Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 62: Very different

"Yes!" Muzi's voice is also full of excitement. In fact, his least favorite is loneliness. Wang Zhong is his best friend. Muzi believes him: "Can we leave now?"

"No hurry." Wang Zhong smiled: "We can still stay a few more days, a rare holiday."

Scarlett originally asked for a ten-day holiday from the tutor. The two did not bother to leave and stayed in Kachillta for several days.

In addition to the daily show of love, Wang Zhong also introduced a lot of things about the Holy Land to Muzi. From the practice system to the distribution of forces, from living habits to underground rules, racial discrimination, traits, social structure, human geography, and extremely detailed, what to say and what to say, Scarlett added again.

Many things are untouched and unheard of, but the ability to absorb and understand is very powerful. As long as it is something that Wang Zhong said, he can definitely remember, even almost understand, and form a series. This is a big child who has not experienced the ordinary world, but can understand the complicated structure of the holy city with such a fast speed. It can only be said that it is really wise and close to the demon.

Of course, Gong Yi and the Red Sister are not idle. Although the town of Kachilta is on track, everyone's goal is not to really build a paradise in the desert. Whether it is Gongyi, Red Sister, Renault, etc., or Wang Zhong, Ma Dong, and the Federation have too many cuts, there is hatred, there is no report, there is no doubt that many things in the Holy Land come to the earth. Will bring innovation.

But Solomon's ability, but also by donating 100,000 troops, barely broke into the upper line of sight, what is Wang Zhong relying on? In a word, he is not qualified to ask for something in the Holy Land, but this does not prevent him from doing other things.

Such as materials, such as technology.

Many common technologies in the Holy City, such as construction, alchemy, enchantment, etc., as long as they are not core things, others are open, and there are no restrictions on learning and teaching, provided that you can afford money. In addition, there are supplies, not to mention the contrasting material shortage of the Tutankhamun Desert, even if it is a material-rich federation, compared with the Holy Land, it is almost a slap in the face, there are many things that are extremely scarce and important for the earth, in the holy The city is actually selling very cheap, as long as there is enough money, almost everything can be bought. The status of the federation and the top ten families on Earth is so stable and the technology is so developed that they are all learned from the Holy Land. They can do it, of course, Wang Zhong can.

Heyiyi has been discussing for two days. Gongyi also listed some of the most urgent needs according to Wang’s ability, such as the space crystal that can be stored, such as the basic knowledge about alchemy and enchantment, and then a batch of holy places. Not very valuable, but materials or materials that are not found on Earth. The dense list was filled with a few large pages. Wang reassessed it. He estimated that he had to kill a lot of Juggernauts to get so many supplies back. This is because of the special price during the war, otherwise under normal circumstances, Wang I feel that even the local tyrant's mentor can't support such a powerful demand. Fortunately, there are also primary and secondary, and some are urgently needed, while others can be slow, but in any case, they have to work hard to make money and work hard to gain military skills.

This jihad is an opportunity for the Empire and Solomon, but it is also the city that has just risen in the desert and the city that never rises.

The ten-day holiday seems to be long, but in the eyes of Scarlett and Wang Zhong, it is really just a blink of an eye. Although the nostalgia is infinite, the companions are waiting for them on the battlefield of the holy war. It is time to leave. .

When I came, two people went back to three people.

The jihad has a passage to the world of Misobuda, but the return to the earth is that Wang Zhong bought it in the name of the brigade in the holy city, and returned to the holy city directly from the village of Kachilta with Muzi.

Muzi himself is an expert in establishing a transmission channel. Although it is a part of the ability to borrow life and death, its own accomplishment in this respect is absolutely not low. The stable transmission channel that pioneering has opened up is also amazing, as if it is only the first. Days have found something that interests him.

"This transmission is very interesting. It should be a leap. It is much better than the way our empire forcibly uses space theory to go through the dark world. Even...Wang Zhong, is there any token? Can you let me have more? How many times do you feel? I think this will definitely help me in controlling my ability to live and die."

