Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 112: Account after the fall

Yunpanshan actually has nearly seven-order dimensional creatures? Was it too ignorant before, or was the evolution of these mutants on the earth suddenly becoming too fast? Such a place is not suitable for such a strong biological existence.

Wang Zhong looked at the cat-like and non-cat mutant that still trembled on the ground. It seemed that he suddenly felt the killing from this human being. The trembling new king suppressed the inner fear and fear. Suddenly rushing to pick up from the ground, but not attacking the king, but fleeing far away.

Wang Zhong did not shoot, he experienced too many things, his vision is completely different, human beings are not in the former humans, and some things can't go back. The earth is now a new order environment, the survival of the fittest, when the power arrives To a certain extent, it will not interfere too much with the evolution of nature.

From the ban on the octopus to the time-space tunnel, the importance of the gold slate is revealed. If you look in tandem, the Holy Master’s meaning is to let him go to the eleven slate and find the strange stone. In order to get the mysterious colorful slate, this is probably the thing that stops the disaster.

What state of the Holy Master is in the end is not something that Wang Zhong can speculate. He feels that it is necessary to report to the Holy Instructor after returning to the base. This level definitely exceeds the scope that the great tutor can interfere with.

Just since he returned to Tianjing, Wang Zhong is not in a hurry, he also wants to know how old friends have been.

"Just go back to the military base outside of Tianjin, don't know what they have done with Barron." Wang Zhong has turned his eyes back to the hands of Tianxun, with a smile on his face, seen in the long river of time. Everything not only further stimulated his determination to become stronger, but also made him cherish the old feelings he had had with him. When the human catastrophe arrived, he would not know if there was any chance to see these old friends again. "There are old principals, they will probably be shocked."

I sent a private message to Scarlett’s Tianxun and said what I am doing now. I opened the information on the side of Tianjing City. This is not open. When I open it, Wang Zhong’s relaxed and gentle eyes instantly become It’s cold and dull.

I saw it on the homepage of Tianjing Information. A huge title is very eye-catching.

"The Tianlong Guards attacked, Assassin Yuxifu, together with his compatriots in Tianjing, Hayman, Barron, Kaulby and others, will be guilty of the same crime, will be publicly executed in the Tianjing Forum Hall today at noon!"

Tianlong Guard? Assassin embers? The same party Barron? Public execution?


The trial road of Phoenix Mountain, plus the battles since then, Wang Zhong’s strength has long been a thing of the past, and his hand is so big that even he himself is not completely used to it. One did not pay attention, and Tianxun actually was in him. The hand was pinched by the blast.

Wang Zhong did not care, but threw away the already ruined Tianxun, and there were two clusters of hot rays in his eyes.

Tianlong Guard, that is the elite force of the Zhao family, and even arrested people to catch the Tianjing, and will Baren and others arrest and execute together?

Today at noon... Wang Zhong looked up to see the sky, this time is already in the morning, the thick haze can barely see the sun hanging, probably morning. There are four or five hundred miles from Tianjing here. Even if you are riding a special armed railroad track, you will definitely not be able to catch up, but it is hard to beat yourself. Oh, it’s really time to come.

A fine mangling flashed from Wang Zhong’s eyes, the soul force was running in the body, and the golden runes shimmered. Compared with the world of Misobuda, the earth’s gravity is smaller and the suppression of the strong flight is smaller. The power of madness is against the gravity of the earth, and it is easy for him to float up.

Zhao family, it is time to understand!


The vacant figure suddenly burst into the air, like a horrible air bomb, and a huge airflow cloud circle was stirred behind it. The golden light flew away in the direction of Tianjing City.


This is a closed dungeon, located at the base of the Tianjing City Hall, where dozens of people, regardless of gender, are being held.

They are all unkempt and have all kinds of scars that have been tortured and tortured. The hands and feet are equipped with the kind of soul force that specifically limits the soul-casting warriors. There is a magnetic needle that penetrates from the shackles and pierces them. In the body of the person, closing their meridians, as long as they dare to run the soul force, these electromagnetic needles will rise when the soul force runs through, piercing their hand and foot meridians, making them unhappy.

