Battle Frenzy

Chapter 89: Bear dominates the world

I have nothing to look at for the expression packs of Arno's and Allor's two idiots.

At this time, the Jura on the field seemed to be a bit tricky and forced to a dead end.

There was a glare in the eyes of Bunyer.

What soul beast has a problem?

Not important!

As an experienced reloading, I will never underestimate my opponent. In fact, even if I call this time, it is useless. He has his own way of dealing with the soul beast. After all, it is not as flexible as a warrior. It only needs to be restrained and not destroyed. Just defeat Lola. The soul beast will disappear.

Frankly speaking, he thought from beginning to end that this kind of soul beast can't stand this!

Blocking Lola's inflamed punch, Barton suddenly slammed the overweight shield, and the violent force directly flew out the Lola, and the empty door opened.

With reloading, this is the most brainless thing!

Bunyer Barton’s body flashed a dazzling golden glow!

The Austin Legion rushed in!

Bunyer Barton seems to be transformed into a fierce missile. It flashes in the blink of an eye and sees everyone sighing and breathing. This is a special trick, and it is no different from being hit by a high-speed train!

The reloading attack is only one time, simple and effective, direct and fatal.

Lola, who had been hit by flying, had no counterattack force at all, but Lola smiled at this time.

His own empty boxing is still not mature.

But victory is another matter.



In everyone's ears, there is only the roar of the torn soul, and the unforgettable sense of sight.

The sturdy Austin Shield is like a piece of paper with a shield bursting...

A four-and-five-meter-high flame blasting bear patted his chest and looked around for enemies, but the enemy had fallen.

At this point, Lola gently landed, recruited beckoning, the tyrant bear in the world, immediately like a puppies, nodded, nodded and squatted at the foot of Lola.

Lola gently touched the head of the blasting bear. The flame blasting bear squinted and enjoyed it very much. The big nose smashed on the Lola trousers.

The audience is silent, what is this trick?

The horrible heavy-loaded warrior was actually second in a moment? ? ?

Is this the killer of Lola? ? ?

The tearing of Barton is not a bursting bear. The flame bursting bear has not yet shot, but Lola summons the remnant power generated by the bursting bear from high latitude to the world in a flash, and the impact of the bursting bear on the moment.

As long as you hit, the moment will kill!

Can be called magic!

The entire arena is boiling, this is the power of the goddess, there are value, talent, and hard work, the most horrible and savvy, this is simply not to give the opponent a living!

How can you come up with such a tactical skill!

When everyone concentrated on the soul beast itself, Lola thought of another angle, using the power bursting power generated by the flame bursting bear.

This Nima, as long as Lola pinches this trick, any melee will detour.

"God, let me be that bear!"

"The happiest thing in the world is the bear!"

"Goddess, do you need a humanoid dog!"

............ But even in the face of such top-notch combat skills, the comments of the partners are quickly slammed.

A war of attrition makes Lola more **** and glamorous at this time, and the scene of beauty and beast can add a different kind of wildness.

At this time, Arnold and Anlor’s face were not happy at all. This is the horror and warfare technique of their blood and tears. The most terrible thing is that the captain’s ideas are especially numerous, and one after the other. It’s scary to think about it.

Who knows who is touched by the bear!

Wang Zhong and others thought that Grace would teach you some practical experience and skills. As a result, he was doing physical training for a whole month. Every day, he had to face big madness and two madness. Grace basically didn’t show up, about half a month. Everyone has adapted to this rhythm, even Emily can handle the load with great ease, but everyone wants Grace to teach them their skills. The poor Marcos brothers have not shot, it seems to be so boring training. in the end.

The soldiers in the warlord's branch are a bit unbearable. They like to play against each other. They hate this boring training. But Barron is in it. He needs such an atmosphere too much to strengthen his control of his body. Besides training, as long as he has the strength, Just slamming against the wall, which made everyone's impression of him even deeper.

No one expected that the training of the month ended. The female devil turned to everyone for a holiday. To be honest, the first reaction of everyone, this is a routine, there must be any conspiracy, until I get back to the college by car, I feel a nightmare. It is over now.

Grace only left a sentence, the first month is the simplest, the latter is the training, let everyone think carefully.

The four people of Qixi Society did not have much thoughts. Wang Zhong and Barron all regarded this training as a chance to change. Emily is a very easy-to-inspired person. Naturally, they are not far behind. The self-esteem is overwhelming, and others can do it, she will definitely try to do it.

As for Gry, he doesn't seem to care. Follow the team. Wang he does what they do. He does what it does. This level of strength is not a challenge. Although it is a new student, the strength is hard. Everyone knows that the selection of Gle is a foregone conclusion.

Only after experiencing the outside world will you understand how beautiful the city is.

Ma Dong looked at the four people with a stunned look. "How long have you not had enough to eat, Emily, eat slowly."

Four people gorged, that is, Glyn was also a little more elegant, and the other three people had completely ignored the image.

"Cousin, you really should go to participate, it will have a very important impact on your people." Emily said ambiguously.

Ma Dong looked at four people. Even Emily had many scars on her body. For a girl who loves beauty, this is a very deadly thing, but Emily obviously does not care about this little thing. Wang Zhong and Gry is still a little like a personal, Barron... Maybe they have no gaps. After a month, I didn’t see it. It’s like Ma Dong’s look at the Balun.

Ma Dong couldn't help but wondered about their life this month. He just opened his head. Ma Dong had already put down his chopsticks. This...Nima can't eat anymore, God bless, he is so wise, I have long felt that Grace is not a good person. As a frontline fighter, Green’s dean has been transferred back and forth. It’s definitely not a joke. I just didn’t expect this female devil to be so ferocious.

(Partners, ask for a referral ticket on Monday, thank you all!)

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