nodes and crack channels that I was eager to plant were not found. Instead, the two people made a more desperate possibility in constant communication and exploration.

Without nodes, no exports, the space is completely closed and independent, and there is no such thing as a core of dimensionality...

This is not a dimensional mystery at all, but a fragmented world that once had a powerful master! As early as when Wang Zhong or Glei entered, it was already faintly aware of this point, but it was not always certain, because this space is relatively small for the dimensional reality, but for the fragmented world. It is simply unimaginable.

Regardless of Wang Zhong or Glei, there is a little bit of cognition about the fragmented world.

What is the concept of a fragmented world of more than a dozen kilometers? Wang Qian may not understand it before, but since he learned that Lao Zhang is a sacred mentor and knows that the lake where he often goes fishing with Lao Zhang is the fragmentary world of Lao Zhang, he understands that this is a holy teacher. For example, the super-powerful people who are known for their combat power, the world of lake debris that he owns is only two kilometers away!

Don't feel small, you know, many heavenly masters can have a rich aura rule to balance the world of debris is already quite a fork, the bigger the better the world of debris needs to consume unimaginable huge energy to maintain.

Weakness limits our imagination, such a huge and agile terrain full of fragmented world, killing old Zhang, what kind of strong can it afford this horrible consumption? It is simply unimaginable! It is no wonder that there are all kinds of suspicions in the heart, but the two have not fully determined this until five days later.

It’s a bit dumbfounded that there is a world of debris that is already ruined.

After all, there is still too little understanding of the world of debris. Although I have seen similar descriptions from the book before, I know that as long as the will of the fragmented world is recovered, the world can be completely controlled. The problem is, the will of the fragmented world is What kind of thing?

Some related books in the Holy Land often have the term "world will", but they have never seen anyone elaborate on it. Perhaps it is not enough for Wang Zhong and Gle's knowledge in the Holy Land. It is also possible. It is because this thing is too mysterious and cannot be described in words.

When the two remembered that before entering the world of Misobudabi, the passage of the sacred mentor of Thunder was in fact a confrontation with the will of the world, but even if it was immersed at that time, the thing was invisible and inferior. Invisible and invisible, it seems to exist only in the rules. Besides, this world has broken into this way, the law is completely confusing, and the so-called world will is no longer there. It is easy to find and recover.

"I don't feel the will of the fragmented world, probably because the power and knowledge of our soul level is too weak, and the laws of this world are incomparably chaotic."

After all, the world of debris is something that can be touched by the master of the heavenly spirit. The essence of the soul of heaven is the unity of heaven and man, the ability to get close to nature, and even the power of heaven and earth. The gap at this level is by no means a hero can fight with combat power. Spanning.

"First think of ways to practice." Wang Zhong made a decision: "If we can advance to the soul of the heavens and enhance the perception of the heavens and the earth, we may be able to feel the so-called world will from this chaotic law. Even if it still does not work, or If the will of this world has died, then we can also try to open a channel on the world barrier."

The power of the soul is that you can borrow the power of the heavens and the earth, and how much you can borrow, purely to see how much energy your body can bear.

These two people, one body is a deified cell, one is a mysterious blood ancestor blood, all have unlimited potential, plus the law of this world is chaotic, although the aura is violent, but you control it violent, It’s a mess, it’s an indisputable fact that there is a lot of aura. And since the entire world of debris is on the verge of collapse, the surrounding barriers must be in a weak state and not as strong and strong as ever. Therefore, if you can advance to the soul of the heavens and mobilize the aura of heaven and earth on a large scale, it is indeed possible to break the barrier of the world. At least you can also try it. It is always a way of thinking and method.

Of course, this is the most necessary method. This kind of debris world is a powerful person who directly grasps refining and refining in the void. Therefore, even if there is a stable channel, even if it is really one percent, it may break from the inside. When the barrier goes out, the result is definitely in the boundless void, and nothingness is still a worthy awesome for the soul.

It’s too early to say that it’s too early to break through the four words of the soul. But on this level, it’s already stuck in countless days of pride, and it’s impossible to break through. Wang Zhong and Ge Lai are talents. Stronger, can you say that breakthroughs can break through?

Besides, if you want to break through the soul of the heavens, the first is the accumulation of power. The two do not lack this aspect, but more importantly, they often need various opportunities and sentiments.

This kind of sentiment generally comes from the natural world, to the law of heaven and earth, to understand the five elements of the world, to understand the golden wood and the fire, the larger pattern of the law, time and space, order, destruction, light, etc., from observation To learn to understand, we must pay attention to a step-by-step understanding.