"Haha, why do you feel this way? There is a book explaining the theory in the library of the Holy City. The transmission method is not a top secret skill in the Holy City. If you are interested, then I will help you to make a few detailed transmission methods and folds. The book of Leap Theory comes."

"Is this true? God, such precious knowledge and technology! Actually..." Muzi marveled, feeling that the impoverishment of the empire had limited his imagination. If this technology is in the empire, I am afraid it will be Its owner is desperate in his arms.

"Get used to it, there are a lot of things you can't think of here."

"Yeah!" Muzi is very happy.

"I think Muzi is very suitable for the enchantment teacher." Scarlett thinks that anyway, he likes to engage in the formation of the array, and seems to have an inseparable relationship with the enchantment.

Muzi also has some yearnings. He has seen the human enchantment in the fifth dimension more than once. He is obviously a very weak person, but he can do a lot of things that the strong can't do through complicated enchantment:" If you have the opportunity, you must learn!"

The bones are not born to be lonely, Muzi is scared by the encounter, but Wang Zhong’s words really gave him a possibility, and Aeolos also said that he needs to join the WTO.

Wang Zhong left the ten days, but there was no major event in the northern battlefield. The basic reason was that it was in a relatively remote and remote place in Misobuda. The military’s propulsion movement was relatively stable and conservative, so the progress was slow. Reasonable. The reinforcements for the holy city have also entered a gap period for the time being, mainly because the reinforcements are in the southern battlefield. I heard that the frictions of various small legions are constantly there, and the Miso Budabi people have already had at least two or three million people. The above-mentioned large-scale encounters have been carried out, and the fragmented battles are constantly changing, and the personnel losses are very fast.

The transmission array established in the north is basically transported by materials, so that Wang Zhong, Scarlett and Muzi are actually sent along with a pile of goods, but it is not targeted. In the morning, when there are only three of them, there is no need to use the authority to make a special line. The resources given by the military are a kind of preferential treatment, but it can save or save a little. Although the cargo delivery channel is not so particular, it is a little uncomfortable, but it is a matter of seconds.

It was just a little bit of a slap in the eye, which immediately attracted a lot of people’s attention. After the wandering brigade got the recruitment right, Wang Zhong immediately returned to the holy city. This is what many brigades know, envy and hate. At the same time, it is also a bit of a optimistic psychology. Everyone knows that the wandering brigade is just a few people, and all of them can come. The rest are either the garbage saints who have not reached the peak for several years, or the whiteboard newcomers who are rooted in the roots. Wang Zhong himself is in the holy city. Can you recruit a ghost without knowing other people?

This is not, really special to recruit a ghost, nigga!

Some of the wandering brigades, the unhappy kings, when they got the news, almost didn’t laugh out loud. For the way the wandering brigade rises, frankly, most of them are unhappy, especially in the ninety-nine I think that Wang Zhong is a leak, plus the nepotism of the big mentor, can not convince the public, plus some awkward, waiting to see a lot of people who are stray.

Once a person's hierarchy is clear, all kinds of discrimination are naturally inevitable, and humans have been like this since ancient times. This was the case with the Sunshine Age, which was only divided into threes and sixs, etc., not to mention that after entering the darkness, even people can become the age of God with the heavens and the earth!

The class level in the Holy City is much clearer and more rigorous than the Sunshine Age. Aside from the personal strength, the federal people are obviously the darling of human beings. The Holy Master is the federal and now in the Holy City. The members of the Presbyterian Church, whose members were originally from the Federation, had to pay attention to blood. Among the federal people, the top ten families are not enough to see, and there are more ancient and more noble bloodlines, but people have long since not used the Earth as the foundation, so that the top ten families are on the earth. But in general, the top ten families are also included in the emerging forces of some holy places. They are also the second echelon. They are quite dominant in terms of birth. They are popular, politically high, and are naturally trusted and favored by the top...

Secondly, I am afraid that it is a dimension. They are more loyal to the Holy City than the top ten families in the Holy City. They are only because of their birth. After all, the ancestors are following others into the holy city. People, this makes it harder for them to have a starting point that people value compared to the top ten families. They all say that the Dimensional people don’t have to swear, you just need to look at him with a scorn, and say 'after the next person', People of all dimensions will fight with you, this is the stain in their conscious life.

