Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 21: ghost? Illusion?

() "Let's be here, as a grave is good." Sele Kate looked at Muzi, and the magical life and death.

Muzi smiled slightly, revealing his white teeth. "I can't beat you, so I have another person to play with you."

There was a sneer in the corner of Sele Kate. He didn't feel anyone hiding, and no one could hide him in the desert. "The whole Tutankhamun has a master I don't know?"

"If it is not Tutankhamun?"

The space flickered, and a figure filled with golden souls came out and shone like the sun.

Aiolos took a fist and looked at Sele Kate, revealing a more brilliant smile. "I hope it is a fight!"

The fists of the world slammed toward Sele Kate, and even Kachintan, who was far apart, could feel the same battle.

The peak match between the two souls is a disaster. The red sister is taking care of Gongyi and Renault., then they will die together, and Huangquan is not lonely.

The earthquake lasted for about an hour, and Aylos spit out the spit of sand. "Hey, you can make a fart!"

The sand was born and died, Muzi came out, shrugged helplessly, and the monster was not seen in the soul of the heavens. He really doubted whether Aeolos was not dead. Anyway, the poor tsar was finished, but the head was playing. A bit broken, but after coming to this time, Kachiltan will be calm for a long time.

Somewhere in the fifth dimension, the volley of the tenth day, the golden wind raged, a wind column skyrocketed, disintegrating the golden clouds in the air, the cloud cooled, and a nail-sized gold bead fell with a thunderstorm. In the valley, on the grasslands, they are all pieces of gold.

But very soon, these gold, under the roast of ten suns, turned into a golden gold-plated river, screaming on the ground, rolling toward a golden sea.

This is the sea of ​​liquefied metal. After the high temperature melts the metal, it rolls and bumps here, sinks heavily, and floats lightly. The lighter metal vapor rushes to the sky and turns into a golden cloud... ...

In the rolling sea of ​​metal, a golden light flashed through, and a large fish with a golden luster suddenly jumped up. It changed rapidly in the air. A golden wind swirled around it and gave it to all directions, so the big fish It turned into a golden bird with a shining body. It made a loud tweet, and the ten suns in the sky fluttered. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a black spot among the sun, like a flare.

This is a country of metal life, and it is also a world of the metal of the sacred land. In the sacred land, only those who have sufficient effect and power on the holy land may get such an opportunity. This is not a golden country. This is the case in the metal world.

Although golden, their composition is not the gold of traditional meaning.

"The Mohist's hand stretches very long, and it also has a relationship here."

A faint sigh of sound, abruptly sounded in a metal wasteland, the striated lines flashed, and the four figures were suspended under the protection of a striated pattern.

"At the time of early conquest, the Mohist family was the Lord's, and it was a bit of a friendship."

These four people, not others, are the Mohist and his entourages that Wang Zhong had encountered in the life and death circles before, the masters of the masters, the old masters of the ink, and the two questions of Mo Wen and Mo Xingchen.

Booming, the ground suddenly trembled, and a golden tree grew out from the ground. These golden trees quickly emerged from nothing, and in the golden wind, they deformed again and turned into a personal appearance, the golden man!

The hand of Mo Jiu was lifted up, and in his hand, it was a golden slate!

Seeing the golden slate in the hands of Mojiu, the golden man who grew out of the biggest golden tree stepped forward to the front of Mojiu, and opened his empty mouth and voice, but it was sent from its belly. Come out: "Mu Jiu... I haven't seen you for a long time, you haven't died yet."

Mo Jiu laughs and laughs, "Buffett, you are still alive, how can I die, this time I am bringing people to complete the contract, I hope you can help us get the strongest soul guard."

The gaze of Buffett’s leader, Buffett, passed through the ink nine, directly ignoring Lao Du, and fell on Mo Wen and Mo Xing Chen.

Mo Wen and Mo Xing Chen felt the incomparable pressure instantly. The golden leader looked at them so seriously. This line of sight is like two hot lasers!

This is not a metaphor, but a fact. Ink asked a low snoring. Ink Star also licked his lips tightly. Both of them sweated like rain and tried their best to resist the gaze of the golden leader.

For a long time, the golden man’s lord took back his heavy gaze, and the stomach made a harsh sound of metal rubbing against each other. This time, it was not the exchange with the ink nine, but the other golden people who were behind him retreated. Soon, one The golden people who had just grown out of the big film immediately turned into a golden tree, and then disappeared into the ground and disappeared.

Only the golden leader still stayed.

Mo Jiu knows that there is no problem in ink questioning, but the real permission is still relieved. "How, we are the genius of the Mohist century."

Buffy nodded. "This power is a curse. You humans never understand."