At this moment, the world of debris, the rules are chaotic, and the law is chaotic, and the lightning and thunder are coexisting with the sunny days. Sometimes the earth is gravityless, chaotic and disorderly. Even the most familiar basic laws of nature are completely different here. You also feel that ghost!

Fortunately, Wang Zhong has dry goods on his body.

The two returned to the castle on the advice of Wang Zhong, and then Wang re-examined a sword of Misobudabi and handed it to Gry, which was left in the battle of the phoenix in the battle of the phoenix. of. I already have a Nebula Excalibur, which can be given to Gly.

"This is an opportunity." Wang Zhong said: "The swords of Miso Buda are very special, and the users are all above the soul. I think there should be some clues."

Wang Zhong once saw the sword blank space of the pregnant sword in the ruins of the phoenix. I know that these swords are not from the common hands, and it seems that many octopus swordsmen are promoted to the holy level through Wu Jian, although they have to understand the world. Different, but in fact the essence is the same. Of course, what is more important is that the two have no choice now. The law of heaven and earth here is too chaotic. Only inside the Excalibur in the hands, there is a law of permanent stability, and there is the possibility of going to the sentiment.

The half-step soul and the soul of the heavens are actually a layer of window paper.

"Good." Gry is very refreshing, his trust in Wang Zhong is beyond imagination, and on the guts, the biggest of all is definitely Gry, without fear of life and death, fearless suffering, or even fear of self.

Before the infusion of Wang Shen's deified blood, it has already caused the blood of Gle's blood to change. Not only is the flesh very perfect, he even feels that he can now glimpse into a little heaven, so no matter what you know, it can be for him, just Go find a chance to break through.

"There is no shortage of quiet here. Find a place and avoid mutual interference."

This is different from ordinary practice. The sentiment of the law is the most taboo to others. Because the same rule, everyone's understanding is different. Once you listen to other people's opinions, it is easy to take the road, even bigger than you. Teachers of the realm of the realm can only point you in one direction, let yourself experience, rather than telling you in detail what the law is.

The food that Wang Zhong will bring is distributed. Fortunately, I listened to the arrangement of the seal. Before I came over, it was enough to prepare the food and fresh water filled with a whole space of crystal. Even if it was not deliberately saved, it was enough for two people to support one. Years old, and if you save a little, it will be no problem for two years.

"good luck!"

Before the separation, the two are also cherished each other. The time of one or two years is short and short. It can be said that the length is not long. It is necessary to break through the soul before this!


Wang Zhong has disappeared.

The head of the wandering brigade, the feeling of being always different from the brigade heads of other well-known brigades, is just saying that the disappearance is the case. It counts once before the Black Rock Mine and the second time in Shadowmoon Fort. It is now the third time.

As the head of a brigade, how can you disappear after two days of playing? It will take two or three months before the brigade, there must be a lot of gossip, but this time it is different...

"Is it heard? The leader of Wang Zhong has disappeared again!" Someone in the brigade department is spreading the gossip: "I heard that I went to the front line!"

"Is it strange? An accident? Is it news?" Most of the people I heard were white. "This kind of thing, I think it should be octopus people!"

"That is, every time the leader of the king disappears, the octopus will be bloody!"

"I estimate that the octopus people have a hatred with the old king..."

Only a few words of effort ~ ~ topic was biased: "In other words, the recent wandering seems to be very fierce, I heard that a new federal caller called Mo Q, a few days ago with the wandering brigade At the time of the mission, I handed over to a sword saint and retired."

"Take it, how come so many new people... Wait, the name of the ink, will not be the Mohist who claims to be the three ancient families? Out of the prophet?"

"It's not that it is! There is strength and background," the man said with a spit and flying, and the wandering brigade has now begun to have a group of fans in the brigade: "plus the already great Muzi **** There are also Huaide and a group of dimension elites. The task completion is called a high. The welfare of the brigade is so good that I want to retreat. My small brigade has registered in the past..."

"Let's pull you down, but when the current wandering brigade is the former one? People have a system of collecting people, picking people tightly, and have long missed the golden time of joining the group."

"Don't be so jealous, a newly emerging brigade, there is no resources to accumulate, and there is no mature support from the Holy Land. Even if it is rich overnight, where can the welfare be better?" Some people disdain: "Even if you have a little spare cash, it must be Let's invest in the development of the brigade."

This is really true. The development of the brigade is the primary consideration of this emerging brigade, but to be honest, the wandering brigade is not bad at all.

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