Downward, it is the newly emerging Caesar Empire. With this Solomon's creation, the imperial people who had no place at all in the Holy City can stand up, and the momentum they set off is very fierce. The jihad was smooth, and the follow-up performance of the Caesars was as strong as ever. After that, maybe the Caesars could directly cross the dimension and enter the second echelon of the holy city.

Further down, it is the ordinary indigenous people of the earth, the aliens, the slaves, and so on. As for the Tutankhamun blacks... really, it feels worse than the aliens and the indigenous people. Is Tutankhamun not the only one in the legend who saw a federalist who could not wait for the lower limit?

Can such people actually come to the Holy Land? Can you also participate in jihad? Or Wang Zhong, who suddenly became the head of the Wandering Brigade, was privileged to return to Earth to recruit?

Many people can't help but laugh at the belly, you see him carrying the coffin! Is this special to participate in a holy war, is it ready for even your own coffin in the morning? What a wonderful thing!

After the innocence of the penalty, the people who were extremely unbalanced and did not dare to go to Wang’s troubles finally recovered a little sense of superiority. The person who said this in front of Wang Zhong’s face certainly did not, but the discussion behind it. It’s really a wave of high waves, and recruiting black people has become a new buzzword in the brigade.

But obviously this does not include the wandering brigade.

In this group of people, small eyes, Oscars, seals and even numbers have all seen Muzi, and it is more than seen. It is the savior of Oscar. At that time, in the tree demon forest, there were people who were going to die. The people of Muzi were able to help them, and they did not leave any sequelae. This means is simply to let the wandering brigade Heaven and man.

This is absolutely the same as God! Don't say that Muzi is a god, and you can go over the whole group of the wandering brigade with the dog. The seventh-order dimension creature is a pet, and when you have nothing to do, you still have to throw a bone to play with it. Then ask who else? !

"Big, big, big... great god!" Even the excited voices were stuttering.

Oscar and others were a little helpless. I didn't expect that the person brought back by Wang Zhong was Muzi.

Wang Zhong smiled and helped me: "Everyone is a brigade in the future. You guys, Muzi will be embarrassed."

"A brigade?!" Everyone was surprised.

I know that Wang Zhong is looking for a helper, but I didn’t dare to think of finding such a big god. I thought that Wang Zhong just wanted to make a big So I’m looking for a big **** to come and see. Can you listen to this, is the Great God ready to stay?

"Of course!" Wang said with a smile: "Muzi will take root here after we have, and wait until the end of the holy war."

"Yeah!" The whole group was suddenly a jubilant. Let's not say that Muzi's pets have amazing fighting power, not to mention that Muzi God itself may have amazing killings, so that the great gods saved the Oscars and joined the gods. That is to give more life to the people of the whole brigade!

When everyone is excited, Wang Zhongcai asks about the progress of the practice of the soul circuit in the past ten days.

The effect is quite good. On the one hand, the practice of the soul circuit itself is not too complicated. Grae only spent half of the night to fully comprehend it. In total, there are three kinds of circuits, and the big gang of the wandering brigade is even poor. Some even-numbered people have at least been able to form a soul circuit in the body in the last two days. Everyone learns almost all of the power loops. The attack on both ends of the attack and defense is very high, and the practicality is the strongest. As long as it is formed in the body, it is almost the same as the invincible mode that has been opened for a short period of time. The power of the shot is at least improved under normal conditions. 30% to 50%.

However, this new combat mode has a little bit of control for Oscar and others. On the one hand, the speed of forming a soul circuit is slow, and on the other hand, it is because of the brainless battle mode that has long been used to the soul of the soul. Suddenly this change made them very uncomfortable. Just like a person who used to write with his right hand, you suddenly let him write with his left hand, can't you write it? It is not a serious imbalance between the left and right brains. It is still possible to write slowly, but that is how to write how awkward. But what if it is a child with a white paper? From the first day he learned to write, he was allowed to write with his left hand, and there was no habitual obstacle at all.

So the biggest and fastest-growing two newcomers.

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