Everyone is lost in the room, most of them are empty and empty, and there is even a child who is just half a year old, being held in the hands of a young woman with a shawl, the wow, strong and powerful crying Finally, I injected some energy into this dead dungeon room, which attracted the attention of most people.

"Baby, baby doesn't cry, mother is here..." The young woman holding the baby kept shaking her shoulders, her voice was hoarse, she had not drunk for a few days, and her rich lips were There are countless mouths that have been cracked, no longer glamorous.

"Lai Li Xuejie, is the child hungry?" Heyman is next to the young woman. The weight on her hands and feet is extraordinarily heavy and the model is bigger. After all, it is one of the most talented abilities of Tianjing today. The person is also very careful about her, she wants to reach out and tease the child, but she can't afford it. One of the three beautiful women who once belonged to the Tianjing Academy, nowadays, is also unkempt with other people, and the clothes are gorgeous, no longer the glory of the past.

The young woman is Lei Li. She only sighs when she hears it. She doesn’t know that her child is hungry. She can be held here for almost a month. She doesn’t have three meals, she doesn’t have milk for her.

"It’s useless to blame me!" Kaulby smacked his slap in the side, his eyes full of frustration and remorse.

He and Lei Li participated in the recruit test of the Federal Tactical Unit after the last CHF. They were originally members of the main members of the CHF Asian army. They are very hopeful to stay in the mobile unit, but in the end they still have strength. A little worse, the training was too hard, and was abandoned after taking the initiative. After that, she returned to Tianjing with Lei Li. They married and gave birth to a child. They also became a teaching teacher at Tianjing College. They also gave birth to a child six months ago. This life was originally expected by Kaulby and Lei Li. Otherwise, the mobile unit will not give up easily, but now... If you insist on it at the time, and Lei Li stays in the mobile unit, there may be no disaster today.


There was a loud noise next to it. A tower-like giant man slammed into the wall with a fist. His body was burly, his power was amazing, his soul was naturally, and he was squeaky, and there was a large dust mites from the top of his head. fall. At the same time, the electromagnetic sputum on his hands and feet is also a sensory induction. It can be seen that a white electromagnetic spur suddenly slams out from the shackles and directly pierces the wrists and ankles of the giant man. On the forehead of Juhan, there was a big sweat on the forehead, but it was forced to hold back.

"The hateful Zhao family!" He was unwilling to roar: "This group of beasts, even the children are not willing to let go!"

He spoke out, and many people in the dungeons were screaming with whispers. The so-called Assassin’s embers, there are several here, but they are basically ordinary ones that are not important in the Assassin family. Members, as for others, are a group of people who once had a good relationship with Ma Dong and Wang in Tianjing. Like the sponsors of the Qiqi Society, there are a lot of money, like several key members of the Qigong Society in the Madong period. Wait.

The head of Assassin's embers? The Zhao family couldn’t catch it. It was because they couldn’t catch the top leaders of Assassin that they came up with the way to jump over the wall. They arrested these people for public execution. They wanted to hide in the dark. Ma Dong led out, of course, this kind of thing, Zhao people also know that the possibility of success is minimal, but what about it? Even if you can't lead Ma Dong, you can kill these people and kill the chickens and monkeys. They will warn those who dare to help Assassin in the dark, let them fear and make them afraid, and even let them voluntarily give out the relevant Assin. Everything news.

Heyman took Barron's hand and comforted him: "Without such pessimism, President Green is running around. I heard that Scarlett and Wang Zhong are well mixed in the Holy Land. Maybe President Green will finally have a way to save them. Go out."

"This idea is too naive." A fat man next to him said with a weak voice: "President Green now has some face in the federation, but there is no right to control. The big guys may be polite to Greene Principal, but absolutely I won't offend the Zhao family for him. Besides, the notice has already come down. There are still half an hour to execute the sentence. Hey, let's be dead this time."

This fat man is just a lot of money. He doesn't have the kind of handcuffs and anklets that specifically restrains the soul-casting warrior. He is not a warrior, but he has no longer had the chubby blessing figure before, and he has lost a lot of weight. Qing dynasty, he was the first to be arrested. The last time Ma Dong was arrested after he was released from prison, he was exposed by the warning of his paper, not an innocent disaster.