The golden kingdom wants to survive. It also needs allies. It needs people who speak for them in the holy land. The wisdom of the golden people is quite high, but the races that can quickly learn foreign languages ​​are not too bad.

"The two little dolls don't listen to him," said Du, coldly, and then said: "First of all, the gold slate is a real artifact, and it does not belong to the fifth dimension, but from the The five-dimensional and higher-dimensional objects were first studied by the Holy Master. There are 12 pieces, the first order of Jinmu Shuihuo, the second order of darkness and light, the third order of space and destiny, and order. And chaos, and finally the fourth-order master, this is also the origin of the holy land war chess, but the twelve slabs have never been completed."

"The only problem is the robbery, ink asked, come here, I will ask you again, really want to be clear?"

Ink asked a calm face, nodded, "Do not enter the tiger's nest and get a tiger!"

Du Boss stretched out his thumb, and he liked to ask this singer, screaming at the enemy, being even more embarrassed to himself, absolutely a monster.

Under the leadership of the golden leader, through a horrible level, finally, a magnificent natural altar appeared in front of them.

In the moment of seeing this natural altar, Lao Lao, who has been a leisurely old man, burst into a violent flame in his eyes. He widened his eyes and looked at the natural altar in an inch. There was no trace of artificial architecture. Naturally, the altar is divided into five areas by five colors of metal. Each area has different enchantment patterns. Old Du greedily remembers the texture of these enchantments.

The golden leader stood there motionless. For the Jin people, the meaning of time is really small. Although they can't achieve true eternal life, their life expectancy is indeed much longer than that of human beings.

Lao Du’s half-sounding sound is also awe-inspiring, but it’s not deep, because he has not enough vitality to immerse himself, and it’s a bit sighing. That threshold is enough to make the once powerful man sigh.

"Get started, ink asks, completely release yourself, and I will support you with Lao Jiu. As for what kind of soul guards can be summoned, you will see your fate and destiny."

Ink asked nod, no fear, on the road of pursuing power, he is open, and can die in the evening!

The energy of the altar began to surge, and the golden slate was also filled with faint light. This is a slate that represents the gold of the Five Elements.

The energy gathered on the boiling altar, and the ink asked himself to feel like a boat in the stormy waves, helpless and weak.

However, the inner heart of Mo Wen is extremely firm, letting you blow in the wind, I am not moving.

Mo Jiu and Du Boss constantly input the soul force and carefully maintain the thoroughness of the ink question. This contract is completely accommodating and may fail, or it may be very tasteless.

However, with the giant soul guards that emerged from the golden light, the eyes of Mo Jiu and Du Boss showed incredible light.

Is this OK?

It’s a week since Murphy’s departure. Wang Zhong completely ignores the outside world. There is no such thing as a hot name. Because of the strength, the average person does not dare to provoke him. He is happy, but he is clean. The progress of cell cosmology is still not great. Wang Zhong also realizes that it is impossible to build a car behind closed doors. On the soul circuit, there is a certain understanding. Just like the mechanical language of the old civilization, the complex circuit also has a basic circuit.

Wang Zhong's own set of circuits has three basic foundations: power loop, speed loop, and agile loop.

The power loop determines the strength of the attack and defense. The speed loop determines the speed of the movement. The agile loop determines the speed and flexibility of the reaction. The combination of the three loops has the potential to diversify the attack pattern and even create a unique Belong to your own way of fighting.

Wang Zhong’s current situation is almost the same as that of his salary. He has mastered two major tools, one is to dominate the law like The advantages and disadvantages are obvious. Once you encounter the same type, it is hard to say whether this advantage exists. After all, the holy land is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the second is the Soul. After understanding the situation of the Soul, Wang Zhong also has a clear understanding. These two weapons can be used as auxiliary for the battle, but his own combat system is the key. It is also the winning point in the future when encountering a strong enemy.

Wang Zhong wants to talk to Lao Zhang, even if it is the soul of the disaster, it is also the soul of the soul, and as a predecessor of the Holy Land, his vision must be more accurate, this is not available in Aeolos, Aeolos It may be more powerful, but he has his own way of practice and strength. Simply put, a strong person is not necessarily a good teacher.

Recently, Lao Zhang seems to be very busy. He didn’t see him on the lake several times in the weekend. The strange thing is that other people in this lake can’t get in, and the last time he went, the lake disappeared, as if there had been no Wang Zhong also worried that Lao Zhang was not in trouble. Later, he asked Oscar to ask. As an old saint, he did not know that there was such a place. He even thought that Wang Zhong was not mad, and it was impossible in the Holy Land. There is such a place that will not be allowed.

It’s a bit of a hairy hair, is it a ghost?

(Three more completed, New Year's Day holiday three times a day, seeking the first guaranteed monthly ticket support, thank you!!!)

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