"If you are rescued, don't count on it. Even if Wang Zhong and Scarlett really have any energy in the Holy Land, Yuanshui can't solve the thirst. Pray, when the prayer is executed, the gun can be fixed, and it is much more sinful." There is no fear, but there is a little playfulness and expectation: "Maybe one day, Wang Zhong really can help us revenge!"

"Yes! We will not die in vain. Wang Zhongxue and Assin will be able to pull up the Zhao family, and they will surely be able to kill the gangs!"

"Wang Zhongsheng is sure to be!"

The people in the dungeon responded, only to hear that the door was opened, and a wretched mustache walked in with a large guard.

The moustache obviously heard the voice of this group of people. At this time, it was just a sneer: "What about the ghosts and crying wolf? Looking forward to the area of ​​Assaxu Yuxi, a district of the soul of the soul to help you revenge? Hey, a bunch of garbage that does not know the sky Go to Huangquan Road and beg for this unrealistic dream, let you go on the road!"

There is a middle-aged man in the center of the square of the Tianjing Forum. His cheeks are clean and he has a shiny big back. Standing in front of the hall of the government hall is like being a star-shaped moon. He is surrounded by the Tianjing Speaker and a group of members. In the center, he was flattering at him.

Zhao Wuji, the third-hand of the Zhao family, the brother-in-law of the Zhao family, is in charge of the most elite Tianlong Guard of the Zhao family. He also controls the punishment of the Zhao family, and the perennial murder of the great power in the control, let him see the whole person. It is not angry and angry, even in the entire federation, Zao Wou-Ki is definitely one of the number one.

The idea of ​​coming to Tianjin to kill chickens and monkeys is that he came out. In fact, he wants to do the old Green, and Old Green has helped Athasin a lot, but he was rejected by the upper class. After all, Scarlett has a large mentor in the Holy City. It’s not a last resort. Zhao’s family absolutely does not want to dare to rip the face with this kind of character. As a result, he has caught such a large group of shrimps and crabs. Zhao Wuji’s face has some regrets. Sigh, I want to be Zhao’s home. What a glory, even now, the Zhao family does not have a big mentor in the Holy City. Although it does not reach the height of Sophia, it is by no means a soft persimmon that can be used by anyone. Because this person is the family of a disciple of Sophia, Zhao Jiazhen is... a generation is not as good as a generation.

Zhao Wuji sighed slightly. There were ten gunmen in charge in front of him who were wiping the Batley sniper rifle in their hands. They had a headshot and no pain. It was also a manifestation of humanity in the federal criminal law.

Most people in the square have grief and dissatisfaction on their faces. The Tianjing people almost accepted the various benefits brought by the last time the college achieved good results in CHF. What was the original Tianjing College’s return to its hometown? Scenery, when various rewards come down, what excitement and glory of the whole Tianjing, Barron, Hayman and even Kaulby, Lai Li, etc., can be the heroes of Tianjing City, and can be turned around. In the meantime, these once-Tianjing heroes have all become prisoners, and they must be executed in public.

Not to mention those relatives and friends who have relationship with these people. Even the most ordinary Tianjing people will feel that their beliefs have been trampled on, not to mention the Zhao Jialai Tianjing arrested Assassin’s embers, of course. It is imperative that the people of Barron are only superficial, and there are more souls that are so dying. People seem to suddenly realize that the dark ages have not passed. For the behemoths like the Zhao family, there is no difference between the ordinary citizens and the mutants in the refugee camps outside the city.

What kind of federal equality, what legal regulations, not naive, these things in the face of real power is simply a piece of empty talk, the Tianjing government at this time not only did not have any sanctions against the Zhao family, but instead They are escorted by various 'just' names, and they are looking for loopholes and loopholes in various legal regulations. The rules are always applicable to the weak.

Dozens of prisoners awaiting execution have been taken to the center of the square. A total of 10 major 'heads' such as Barron, Heyman, Kaulby, Lei Li and Qian Duodu are the first to execute the death penalty. The powerful guards of Kong Wu escorted them to the front and stood side by side. The original crowd suddenly quieted down.

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